Based on your responses, the online survey may not necessarily ask you all of the questions in this document.


Annual and Preparedness Report
Capability Survey

Essential Services Provider


I1_What is the name of your organisation?

I3_Please enter the details of your organisation's contact person





To see a full copy of the survey, download PDF here: this URL

This PDF of the survey will allow you to see the range and type of questions asked prior to final completion. This will allow you to plan and organise input from the relevant areas within your organisation. Feel free to browse the document before you begin.

Note: Based on your responses, the online survey may not necessarily ask you all of the questions in the downloaded PDF.

The survey must be submitted online.

You should be considering all relevant hazards when answering survey questions.

Essential Services Provider

A.1. Risk assessment

Q01_To what extentdoes your organisation have the skillsto conduct emergency management risk assessments (ISO 31000/NERAG/Western Australia Emergency Risk Management Guide compliant)?

Unsure / No
skills / Very limited skills
(i.e. EXTENSIVE limitations in
and/or capacity etc.) / Limited
MAJOR limitations in
and/or capacity etc.) / Some
(i.e. MODERATE limitations in
and/or capacity etc.) / Substantial skills
MINOR limitations in
and/or capacity etc.) / Comprehensive skills
(i.e. sufficient resources, and capacity at all levels)

NOTE: As required in Section 3.2.6 of the State EM Policy


Q02_1_For which hazards has your organisationconducted and documented emergency management risk assessments (ISO 31000/NERAG/Western Australia Emergency Risk Management Guide/BRMP (bushfire only) compliant)?

Air Crash / MULTI CHOICE Multi answer
Animal and Plant Biosecurity
Brookfield Rail Crash Emergencies (Freight rail)
Electricity Supply Disruption
Gas Supply Disruption
Hazardous Materials Emergencies [HAZMAT]
Human Epidemic
Land Search
Liquid Fuel Supply Disruption
Marine Oil Pollution
Marine Transport Emergency
Marine Search and Rescue [MARSAR]
Nuclear Powered Warships
Rail Crash PTA
Road Crash
Space Re-entry Debris [SPRED]
Terrorist Act
Other (please describe)

QU02_1_ Comment

Q03_To what extent are the findings of these risk assessments used (e.g. to improve your processes or implement treatments)?

Unsure / Not
used / Very limited
use / Limited
use / Some
use / Substantial use / Comprehensiveuse

QU03_Please describe examples of how these findings are used.

B.1. Sector information sharing

Q05_1_3_ Does your organisation shareinformation about the individual risks with these stakeholders:

State government agencies / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Local governments / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Other Business/Industry / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Communities / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing


Note* Examples of vulnerable elements may include, but are not limited to: social groups such as the elderly, culturally and linguistic diverse groups, endangered species, areas of scientific significance, essential services, critical assets etc.

Q05_2_3_ Does your organisation share information about vulnerable elements with these stakeholders:

State government agencies / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Local governments / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Other Business/Industry / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Communities / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing


Essential Services Provider

Q05_3_3_ Does your organisation share information about treatment options with these stakeholders:

State government agencies / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Local governments / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Other Business/Industry / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing
Communities / Unsure / No sharing / Very limited sharing / Limited sharing / Some sharing / Substantial sharing / Comprehensive sharing


Essential Services Provider

C.1. Horizon Scanning

Q06_1_ To what extent does your organisation keep informed of best practice through review of recent hazard information (such as research, journal articles or reports) that may affect your area of operation/jurisdiction?

Unsure / No
review / Very limited review / Limited review / Some review / Substantial review / Comprehensivereview


Q07_To what extent does your organisation monitor incidents and/or events that may be relevant to your organisation/region occurring:

Intrastate / Unsure / No monitoring / Very limited monitoring / Limited monitoring / Some monitoring / Substantial monitoring / Comprehensive monitoring
Interstate / Unsure / No monitoring / Very limited monitoring / Limited monitoring / Some monitoring / Substantial monitoring / Comprehensive monitoring
International / Unsure / No monitoring / Very limited monitoring / Limited monitoring / Some monitoring / Substantial monitoring / Comprehensive monitoring

QU07_ Comment/Example

Essential Services Provider

C.2. Lesson Management

Q08_To what extent does your organisation evaluate its performance following anincident,emergency or exercise?

Unsure / No
evaluation / Very limitedevaluation / Limitedevaluation / Someevaluation / Substantialevaluation / Comprehensiveevaluation


Q09_To what extent does your organisation assess and/or amend its plans, processes or procedures based upon the findings of:

N/A / Unsure / No assessment/amendment / Very limited assessment/amendment / Limited
assessment/amendment / Some
assessment/amendment / Substantialassessment/amendment / Comprehensive assessment/amendment
Recent hazard information (e.g. research, journal articles, reports)
Emergency response
Emergency recovery

NOTE: As suggested in Section 4.12.1 of the State EM Policy

QU09_Please provide an example.

Q09_1_ Are the following processes in place to track the outcomes of amendments made to plans, processes or procedures?

Yes / No / Unsure
Review /  /  / 
Monitor effectiveness /  /  / 


Essential Services Provider

D.1. Public Information

Q10_ Does your organisationprovide information to the public before, during or after an emergency?



If No Is Selected, Then Skip ToRisk Awareness

Q10_A_ To what extent does your organisation have communications personnelavailable:

Unsure / No personnel / Very limited personnel
(i.e. EXTENSIVE limitations in capacity) / Limitedpersonnel
(i.e. MAJOR limitations in capacity) / Somepersonnel
(i.e. MODERATE limitations in capacity) / Substantialpersonnel (i.e.
MINOR limitations in capacity) / Sufficient personnel
(i.e. capacity at all levels)

QU10_A_ Comment

Q10_B_2_How does your organisation provide emergencyand/or hazard information to the public - Traditional Media

Public information relating to prevention, preparedness, recovery
Yes / No
Radio /  / 
Television /  / 
Newspapers /  / 
SMS/ Text messaging /  / 
Bulk email /  / 
Websites /  / 


Essential Services Provider

Q10_B_4_How does your organisation provide emergency and/or hazard information to the public - Social Media

Public information relating to prevention, preparedness, recovery
Yes / No
Facebook /  / 
Twitter /  / 
Instagram /  / 
YouTube /  / 
RSS /  / 
Other (Please describe in comments box) /  / 

QU10_B_4 _Other/Comment

Q10_B_5_How does your organisation provide emergency and/or hazard information to the public- Localmedia

Public information relating to prevention, preparedness, recovery
Yes / No
Billboards /  / 
Roadside Indicators /  / 
Signage /  / 
Newsletters /  / 
Pamphlets/brochures /  / 
Public talks/meetings /  / 
Other (Please describe in comments box below) /  / 


Q10_C_2_ Are procedures in place to ensure that the emergency and/or hazard information provided is:

Yes / No / Unsure
Coordinated with other agencies /  /  / 
Timely /  /  / 
Reliable /  /  / 
Actionable /  /  / 


If ‘Yes’ or ‘Unsure’ is selected, the appropriate sub questions below will be displayed

QU10_D_a_Whatdoesyour organisation do to ensure this information is reliable?

QU10_D_b_Whatdoes your organisation do to ensure this information is actionable?

Q10_E_Are there procedures in place to ensure thatthe public information provided is:

Yes / No / Unsure
Clear /  /  / 
Consistent /  /  / 
Accessible /  /  / 

QU10_E_ Comment

If ‘Yes’ or ‘Unsure’ is selected, the appropriate sub questions below will be displayed

QU10_E_a_Howdoes your organisation ensure the public information is clear?

QU10_E_b_Howdoes your organisation ensure the public information is consistent?

QU10_E_c_Howdoes your organisation ensure the public information is accessible?

Q10_F_To what extent does the public information caterfor:

Culturally and linguistically diverse groups / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Most / All
People with a disability/special needs / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Most / All
People with lower skills in literacy and numeracy / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Most / All
The elderly / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Most / All
Tourists / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Most / All
Other (please describe in comments box below) / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Most / All


D.2. Risk awareness and understanding

QU11_2_ How do you ensure that the community knows what to do during an emergency?

Essential Services Provider

E.1. Land use planning

Your organisation has no questions in this section of the survey.

E.2. Ecosystem management

Q14_ Doesyour organisation have a role in managing the natural environment?




If “No” Is Selected, then skip to Infrastructure Protection

*Note: The natural environment can provide natural buffers that mitigate the impacts of hazards and protect the community. Examples include:

  • Mangroves or wetlands that may mitigate floodingor storm surge
  • Vegetation to protect against slope instability
  • Dune systems that maymitigate coastal erosion

Q14_A_To what extent are natural buffers* that may aid community protection:

Identified / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Substantial / Comprehensive
Protected / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Substantial / Comprehensive
Maintained and/or enhanced / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Substantial / Comprehensive
Monitored / Unsure / None / Very limited / Limited / Some / Substantial / Comprehensive


Essential Services Provider

E.3. Infrastructure protection

Q15_2_ Does your organisation identify the likely impact hazards might have on:

Yes / No / N/A / Unsure
Critical infrastructure /  /  /  / 
Important community assets /  /  /  / 


Q16_2_ Does your organisation have plans in place to protect:

N/A / Unsure / No plans in place / Plans are either old, OR in the early stages of development, OR have considerable doubts about their current viability / Some work completed but requires further work to develop, test, verify and/or embed in the organisation / Informal and/or untested plans in place, but with a high degree of confidence they will be effective, OR, formal and/or tested plans but with further work identified as needed / Formalised plans, tested, mostly effective, mostly reliable, and largely embedded within the organisation / Formalised plans, tested, effective, reliable, and embedded within the organisation
Critical infrastructure
Important community assets
Residential property
Assets supporting livelihood

NOTE: As outlined in Section 5.1.4 of the State EM Policy - StateStrategic Control Priorities.


Essential Services Provider

E.4. Essential services protection

Q17_ Does your organisation have plans to protect the continuity of:

For your organisation / For the community
Yes / No / N/A / Unsure / Yes / No / N/A / Unsure
e.g. contingency of power systems /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Telecommunications /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
e.g. potable water provisions /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
e.g. toilets/portaloos /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Road networks
e.g. alternative routes identified /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Fuel /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Food distribution /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Shelter/accommodation /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Local GovernmentServices /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 


Essential Services Provider

E.5. Minimise single points of failure

*Note:‘Single points of failure’is part of system that if it fails will stop the entire system from working. This may reflect critical interdependencies or have the potential to cause cascading failure of other systems.

Examples of single points of failure may include:

  • one-road accesses
  • limited personnel with certain expertise levels/expertise in a certain software etc.
  • series circuits
  • no redundancies within a network
  • no backup of data etc.

Q18_ Has your organisation identified potential single points of failure* in these areas:

Yes / No / N/A / Unsure
Power /  /  /  / 
Telecommunications /  /  /  / 
Water /  /  /  / 
Sewerage /  /  /  / 
Road Networks /  /  /  / 
Critical assets /  /  /  / 
Key personnel/expertise /  /  /  / 
Information Technology /  /  /  / 
Other /  /  /  / 


The following questions will be displayed if ‘Yes’ or ‘unsure’ is given for the relevant single point of failure

Q18_A_a_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for power?

Q18_A_b_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for telecommunications?

Q18_A_c_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for water?

Q18_A_d_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for sewerage?

Q18_A_e_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for road networks?

Q18_A_f_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for critical assets?

Q18_A_g_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for key personnel/expertise?

Q18_A_h_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of a single point of failure for information technology?

Q18_A_i_What strategies does your organisation use to mitigate and/or minimise the impacts of otheridentified single points of failure?

E.6. Remoteness planning

*Note:Remote areas are those places that are difficult to access. They can include remote Aboriginal communities, pastoral stations,offshore communitiesetc.

Q19_To what extent does your organisation consider emergencies that occur in remote areas*when conducting emergency planning?

N/A / Unsure / No arrangements in place / Arrangements are either old, OR in the early stages of development, OR have considerable doubts about their current viability / Some work completed but requires further work to develop, test, verify and/or embed in the organisation / Informal and/or untested arrangements in place, but with a high degree of confidence they will be effective, OR, formal and/or tested arrangements but with further work identified as needed / Formalised arrangements, tested, mostly effective, mostly reliable, and largely embedded within the organisation / Formalised arrangements, tested, effective, reliable, and embedded within the organisation


Essential Services Provider

E.7. Business continuity planning

Q20_Doesyour organisation have a business continuity plan?



Note*Business Continuity Plans are widely considered best practice and are encouraged. For those to whom it is applicable, business continuity planning isundertaken in accordance with Treasurer’s Instruction 825 Risk Management and Security, issued under the Financial Management Act 2006.


If No Is Selected,Then Skip ToQ21_ Do you engage with business/industry to encourage them to have business continuity plans?

Q20_A_Does your business continuity plan consider

Yes / No / N/A / Unsure
EM hazard specific risks /  /  /  / 
Strategies for fatigue management /  /  /  / 


Q20_B_How effective is your organisation’s business continuity plan:

Unsure / No plans in place / Plans are either old,OR in the early stages of development, OR have considerable doubts about their current viability / Some work completed but requires further work to develop, test, verify and/or embed in the organisation / Informal and/or untested plans in place, but with a high degree of confidence they will be effective, OR, formal and/or tested plans but with further work identified as needed / Formalised plans, tested, mostly effective, mostly reliable, and largely embedded within the organisation / Formalised plans, tested, effective, reliable, and embedded within the organisation


Q21_ Does your organisation engage with business/industry to encourage them to have business continuity plans?





Essential Services Provider

E.8.Community activities

Your organisation has no questions in this section of the survey.

F.1. People

Q24_5_ To what extent are the emergency management personnel in your organisation trained:

N/A / Unsure / No training / Very limited training
(i.e. EXTENSIVE limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Limited training (i.e. MAJOR limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Some training
(i.e. MODERATE limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Substantial training (i.e. MINOR limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Comprehensive training
(i.e. sufficient resources, skills, and capacity at all levels)
Response personnel
Recovery personnel
Prevention/Mitigation personnel

QU24_5_ Comment

Q24_6_To what extent are the emergency management personnel in your organisation capable:

N/A / Unsure / No
capability / Very limitedcapability
(i.e. EXTENSIVE limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Limitedcapability(i.e. MAJOR limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Somecapability
(i.e. MODERATE limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Substantialcapability (i.e. MINOR limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Comprehensivecapability
(i.e. sufficient resources, skills, and capacity at all levels)
Response personnel
Recovery personnel
Prevention/Mitigation personnel

QU24_6_ Comment

Essential Services Provider

Q24_7_ To what extent are the emergency management personnel in your organisation supported(e.g. commitment at the executive level):

N/A / Unsure / Nosupport / Very limitedsupport
(i.e. EXTENSIVE limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Limitedsupport(i.e. MAJOR limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Somesupport
(i.e. MODERATE limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Substantialsupport (i.e. MINOR limitations in resources, skills, and/or capacity etc.) / Comprehensivesupport
(i.e. sufficient resources, skills, and capacity at all levels)
Response personnel
Recovery personnel
Prevention/Mitigation personnel

QU24_7_ Comment