Building a Winning Sales Plan in 10 Steps
Building a Winning Sales Plan in 10 Steps
- Summarize Your Objectives
- Identify the Strategic Objectives
- Assess Prior Sales Performance
- Segment Your Customers
- Set This Year's Objectives
- Develop Territories Action Plans
- Develop Key Accounts Plans
- Measure and Monitoring Results
- Establish your Annual Sales Planning Cycle
- Write the Executive Summary
The Sales Planning Guide for the Sales Manager
The purpose of this Sales Plan Guide is to serve as your guide in your role as Sales Manager. This model provides you with a number of sales management planning ideas and a variety of operating templates that can be used by you and your Sales Representatives in preparing your operating Sales Plan for this year.
This Sales Plan Guide is meant to be used consistently throughout the year as both a planning and as a monitoring tool. The ultimate intent of the comments and the templates that have been provided in this guide is to empower you to build a useful and proactive business plan that will consistently assist you in your overall sales planning during this year. The real purpose here is to assist you in the process of writing a productive sales plan that will actually be used by you and your Sales Representatives in the real world. Clearly the expectation is that this guide will become a highly productive planning and monitoring tool and will not be viewed merely as a series of tables and graphs to be filled in without direct impact to your business. The other important advantage to using this sales planning model is that it is also expected that your resulting Sales Plan will be used as an effective communications tool to the other departments in your company that work closely with Sales. In this way, everyone is kept aware of your sales plans and should be able to assist you in the successful completion of the company's objectives.
It is important that this document be seen and used as a guide. You should feel free to change and modify any of these templates to fit the specific needs and requirements of your own therapeutic area. In the majority of cases, templates and terminology have been used that are sufficiently generic so that they can be modified to meet as many different needs as possible.
There are three primary sections to the Sales Plan:
- Understand Your Sales Objectives
- Develop Your Action Plans
- RepTerritory Plans
- Rep Key Account Plans
- Measure and Report Your Results
Within these three sections are a total of ten components that follow the sales planning requirements for the overall year.
The next page outlines how the Sales Plan that you will develop fits into the overall planning requirements of the business.
Section 1: Understand Your Sales Objectives
1. Identify the Sales objectives:
Objective of this section: To present an overview of your company's sales objectives as they are defined in your objectives.
This introductory section of your Sales Plan requires you to identify the specific overall sales objectives as reflected in the annual business plan. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that you clearly understand the sales requirements of the business plan on a quarterly basis and the company's overall business planning objectives.
The template that is on the next page is a generic table that should be modified and filled in to reflect the specific definitions of your own products. This particular template defines the quarterly sales objectives for four products in terms of sales revenue, units and market share. In fact, you may have just one product and additional objectives that you monitor.
- Be as inclusive of additional categories as possible rather than exclusive and limiting.
- This is a table that should be widely communicated among your individual Sales Representatives so add any comments and notes that would be helpful.
Modify this template to fit your own requirements and fill in the Sales Revenue numbers, the unit Sales numbers and the market share percentages by quarter.
Total Sales / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Sales of ______(product)
Unit Sales of __(product)
Sales of ______(product)
Unit Sales of __(product)
Sales of ______(product)
Unit Sales of __(product)
Sales of ______(product)
Unit Sales of __(product)
Market Share / % / % / % / % / %
Market Share / % / % / % / % / %
Market Share / % / % / % / % / %
Market Share / % / % / % / % / %
2.0 Identify the other sales objectives in the business plan
Objective of this section:In addition to the sales revenue, sales units and market share percentages that you have outlined above, you should clearly define any specific objectives of the company's business plan that relate directly to sales performance or sales tactics that will be required from you and your Sales Representatives this year.
Examples of company level objectives whose success relies on Sales could be...
- a specific sales penetration plan for a specific market segment.
- a specific sales plan to expand the customer base
- the introduction of a new sales channel into the market.
- the introduction of a new business partner into the sales channels.
- the adoption of a new sales strategy such as "Treat High, Treat Early".
The question that needs to be answered here is...
Are their new company wide strategies that rely on the successful execution of your Sales Representatives?
Describe briefly any additional primary business plan objectives that rely directly on the successful performance of the Sales Department during this year.
Be as inclusive as possible in this listing since it gives you a strong indicator of the type of strategies and longer-term initiatives that the company is planning to execute.
As the year develops, these objectives should be added to and modified as senior management develops new strategic initiatives. We recommend that this table be updated at the beginning of each quarter.
This is a table that should be widely communicated among your individual Sales Representatives so add any comments and notes that would be helpful.
Other Sales-directed BUSINESS PLAN Objectives
Objective: Objective:
3.0 Summarize the existing sales performance
Objective of this section: To present the sales data that identifies...
(1) the historical sales performance during the past one to three years depending on the specific performance criteria, and...
(2) the current sales performance.
This intent of this section is to help understand the current perspective of the sales and market share performance of the company.
Outlined below are a number of trend graphs that need to be completed by you as part of the pre planning process. The information displayed in these graphs should set the stage that will enable you to set this year's objectives. What you are doing here is to show the data that firmly establishes the sales performance baselines. During the year, you will monitor performance against this baseline and, of course, against this year's objectives.
Outlined below are specific sales performance templates of graphs and tables that should be modified to reflect your own products and the types of objectives that you report.
Total Net Sales: 3 years history / this year's BUSINESS PLAN
The first graph outlines total net sales (in this example by dollars) for the prior three years with the current BUSINESS PLAN projection of sales for 2001-2002.
Having displayed in the prior graph a baseline of historical annual performance and compared this to this year's BUSINESS PLAN objective, this next graph would display the prior year's sales performance by quarter compared to the sales plan objectives. The use of this data is to graphically show you how the sales results have trended during the prior year and provide you with a guideline for setting your quarterly objectives for this upcoming year.
- It is recommended that you would add a brief paragraph following this chart that would briefly comment on the prior year's sales results by quarter.
- It is recommended that the same type of quarterly trend graph with additional comments be created for each product in your sales plan.
- It is recommended that each of your Sales Representatives would create similar quarterly trend graphs for each of their own territories.
Click Link to Preview Tool/Template
Tools/Templates To Build The Plan / Tools/Templates To Develop The ForecastSales Plan Builder / Sales Forecast Model - Ver1
Sales Territory Plan Builder / Sales Forecast Model - Ver2
Sales Plan Presentation / Sales Funnel
Monthly Sales Report Presentation / Sales Forecast Model - Ver3 (No Preview)
Sales Pipeline Analysis / Sales Plan Example (No Preview)
Simple Sales Forecasting Model (No
Preview) / 5-Page Simple Sales Plan (No Preview)
Other Sales Plan Builder Tools -
Option 1
Option 2
Still can't start? Use these sales and marketing workbooks.
Sales Plan Workbook / Marketing Plan WorkbookMarketing Plan Presentation Workbook / Market Research Workbook
Marketing Strategy Development Model -- MUST ENABLE MACROs then click on GO buttons / Marketing Strategy/Marketing Programs Completeness Audit
Marketing Analysis Model / Marketing Launch Plan Template
MARKET, INDUSTRY, AND COMPANY, RESEARCH / New Business, Product, and Startup Ideas
ADDITIONAL TEMPLATES / Presentation and Report Charts and
Graphics - Big Time Saver!
Tools/Templates To Build A Key Account Plan
Key Account Management Planning Basics
Key Account Management Plan Builder
Marketing Tools and Templates
Marketing Plan Builder
Marketing Budget Builder
Marketing Plan Presentation
Competitive Analysis Report Builder
SWOT Analysis Report Builder
Tools/Templates To Set Up The Channel Relationship / Tools/Templates To Develop and Manage The Channel Partner Program
Product Distribution Term Sheet/LOI / Channel Partner Program Planning &Administration Builder
Product License Term Sheet/LOI / Exclusive Licensing Agreement - Ver1
Marketing & Sales Only JointVenture
Agreement / New Business, Product, and Startup Ideas
Exclusive Licensing Agreement - Ver2
(Accessible In Members Area Only -
No Preview) / Non-Disclosure Agreement
(Accessible In Members Area Only -
No Preview)
Sales Team Meeting Presentation / Description
Sales Presentation Delivery / This sales presentation is an effective method to communicate the sales pitch and point of view of the seller to the buyer. If delivered properly, the sales presentation ensures the final sale to take place smoothly. A thorough understanding of the client’s needs and requirements is imperative in designing the sales...
Great Sales Presentations / This sales presentation is an effective tool towards selling a product or service to a client. It is a forum wherein the salesperson has many opportunities and avenues to communicate the sales pitch and sales information to the client. An effective sales presentation helps in creating desire and buyer’s conviction about...
Strategic Sales Management / Sales is an important activity in an organization. An effective sales process is responsible for nurturing and cultivation of strong customer relations. This, in turn, helps in building customer loyalty with time. Strategic sales management involves effective and efficient handling of systems and processes towards successful sales. It involves careful...
Effective Sales Promotions / Product promotion is the process of informing, reminding, and persuading the target audience about a particular product or service. Sales promotion utilizes various incentive techniques to structure sales related programs. It is an effective approach to increase immediate customer sales. The presentation examines the dynamics of sales promotion and discusses...
Territory Management / A sales territory is a particular geographical area that has potential customers for a particular product. The sales territory also has present customers. The territory is assigned to a salesperson who is responsible for the sales management activity in the region. Dividing the entire sales region into a number of...
Time And Territory Management / Sales territory is the region where there is potential for future sales. For effective management of the sales process, different sales territories are assigned to the salesforce. Time and territory management are two of the most significant aspects of the sales management process. The presentation examines the issues involved in...
Sales Force Automation / The Sales Force Automation (SFA) approach to salesforce management focuses on cultivating customer relationships and, thereby, improving customer satisfaction. SFA helps in making the field sales staff more productive. They are entrusted with the responsibility of directly managing customer relations. The presentation discusses the tools used in SFA and the...
Building A Sales Staff / This presentation explains how to build a sales staff.
Continual Development Of The Sales Force: Sales Training / Selling involves convincing the prospective buyer about the need for a particular product or service and persuading him/her to make a purchase decision. The design and development of an efficient salesforce is imperative to ensure efficient sales in organizations. Conducting regular sales training programs help impart crucial skills in salespeople...
MARKET, INDUSTRY, AND COMPANY, RESEARCH / The market, industry, and company research process includes the systematic identification, collection, analysis and distribution of information for the purpose of knowledge development and sales and marketing decision making.
Presentation and Report Charts and
Graphics - Big Time Saver! / Valuable for report and presentation preparation.