Dear CrossCountry Runner and Parent and/or Guardian,

Hello! We hope that you enjoy your summer. Thank you for showing an interest in CMS crosscountry. We’re looking forward to a great season. As you know August will be just around the corner and that means the start of the 2012 Cross Country Season. Please feel free to recruit any of your friends who may be interested in joining the team.

Official practice begins Monday, August 6, 2012. Practice is Monday-Fridayfrom 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Parents, please pick up your athlete at 9:00 a.m. If there is a problem with this practice time, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Coach Boiarski or Coach Ceraolo via e-mail at:


Please remember that you need a current physical/HIPA, emergency medical, insurance wavier,and team rules formson file. Please bring these forms completed in full and signed to the mandatory parent-athlete meeting on Wednesday, August 1, 2012.

You can access these forms online by going to the Chardon Local Schools website at

  1. Click on “ChardonMiddle School” under Our Schools located at the top of the web page.
  2. Click on “2012 Cross Country Information” located under Middle Schools News.
  3. Click on the necessary forms to print.

A $225.00 activity fee must be paid before the first meet. Please make checks payable to “Chardon Board of Education.”

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 7 p.m., we are having a mandatory parent-athlete meeting at CMS in the LGIR (one parent and the athlete must attend). During this time, we will discuss team expectations, nutrition, uniform care, meet information, and we will watch the mandatory OHSAA Respect the Game video.

We are having a team shoe fitting night at Achilles Running Shop on Friday, August 3, 2012at 7:00 p.m. Athletes will receive a 20% discount that night on a pair of shoes and/or spikes. If you cannot make it to the shoe fitting night, Chardon athletes will still receive a discount on their purchase. Achilles Running Shop, located at 7439 Mentor Avenue inMentor (phone # 440-942-2059), is a great place to purchase running shoes and spikes. Prices range from $75-$100. Please RSVP Coach Boiarski onWednesday, August 1, 2012 atthe mandatory parent-athlete meeting.

All athletes are required to sell 5 fundraiser cards or pay a $25.00 team fee to cover the cost of a team t-shirt and end of the season party. If you choose not to sell the fundraiser cards and would rather pay the team fee, please make your check payable to the Chardon Athletic Boosters. Hooded sweatshirts will be available for purchase at an additional cost. All monies and order forms are due Thursday, August 16,2012.

If you have a family vacation planned during the month of August, that’s fine, however, all athletes must complete 10 practices before the first meet which is scheduled for late August.

Athletes, please remember to dress for the weather, wear a pair of running shoes that fit comfortably, and bring a water bottle with your name on it. We hope to see you on Monday, August 6, 2012, enjoy the rest of your summer!

Take care,

Michele BoiarskiChristine Ceraolo

Coach Michele BoiarskiCoach Christine Ceraolo