Saint Petersburg College

Seminole Campus


Spring – 2017

16 -Week General Psychology Course

Psy 1012-1390

Tuesday 7:00-9:40 pm

Up 239

Marcella A. Kerlin PhD, MSW


Dr. Marcella Kerlin holds B.S., M.S. degrees in Education, Social Work and Psychology from New York State University, Old Dominion University, Grand Canyon University and a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in Exceptional Children. She has been an educator of elementary through graduate school in New York, Virginia, Georgia, Hawaii, Canada and Florida. She has also held positions in social work and Neurology Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk, VA. She especially enjoys her teaching psychology at St. Petersburg college in Seminole, Florida.

Office Hours: St. Petersburg Campus-by appointment

Telephone: 757-439-0138

Email Address: MyCourses email is required for immediate response

Department Chairperson: Dr. Douglas Rivero 727-394-6948


This course meets the general education requirements. It is an introduction to the scientific study of human behavior with emphasis on mental processing and learning as the basis for adjustment to the physical and social environment. It is a basicfoundation course in psychology. This course includes history, psychological perspectives of interpersonal functioning and human development. It integrates the analysis of the interaction effects of environment with genetic heritage, gender, age, and culture on psychological and social development. This course also includes basic writing requirements for St. Petersburg College by writing a research or Civic Engagement Tutoring Paper.


Course Dates: 1/10/2017- 5/2/17

Spring Break: 3/6-3/13/17

Spring Holiday: 3/25-3/27/17

Final Exam 5/2/17

College Calendar:

Assignment Dates and Test Date on Course Outline

Course Syllabus Addendum: This is updated each semester by SPC:

Security and Safety: Information about the security and safety on hurricane preparedness, phone scams, guidelines for active shooter on campus and calling Campus Security (phone number 727-791-2560) refer to:


At the completion of this course the student will:

  1. Define psychology and basic vocabulary of the discipline
  1. Differentiate the various psychological perspectives of human behavior associated with specific theories and therapies.
  1. Compare and contrast research methods for gathering and evaluating data.
  1. Demonstrate academic thinking in analysis of research as to whether it is valid or pseudo scientific.
  1. Explain the nature and function of emotions and motivations in one’s everyday life.
  1. Compare and contrast the various theories of intelligence and learning.
  1. Describe how psychological theories are used in therapies to assess, predict or change human behavior.
  1. Describe the major approaches to memory, learning, motivation, emotion and their implication for one’s development interacting with the environment.
  1. Investigate the background, diagnosis and psychological perspectives of a well-known personality’s substantiated clinical diagnosis of a psychological disorder in a research project reflecting insights regarding the disorder. An alternative research is to describe the characteristics, diagnosis and treatment from a psychological perspective reflecting your compassionate understanding of the person’s struggles of the disorder endured and the most appropriate form of treatment based on your research.
  1. An option to the research paper is to write a paper on a tutoring experience in an elementary school describing your teaching methods based on a psychological perspective and research. Your experience of ten weeks of tutoring will be monitored by a teacher and home/school liaison and evaluated by a tutorial paper turned in at the end of your tutoring.
  1. To broaden one’s perspective of life by seeing the world through a different lens.


The required textbook:

Hockenbury, S. E., Nolan, S.A. & Hockenbury, D.H. (2016), Discovering Psychology (7th Edition), Worth Publishers, is available in SPC bookstore.

MyCourses (Course structure, resources)

Quizzes, Exams, Research Paper/Civic Engagement (Tutoring), Presentation, Class Discussions and Group Work

Other Required Materials: Internet Access and E-Mail Account, access to the SPC Virtual Library databases as well as internet resources, books, movies, and/or articles submitted in conjunction with presentation.

Optional Resource for Extra Credit (20 points): Joining Model United Nations @Seminole and eCampus

Other Extra Credit Points will be optional as the course progresses:


  1. Read the chapter and view power points prior to class to ensure maximum points on pop quizzes before lecture. . .attend to discussion and lecture to ensure maximum points on pop quizzes at end of class
  2. Submit all assignments on time—only official college reasons for late assignments will be honored.
  3. Participate in discussions and group work as instructed –active participation has high probability for success in the class—especially if you have a borderline grade at end of semester
  4. Take on-line quizzes and in class mid-term and final exams (Computer in class).Follow Due dates as instructed–Do not ask for exemptions to assignments for any reason other than official college rationale.
  5. Attend to class lectureand listen while professor or classmate is speaking to the class. Consequence of having seat changed during class will result when asked to stop talking to a neighbor on the second request.
  6. Begin Research Paper right away and find partners for presentations of a psychological disorder –Students participating in civic engagement of tutoring will work together on a group presentation—Research or tutorial paper will be written individually while presentations will require group work.
  7. Make an appointment with instructor to review mid & end -semester goals if needed.I will always be available for any student who asks me for assistance. I am only a click away or see me face to face.
  8. Make an appointment for tutoring at the Commons if you are not meeting expectations.- I will help you with this
  9. Most importantly, treat each person with respect and remember to think of each person in the class as a special package with the sign, “Handle with care. Respect yourself, Respect classmates and respect the professor when speaking, writing or in emails, texting etc. Disrespect for any reason may result in suspension and or removal from this class and private conference with professor.

Midterm EXAM

DATE: see Course Outline

Chapters: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 & 12

Final EXAM

DATE: see Course Outline

Chapters: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13

NOTE: There are no make-up exams for the final.


Exams will take place in classroom on computer. Make-up exams (excluding Final) require immediate request when provided with official college reason.

Quizzes will be submitted on Sunday nights in Lessons of MyCourses following the completion of the lecture on text chapter.

Please do not give the excuse you forgot or your computer is not working. You can go to the library to use the computer. Do not wait until the last minute. You will receive a zero for not completing a quiz.If you cannot access a quiz contact help desk and receive official confirmation notification prior to calling me between 5:00 pm. and 9:00 p.m. or leaving message at any time.


Course Outline Schedule presented in MyCourses. This is NOT a part of the SYLLABUS. The Course outline will be flexible and may be changed at the discretion of the instruction.

Readings in Text Book -Students are expected to review power points and read all chapters as stated in outline prior to class lecture/discussion (Course Outline).

Chapter Quizzes- You may take quizzes one or two times. The score is averaged if you take it twice.

Syllabus Quiz – One unannounced Syllabus Quiz and 10 pop quizzes.

Group Work- Participation in class discussions and/or group work (6- 5 points).

Research Paper- A 2000 word research paper must be submitted. The maximum number of words cannot exceed 3000 words and the minimum must not be less than 2000 words for a passing grade. The details for this assignment are located in MyCourses under the Course Content tab titled- Research Paper Guidelines using APA. Due date is listed in the outline. Failure to submit this paper will result in a score of zero. You will be penalized by a paper less than 2000 words or greater than 3000 words and for a late paper if you do not communicate with the instructor.

Civic Engagement (Alternative to Research Paper): A 1,500 word tutoring paper must be submitted following your 10 hours of tutoring in an elementary school for your tutoring experience, (10 weeks) will be detailed in MyCourses under the Course Content Tab. Date due is listed in the Course Outline. Failure to submit this paper will result in a score of zero. You will be penalized by a paper less than 1,500 words or greater than 2,000 words.


90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D Below 60%=F

Two Exams (200 points each) 400 points

Pop Quizzes10 pop quiz (10 pts) 100 points

Syllabus Quiz 10 pts group & discussions (5/6 pts) 80 points

Chapter Quizzes 12 (10 pts each) 120 points

Presentations 13 pts presenting/ 12 pts for attending 25 points

Research Paper 100 points

Total825 points

Late Work and Quizzes: Assignments are expected to be turned in when due. If something unforeseen occurs preventing you from attending class, please communicate the situation succinctly in email). Late work is penalized by one letter grade per day after due date if you do not communicate with the instructor.


The student is strongly encouraged to talk with their instructors before taking any withdrawal action. Instructors may also withdraw students for violating policies procedures or conditions of the class as outlined in the class syllabus.


Students are expected to observe respectful classroom behavior which promotes learning and open expression of ideas. Discourteous or rude behavior toward the professor or students, in any form, will not be tolerated and may result in the student being asked to leave the classroom, make an appointment with the instructor before returning to the classroom, or suspension. All forms of communication (oral, written and nonverbal) are expected to be respectful toward self, students and instructor.


Your participation and discussion play a critical role in your overall performance. Class participation includes attendance, punctuality, participation and general demeanor during class discussions. After two absences, you must confer with the instructor to have a plan of action to ensure your academic success. Leaving a class early will be counted as one absence.

When absent, it is the responsibility of students to obtain class notes, handouts or assignments from a fellow classmate. Please exchange telephone numbers with one another. If you are absent, ask a buddy to obtain handouts or assignments.

Please note the 60% attendance policy. Students having a medical disability related to health are exempt. If you have a medical or other disability please make an appointment to discuss accommodations with me ASAP.


Please note the college’s academic integrity policies include departmental procedures on plagiarism, cheating, etc. Any instance of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy and fabrication are not tolerated and consequences are severe,


In accordance with the American Disabilities Act, students with a documented sensory and/or learning disability should contact the disabilities office and notify the instructor of a documented disability early in the semester so that accommodations can be made. If you suspect you have a disability you may also discuss this with me so that you may be evaluated at the college for accommodations or go directly to the office for disabilities for an evaluation. Seminole Office telephone: 727-394-6289.


Computers are permitted when directed by instructor for in-class assignments. Cell phones are to be turned off, and no texting will be allowed. Violation of using computer, cell phone or texting will result in student being asked to leave the room and will be considered absent. Cell phones may be turned on if student notifies the instructor of the need to be contacted for emergencies only. It is important to me to build a relationship with everyone in our class. Therefore, please sit to the side of the computer so I can see your face. Place the attendance card, with your name, on the computer to the left side of your seat. If you cannot see the screen in the front of the room ask a taller student to please exchange seats with you. Thank you.


An important part of MyCourses is the completion of the student survey of instruction before the last day of class. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used for the purpose of improvement . I take this very seriously and take the students recommendations into consideration when redesigning each course.




I have read, understand and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and addendums (Schedule Outline and Research Paper described in MyCourses).

Student Signature ______Date ______