Sally Bryant-3rd GradeLESSON PLANS 2014-2015

1st Q
NOTES / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
September 29 / 30 / October 1 / 2 / 3
Pink out
GOALSChildren will
1) identify singular vs plural nouns 2) form the plural of a noun using correct spelling 3) use correct form to make subjects and predicates agree in number / Assessments:
*Textbook pgs. 108, 109
*WB pg. 22
*Teacher made assessments
*Group skill participation
*Plural noun written Assessment / Activities:
Mon(Quick review) Nouns; simple subjects; articles before them; common/proper. Intro singular/plural; most nouns +s or +es; Textbook pg. 102107 group
TuesUsing story from Reading book (Pop’s Bridge) identify singular and plural nouns; find nouns used as subjects of sentences and write the simple sentence
WedRules for making irregular nouns plural; pg 106 in textbook; create list of irregular nouns as class; find irregular plural nouns in story
ThursReview forming plurals; discuss subject/verb agreement, textbook pg. 180; highlight word endings in simple sentences; change simple subject from singular to plural and note the change in the verb’s ending
FriComplete Assessments
GOALSChildren will 1) work cooperatively together in a group 2) be able to use ipads to do research 3) use text evidence to find answers to questions about the Golden Gate Bridge / Assessments:
participation in a group research project
*Venn Diagram
* Comprehension Assessment for Pop’s Bridge
*Vocab Assess.
*Oral Reading word Assessment / Activities:
MonThink Central; using Audio, listen to “Pop’s Bridge” and ask directed questions about story; discuss the author’s main purpose in writing the story
TuesReview compound sentences and run-on sentences; do Reader’s Notebook pgs. 37 & 54
WedRead “The Bixby Bridge” orally to class, TE pg.T280; Review what is meant by inferences; discuss questions on TE281
ThursCompare and contrast Pop and Charlie’s father; use the text evidence from the story to support your ideas; fill in Venn Diagram
FriComplete Assessments
Writing: See Ms. Timm’s plans / Science: See Mrs. Minacci’s plans
Social Studies
Skill reinforcement
Children will work in whole group to practice Map Skills with Smart Board Activity Challenge “Where in the World Are You?”
Play “Find It” in classroom. / Assessments:
*Class participation in whole group Map Skill practice
*Review compass rose assessment sheet / Activities:
Due to the Library Research Project that Ms. Browning is working on with our classes, we will not be able to do our area rotations this week. If given the opportunity we will do “whole group” reinforcement of a skill or skill that has been taught. (See Goals for S.S.)
GOALSChildren will 1) understand repeated addition for 4’s & 5’s x facts
2) write fact families for both + - facts and x, ÷ facts 3) be able to write and understand extended facts / Assessments:
*Math Journal pgs. 28, 29, 31, & 32
*Multiplication fact practice sheets
*Teacher made assessment sheets
*Home Links 2.1, 2.2 & 2.4 / Activities:
MonReview and practice multiplication facts; play Maclay Express; illustrate repeated additions for 4’s and 5’s; write fact families for given numbers; Smart BoardFact families
TuesRelate fact families to extended facts; do Math Journal pg. 29 together in class; write 5 extended facts for their own facts
WedLook at simple word problems requiring + or - to solve, Journal pgs 40-41; solve together in class; solve teacher made practice sheet;
ThursBlacktop fact game with the whole 3rd grade using simple addition/subtraction and multiplication facts
FriComplete Assessments
Golden Gate Bridge research project / *Research with Ms. Browning in library
*Create Golden Gate Bridges using craypas and watercolors; follow directions involving measuring and drawing lines