Teacher Technology Framework
High School
Big Idea: Information, Communication and ProductivityHigh SchoolStudents demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operations of technology systems. Students use technology to learn, to communicate, to increase productivity and become competent users of technology. Students manage and create effective oral, written and multimedia communication in a variety of forms and contexts.
Academic Expectations
1.11 Students write using appropriate forms, conventions, and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes.
1.16 Students use computers and other kinds of technology to collect, organize, and communicate information and ideas.
3.3 Students demonstrate the ability to be adaptable and flexible through appropriate tasks or projects.
6.1 Students connect knowledge and experiences from different subject areas.
6.3 Students expand their understanding of existing knowledge by making connections with new knowledge, skills and experiences.
HS Technology Program of Studies -- Support Document - DRAFT / Page 1 of 34
Teacher Technology Framework
High School
Program of Studies: Understandings / Program of Studies: Skills and Concepts / Knowledge/Skills / Activities/Resources/Projects / Formative AssessmentT-H-ICP-U-1
Students will understand that proficient use of emerging technology is needed for competitive entry into the workforce / T-H-ICP-S-I1
Students will apply, consolidate and extend the skills, knowledge and experiences acquired earlier to exhibit competence in the use of technology / General
- Integrate digital literacy skills
- Navigate to open and save files from different sources (server; USB storage device; etc.)
- Enhance keyboarding skills by using the number keys and numeric key pad efficiently
- Search for a specific item using keyword or topic in the Help Index
- Apply find and replace to change a word or phrase throughout the document
- Print documents in correct orientation (landscape and portrait)
- Use the component of the operating system that helps the user manipulate files and folders to copy, move, rename, delete files and folders
- Develop a system for organizing personal files and folders
- Save and/or convert documents in a variety of formats (.doc, .txt, .rtf, .dot, .docx, .wps, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .tab, .ppt, .pps, etc.)
- Print specific, non-consecutive document pages or a set print area
- Saving and publishing documents as web pages (.html, .xhml)
- Utilize a variety of Toolbars and Menu Items (if using Office 2007 – it is called Ribbons)
- Create, save, save as, print, modify, spell-check, and grammar-check a simple document
- Use a thesaurus to enhance document vocabulary
- Enhance the appearance of a simple document by using centered, right justification, boldfaced, underlined, and italicized text
- Change the default margins and line spacing
- Create a document with headers, footers, and footnotes
- Create a first-line indent and hanging indent
- Use hyperlinks appropriately to link to other documents or to the web
- Use appropriate layout, use of tables, columns, etc.
- Use electronic graphic organizers (e.g. Venn Diagram)
- Create, save, save as, printand modifya simple spreadsheet
- Review basic parts of a spreadsheet (column, row, cell, cell address, etc.)
- Use basic formula using cell referencing ( i.e. = A1+B1-C1)
- Create basic formulas using combination of mathematical symbols (+, -, *, and /) applying order of operations
- Review parts of a function (= sign, function name, argument in parentheses)
- Review range names
- Distinguish between and use of absolute or relative cell reference when appropriate
- Use appropriate functions (i.e. averages, max, min, sum, etc.)
- Enhance the appearance of a spreadsheet by changing fonts, foreground and background colors; merging cells, and centering text across columns
- Format cell data: Percentages, Date, Currency, Decimal places
- Rename worksheet tabs to describe content data within a workbook
- Copy and paste features such as fill command, paste special, etc.
- Manipulate data by using the sort data with multiple criteria or filter options
- Create basic graphs (column, bar, pie, line, scatter)
- Format a chart by manipulating the chart range data
- Modify layout of chart by changing data labels, chart title, legend, etc.
- Copy and paste or move data between multiple sheets
- Insert a spreadsheet and/or chart into a word processing or a presentation document
- Understand the purpose of a database
- Understand difference between a field and a record
- Sort, filter and search a database to retrieve specific information (i.e. Ky. Virtual Library, online databases)
- Apply (Boolean) logical operators to refine searches (e.g. =, <, >, And, Or, Not)
- Analyze data from a given data set and present conclusions
- Apply basic appropriate presentation design with audience in mind (examples - rule of 6, etc.)
- Insert appropriate objects (digital images, sound, charts)
- Use hyperlinks appropriately to link to other documents or to the web
- Use appropriate slide transitions and custom animations
- Use slide show settings
- Print in various formats (presentation, handouts, outline and note)
- Understand the function of hyperlinks and use hyperlinks (text and graphic)
- Navigate from one site to another
- Identify parts of URL (.com, .gov, .edu, .org, .net)
- Use an appropriate search engine to find and narrow searches for specific information
- Create folders to organize Favorites or Bookmarks
Online Software
- Open Office
- Microsoft Office Converters
- Zoho Work Online
- Internet 4 Classrooms
- Open Office
- TutorViaComp Free Online Tutorials
- MS Office 2000
- MicroSoft Templates
- Open Office Templates
Lesson Plans
- Alabama Learning Exchange
- AT&T Education
- Cyber Sleuth Kids
- Intel: Designing Effective Projects
- Kentucky Academy of Technology Integration (KATE)
- Microsoft Education
- National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS):Connecting Curriculum and Technology
- Teachers First
- Thinkfinity
NETS-S Profile for Technology Literate Students (9-12) Activity Ideas
IMMEX (free registration required)
Thinkfinity Student Activities
Scavenger Hunts
- Education World
- Internet Hunt Activities
- Lesson Plan Central Computer Scavenger Hunts
- eField Trips
- Internet4Classrooms
- The Teachers Guide
- Vicki Blackwell’s Virtual Field Trips
- Virtual Field Trips
- Bernie Dodge Webquest Matrix
- The Best Webquests
- Kathy Schrock’s Webquests quest/web quest.html
- Tools for Writing: Word Processing
- Inserting Clipart
- Reference Library
- Power Typing
- Proofreading Symbols
- Write an argument about an issue you are studying.
- Create a newspaper, brochure or webpage about a topic or the time period you are studying.
- Organize information by creating outlines, flowcharts or graphic organizers (Draw Toolbar).
- Peer review using editing and proofreading skills.
- Assign students integrated activities using the various menus and toolbars. Include the following:
- Create, save, save as, print, modify, spell-check, and grammar-check, find and replace, delete, insert, cursor movement, bold, underline, copy, paste, drag and drop, hyperlink, etc.
- Text and document formatting such as setting line margins, page orientation, justification, headers and footers, linespacing, tabs, page breaks, section breaks, creating and formatting tables, text styles, creating a table of contents, diagrams and organizational charts, merging files, saving as a web page, etc.
- Tools for Calculating: Spreadsheets
- Excel Function Formulas
- As an introduction, demonstrate terminology such as spreadsheet, workbook, cell, cell reference, merge, range, fill, formulas, functions, left align button, right align button, center align button, currency style button, print preview button, auto sum button, insert function button, sort ascendingbutton, sort descending button, chart, bar chart, data range, legend, line chart, pie chart, etc.
- Create a table of information using basic arithmetic operations and/or formulas to calculate the information. Cells should be formatted appropriately. Create and print the appropriate graph/chart with titles and labels to represent the information.
- Create performance activity that allows students to demonstrate the use of basic spreadsheet functions to include sum, maximum, minimum, count, average, etc.
- Create and graph a simple spreadsheet (i.e., budgets ( ), grades, temperature variations, living expenses, favorite hobbies, etc.).
- Compare and contrast data using a chart/graph from a class topic.
- Tools for Organizing: Databases
- Ideas to Implement: Database Exercise
- Creating a Database in Access
- Teach-ICT: Databases
- As a class, discuss the role of a database application in school, the workforce, and globally.
- Students will use presentation equipment to introduce terminology such as task pane, field name, field, field, record, database, query, sort, filter,etc.
- Student will create a simple database (i.e., student demographics, video or music collections, etc)
- Students will create form letters and mailing labels from a database.
- Students will us Landmarks for Schools: Raw Data to learn how to search databases for information on a particular subject.
- Rules for Making Presentations
- Embedding Video
- Presenters Online
- Teachnet IE: Creating Your PhotoStory
- Audacity: Free Audio Software
- PhotoFiltre: Photo Editing and Effects
- GIMP: GNU Image Manipulation Program
- GraphicsDEN (Can be used with any graphics program)
- MS Powerpoint: Beyond the Basics
- Zoho Show
- Create a multimedia presentation using a digital camera, scanner, downloaded graphics, sound and/or graphs or charts.
- Use hyperlinks to link to the web or other documents and custom animation to enhance presentation.
- Print in various formats (slides, handouts, outline and note)
- Create a digital storybook on a class topic. ( or )
- Create a project using PhotoStory 3 ( How to ) or Windows Movie Maker 2.1 ( How to )
- Teaching with Powerpoint
- After a creating a presentation, students should present to an authentic audience.
- Student’s create an ad campaign for a new product or develop a new restaurant for community.
- Students compare and contrast today’s cost of living to the 1800’s or 1930’s or other countries.
- Internet Terms
- How Search Engines Work
- Learn the Net: Surf the Web
- Intel: The Internet (Instructional Strategies)
- Intel: The Internet (Explore the Curriculum)
- AT&T Education
- Teacher Tap
- Use the Internet to research a topic or project ( or
- Create a scavenger hunt ( or webquest ( or online for student interaction.
- Discuss the features of Internet Explorer and how to use properly ( ).
- Discuss a URL:
- Discuss the different domain types ( ):
- .gov is a U.S. government site
- .edu denotes an accredited or reputable school, college or university
- .com is a commercial site that is created for a profit or to make money.
- .org is a non-for-profit organization
- .net is a network
- .mil is the military
- Incorporate wiki’s and blogs into the curriculum
Discuss Kentucky Technology Standards for Students and 21st Century Skills with students. Incorporate these skills and standards into formative assessment.
- Kentucky Technology Standards for Students
- 21st Century Skills Framework
Filementality, Immex , Scavenger Hunts, Virtual Field Trips and
Webquests often include an evaluation or rubric.
The following are different types of formative assessment:
- Teacher
- Peer
- Observations
- Conferences
- Question and Answer Sessions
- First Drafts of Work
- Quizzes
- Journals
- Checklists
- Experiments
- Graphic Organizers
- Rubrics
Checklist Maker
- Project Based Learning Multimedia Checklist
- Assessment Resources
- Rubric Builder
- Rubrics for Assessment
- RubiStar
- Teachnology Rubric Maker
- 4Teachers
- All About Drives Quiz
- Big 6 Information Skills
- Example of NETS Achievement Rubric
- Example Proficiency Rubric for wordprocessing, Intenet, and email
- Hardware and Software Quiz
- Quia Shared Activities for Technology
- Oh My Word! It’s a Quiz
- MS Word Quiz
- Wordprocessing Vocabulary
- MS Word Toolbar Exercise
- Writing Guide
- Excel Game
- MS Excel Terms Exercise
- Beginning Databases Terms
- Database Vocabulary Exercise
- Multimedia Project Rubric
- Powerpoint Exercise
- Scoring Powerpoints (Multimedia)
- Graphic Organizers Links
- Interactive Graphic Organizers
- ReadWriteThink
- Teach-nology Graphic Organizers
- KET Encyclomedia (TeacherCenter, Quiz Builder)
- Easy Test Maker
- Classmarker Online Quizzes
Students willuse appropriate technology terminology /
- Demonstrate knowledge of computer system by defining input devices, storage, processing (operating system) and output device
- Demonstrate knowledge of components and functions of a network computer system by defining server, LAN, WAN, network
- Identify and/or use Internet terms (proxy, domain, browser, search)
- Refer to glossary for complete list of terminology
Online Technology Dictionaries:
- Tech Terms
- Webopedia
- Net Dictionary
- Maran
- Students demonstrate knowledge of a computer setup. Use a graphic organizer to help with thought process of each component.
- Students disassemble and reassemble a computer system on a network.
- How Computers Work Webquest
Do You Know Your Computer Terms? Online Exercise
Technology Hangman
Refer to Rubric Makers T-H-ICP-S-I1
Students willapply basic care and maintenance when using technology /
- Use Crlt+Alt+Delete to access task manager to force quit; restart
- Check for loose plugs
- Analyze and troubleshoot software and hardware problems
- Keep computer devices clean and dust free
- Students reboot computer properly for the Task Managers Window (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)
- Students troubleshoot problems with the computer such as making sure all components are turned on/off or cables are securely attached to the appropriate port/outlet.
- Students tips for understanding a computer system
- Students dust/clean equipment using approved cleaning methods
- Computer Components
- Keyboard
- Laptop (video)
- Mouse (video)
Students will explore and analyze the impact of current and emerging technology /
- Understand the digital divide in terms of digital access
- Examine the impact of digital communication in gaming, role-playing, socializing and virtual interactive online environments
- Analyze economic, political, and cultural issues influenced by the development and use of technology
- Explain how emerging technology is exponential and shapes economic factors, cultural influences, and the work force
- GlobalSchoolNet: Linking Kids Around the World
- Thirteen Ed Online: Digital Divide Lesson Plan
- Edsitement Worksheet: Personal Technology Survey
- Technology in the Workforce Webquest
- The Global Economy
- Arts/Humanities
- Students investigate the impact of technology on art/photograph or the music industry.
- English
- Students investigate the impact of technology on the reading and non-reading populations (e-communications) on social forums (i.e., blogs, wikis, and other online social forums.)
- Math
- Students investigate the role of mathematics in online gaming and interactive learning websites.
- Practical Living/Career & Technical
- Students investigate the impact of technology on the corporate world.
- Science
- Students investigate the impact of technology on the medical and research industry.
- Social Studies
- Students investigate global communications and how they impact current and future societies both politically and economically.
- Students will compare/contrast the impact of technology on politics locally, nationally and globally.
Pg. 16 in DC web resources / Refer to T-H-ICP-S-I1
Students will understand that technology allows the exchange of information and ideas to enable participation in the global society / T-H-ICP-S-C2
Students willparticipate in electronic communities (e.g., virtual learning) as learners, initiators, contributors and mentors /
- Participate in online communities (e.g., forum, blog, wikis) to understand various communication tools
- Use a Learning or Course Management System (SharePoint Moodle, word press)
- ePals: Where Learners Connect
- Thinkquest Projects
- Global School Net.org
- NiceNet.org
- The Smithsonian Institute
- Students partner with feeder schools or out of state schools to mentor others via email or webcam.
- SeeT-H-ICP-S-I1 for additional websites
Internet 2 / Refer to T-H-ICP-S-I1
Students will use online collaboration and interactive projects (e.g., email, video conferencing) to communicate with others (e.g., experts, mentors) /
- Participate in local, national or global Internet projects (ThinkQuest, ePals, Global School Net)
- Students of the World
- ePals: Where Learners Connect
- Thinkquest Projects
- Global School Net.org
- Pitsco’s Ask An Expert
- RefDesk.com Ask the Experts
- Learn the Net: The Anatomy of an Email
- Students send and receive e-mail messages.
- Students send e-mail attachments and create an electronic signature.
- Students create a distribution list of teachers or students or project team members.
- Students create folders such as inbox, sent items, deleted items, drafts, and outbox. Students will create folders for their friends, family, and teachers, projects. Students then organize email messages into folders. If appropriate, communicate with students throughout the year using e-mail. Require the students to submit multiple assignments to teacher using e-mail.
- Students use video conferencing to learn more about a subject with an expert or mentor.
- Students use video conferencing to meet and discuss a project with a partner school.