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Timothy Ray Jenkins /
Corrosion Front Line Leader /
5/23/2011 /

Timothy Ray Jenkins

1111 Stanway AV  Springfield, OH45503  Phone: (937) 605-2980 

  • NACE Technician, 1998
  • NACE Technologist, 1999
  • NACE CP 1, 2001
  • NACE CP 2, 2003
  • NACE CP 3, 2007
  • GTI Certification on ECDA, ICDA – Pipeline Integrity
  • R-streng Calculations – Technical Tool Box
  • DCVG Operations – CC Technology
  • EM Coupon Installation/Retrieval – CC Technology
  • SCC Testing – Keifner Associates
  • AC Testing and mitigation – Ark Engineering
  • CDL
  • Qualified OQ Instructor
  • Clock springs
  • Coating Inspector level 1 – KTA Tator
Key Software Skills
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Project
Lotus Notes
MCM DataLinkPro
Moblemapper - GPS
Arc GIS
NG topo Mapping
Greenon High School, Graduated 1984
Ret’s Tech Center,
Electronics Engineering, 2 year certificate,1986
Wright State University, BS in Computer Engineering, attended for 1.5 years, Pending 1986-1988
Basic Electricity
Corrosion Mathematics
Pipeline Integrity – Audits
Pipeline Integrity – ECDA tools
Intermediate section – Corrosion Criteria’s
Basic Section – Potential Surveys
Purdue University –
Rectifier/Solar Panel Installation and troubleshooting
Impressed systems
Galvanic Anodes
DC stray currents
AC stray currents
Corrosion Materials
NACE – Eastern Conference –
Corrosion Construction Best Practices
Casings – Pipeline Integrity
AC Stray current design
Atmospheric Corrosion Remediation
Eastern Corrosion Conference –
Corrosion Management / Corrosion Front Line Leader
System Operations for Ohio and Kentucky
My key role –
Lead Columbia Gas of Ohio/Kentucky in the area of corrosion control for the last 11 years.
The monitoring, and scheduling of the work force involving the 2500 job type and other corrosion related activities.
To monitor specific corrosion & Pipeline Integrity job task with company, federal and state compliance codes, especially under subpart I and O of the 192.
Provide sufficient and up to date training to all corrosion technicians and other departmental partners.
To evaluate of new technology and methodology of corrosion control for cost effectiveness and quality of work. I have introduced in the company’s corrosion program to save cost with improved quality as listed below.
Two part liquid epoxy for girth welds,
Composite wraps for main line repair,
Solar panels for small amounts of impressed current with no electric bills
New impressed anodes, such as the Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO), with greater outputs and less material used.
Supporting other departments, in major projects, such as Operational Qualifications, Compliance and Gas Standards.
I have to be very supportive to the compliance team, one the methods to provide this support is to contributekey data on the Atmospheric corrosion Program with reportsevery semi-annually with information on the activities and progress. Another method is to provide support on all internal and external audits; I must follow up on necessary compliance issues in a timely manner, such as exposed pipelines. I have always made myself available to respond to any additional request from the compliance team.
Developed best practice for Operations, such as the “Areas of Active Corrosion.”
Contribute in corrosion programs externally from the Columbia Gas System for a best practice development, such as AUCSC, Purdue Corrosion short course, OGA (Ohio Gas Association), KGA (Kentucky Gas Association), and NACE (National Association Corrosion Engineering).
Obtain certification for professionalism recognition, such as NACE, GTI and Technical Tool Box.
Pipeline Integrity is another hat that I have worn for the seven years.
  • Provide support in the development of the Pipeline Integrity Management Plan - 2004
  • Develop survey process for the ECDA program – 2005
  • Develop training programs, internally and externally – 2005
  • Provide data on engineering question form – 2005
  • Performed our first ECDA assessment -2005
  • Completed the first 50% of workload before the commit date of 12/17/2007
  • Develop an updated Third Party Monitoring program – 2008, 2010 and creating a working team for 2011
  • Evaluate new equipment and testing methods – EM coupons & DCVG (Direct Current Voltage Gradient)
  • Develop SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking) testing procedure and training program
  • Reporting Encroachments and follow through to rectify issues, such as Savko Corporation
  • Contribute and participate in Federal and State audits (Good audit results)
  • Develop program for casing assessments to met the PHSMA letter of recommendation to the gas operating industry
  • Created Online Database system for Ohio and Kentucky

Work Experience
Viacom Cable
Vision -
1985-1986 / Technician in the Quality Control department for Viacom Cable Vision, responsible for constructing, testing and troubleshooting cable boxes
Columbia Gas
of Ohio –
Presently Employed / 1986 – Meter Reader
1987 – Utility Man
1988 – Fitter
1990 – Construction Equipment Operator
1992 – Senior Fitter – Maintenance
1994 – Service Technician
1995 – Corrosion Technician
2000 – Corrosion/Leakage Front Line Leader
1998 / NACE – Corrosion Technician Certification
1999 / Awarded the Student of the Year Award for the highest score on corrosion exams for the Basic, Intermediate and Advance level at AUCSC
1999 / NACE – Corrosion Technologist Certification
2001 / NACE - CP 1 Certification
2003 / NACE - CP 2 Certification
2005 / GTI - ECDA
2007 / NACE - CP 3 Certification
2008 / GTI - ICDA
2008 / KTA – Coating Basic Inspector level 1
Technical Skills – Corrosion Control
DCVG (Direct Current Voltage Gradient)& ACVG (Alternating Current Voltage Gradient)
  • Coating Evaluation
PCM (Pipe Current Mapper)
  • Fault locating
Sincorder & Allegro Data Logger
  • Close Interval survey
Four Pin Wenner ( nelson), Collins Rod, Soil Box
  • Soil Resistivity Testing
MIC Testing
  • Micro-Biological Induced Corrosion testing
EM Coupons – Evaluate and Monitoring coupons
  • Retrieval and installation, for Internal corrosion testing
IR Coupons
  • IR drop elimination
Rectifiers (Installation, Troubleshooting)
Solar Panels
Coating applications and inspections
  • DFT, WFT, Psychrometer, Chloride testing, Adhesion testing, Pipe Profile
AC and DC stray current Testing & Design
Magnetic particle and Dye Penetrate
  • SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking)

Key Projects
Pipeline Integrity –
Develop Database
Updated WMS functions, such as RT’s, JO’s (examples - HCA’s & Leakage)
Schedule work with technicians and contractors, forecast timeframe of completion (Microsoft Project)
Track and budget yearly cost, created project ID
Create survey process with approved tools
Create standards and Operational Qualifications to include ECDA and ICDA tools
Collect Data and integrate, define anomalies
Create severity classification scoring
Update all forms for assessments, such as excavation, survey, severity prioritization and post assessment
Update all forms for encroachments, third party monitoring, and HCA annual evaluations
Create all necessary GPS TOPO mapping grid
Make necessary changes to the program, such as the Third Party Monitoring, due to departmental changes within the organization, that will impact hand off’s and responsibilities in the program, for an example damage prevention, and Integration Center
Attend all internal and external audits, and present all requested documentations, involving TC pipelines
Update Pre-assessment forms and risk modeling
Update Long-Term Assessment Plan
Provide feedback to the managers (Microsoft Power point)
Results – All auditors seemed very impressing with the results of the assessment program and the data collection. We have had very positive responses from the auditors to the compliance team. I was able to schedule the contractors, corrosion technicians and material for completion of the project’s goal of 50% per PHSMA requirement. Our last corporate audit, compliments were given in regards of the encroachment form developed and communicated to the leak group by myself. Due to the database, reports can be printed out very quickly and calculations for budgeting dollars for future work.
Atmospheric Corrosion (M&R Stations)–
Developed coating process
Created flow chart of process
Created standard form for reporting station conditions
Created database system for documentation gathering and reporting
Develop, communicate and train remediation program for M&R stations
Monitor semi-annual progress on program
Created QA with the corrosion technicians (standard form for documentation was created)
Use database system for budgeting dollars for remediation work
Results – All stations were remediated by the end of the year in 2009. I was able to save some cost in replacing piping with the use of composite wraps.
I introduced and trained two new products, Armor Plate and Clock Springs (composite wraps) to the technicians.
Atmospheric Corrosion (Exposed Pipeline) –
Developed coating process
Create flow chart of process
Create standard form for reporting piping condition, such as coating deterioration, hanger condition and localized or generalized corrosion
Created database system for documentation gathering and reporting
Develop, communicate and train remediation program of the exposed pipelines (Leakage, Corrosion and Operations)
Monitor semi-annual progress on program
Created QA with the corrosion technicians (standard form for documentation was created)
Use database system for budgeting dollars for the remediation work
Set up repetitive task for 1/3 sample of the exposed pipelines to be evaluated and documented on standard form, completion of evaluation of all exposed pipelines shall be completed within three years time.
Results – Each year, we are finding new remediation projects, but as each year has gone by, we hit a 100% of the exposed pipelines to be remediated, that were found with atmospheric corrosion. Budget dollars were key piece to get action on the situation, due to the database of collective information, this was possible.
ICMR (Isolated Corrosion Metallic Risers) –
Team leader of project
Collect feedback from the team
Collect data from our DIS and Lotus database system, place project track request to IT
Collect over 400,000 lines of data, each line with over 15 fields
Create database system for large amount data input, in order to create reports and cross reference fields (used Microsoft Access)
Develop cost analysis for variety of options
Attend meeting with Dave Monte and group to show results of data fields and make suggestions of course of action; also to provide estimate dollars of cost (used excel forms)
Each year, update data by making request from IT department with project track
Results – Team has an understanding of time frame, cost and amount of workload to complete the project in the field to bring everything to compliance or to the local commission satisfaction.
Active Corrosion Program for Ohio and Kentucky–
Team leader of project
Collect feedback from the team
Created a flow chart and process
Created manual of the process with Microsoft word for additional support after initial roll out and training
Created a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for communication
Created repetitive task for the corrosion technicians to hold semi-annual meetings with the engineering and operations representatives to conclude proper classification and documentation of any areas of Active Corrosion
Results – Documentation is being made by the agreement of the group and not just one individual. Everybody knows their role in the process. Audits are showing more positive results.
Vacuum System –
Request made for possible outfitting operations with vacuum systems
Contact several vendors for cost estimates and spec’s of the equipment
Evaluated Hydro and air systems
Calculate cost savings in using systems in the field for corrosion applications
Provide report to supply chain, operations manager and system operations manager
Results – We found possible cost savings for future evaluation, depending on man power availabilities.
Gas Standards –
Attend meetings, when possible based on schedule
Contribute 75% of the information an notes for the meetings
Attend all one on one meetings with Chris Maynard for tough recommendations and technical information
Provide new equipment and new standards to the program for safer reliable service for our customers
Results – We created more standards with better detail that will allow the technicians to be developed at a higher level. I contribute a great deal of notes and advice on the standards and it appears to be our best ever.
Operation Qualification –
Attend the majority of the meetings
Provided the majority of the notes and information for any updates or changes on the OQ program based on our revision of the Gas standards
Provided Microsoft documents with technical information to be placed into the OQ program, such as MIC Testing, AC stray current, SCC (stress corrosion cracking), Coating inspections (DFT, WFT, profile, dew point testing, chloride testing), defect profiling of pipe, HCA (high consequence area) identification, composite wrap installation and etching of pipeline
Results – We have an Operations Qualification program that will bring the training program to higher level. I have a created a training program for the technicians, but in the OQ, we will have the first official complete training program for the corrosion department.
DIMP (Distribution Integrity Management Plan) –
Attend the meetings and phone conference calls
Provide suggestions to the program for developing
Create forms for risk management
Provide corrosion input of threats with distribution pipelines and fittings
Results – I have supported Brian Powell with the program for 2+ years for developing the program for the Columbia states. A draft form of the standard was developed and passed for comments.
Kerotest Valves –
Discovered multiple failures on the Kerotest valve bolts due to a new generation bolts being used at a higher tinsel strength
We tried to review failure reports but information was limited and some failures were not documented
I had the bolts tested and found Hydrogen Embrittlement had taken place, due to the lack of coating
Met with Canadian company to discuss their case history on failures, found mastic had contribute to the failure
I determined that the root cause was a lack of coating on or around the bolts during installation. The crews were assuming that the manufacture coating on the valves was sufficient.
Research with the manufacture on coating process in assembly line, and determine coating could be used for transportation only and not for buried application or long term exposure to the outside
Jerry Taggert and I had evaluated and design a coating application and process for the valves
Jerry Taggert provided training
For any future failures, Jerry and I created a supplemental sheet for the failure reports
I communicated to the corrosion technicians of supporting the data collection for the new supplemental sheet for the failure reports
Results – The new and existing Kero-Test valves are being coated with the proper coating application and process to prevent future failures. Better safety program for the customer and the employee was developed.
Operation Qualification and Training Program for the Corrosion Technicians -
Created spread sheet outlining the training process, content, and schedule time frame for completion for the corrosion technicians
Built a training field for the corrosion technicians, located in Springfield
I have provided training and OQ for the corrosion technicians in the last 10 years
Results – The training field allows field applications to be assimilated for coaching opportunities; also it allowed for testing on the “verification of skills” for the Operation Qualifications. I have been able to introduce new best practices with the aid of this training field, such as DCVG, Solar panel and coating inspections.
Design Northern Loop and SWDCL CP system –
I obtain all maps of proposed pipeline installation from the engineering department
I made a first recommendation of corrosion materials such as Rectifiers, Test stations, Coatings, and Insulators
The second phase of the project was to get more information of the impact of the pipeline going into AEP right a way
Obtain data from AEP on the AC transmission towers at the locations of pipeline corridor sharing
Set up training class with Dairy Land representative for qualifications on AC mitigation design
Collect data in the field, such as soil resistivity readings, distance to AC towers, and etc…
Submitted design drawings of AC mitigation devices with specifications to AEP representative for right away approval
Submitted final designs to the engineering group
Create contract and review bids for a corrosion contract inspector position, for monitoring the corrosion implementation process throughout the program
Attend phone conference call, weekly, and gave a progress report
Gave immediate attention to coating failure at the Harlem RD bore, lab tested samples for root cause analysis. I provided information on the design flaw and made recommendations of corrective action to be taken, per phone conference call with acting GM and other managers
Gave corrosion recommendations and hired coating contractors to recoat 3 miles of pipe
Provide support and advice on the Hoover 1.5 mile bore during pipeline being non-responsive to movement
I held a phone conference call with GM and other managers to discuss recommendations for pipe removal to comply with Federal codes
Additional equipment was brought in for pipe removal, after successful installation of new pipe across the Hoover, success was reach after many attempts
Perform site visits of progress and address any questions in the field
After completion of the project, address needed surveys on new system
Address the needed updates in the pipeline integrity program for new HCA and transmission segments
Results – Both TC pipelines were installed with the highest quality of coating application, AC mitigation and cathodic protection system. As of today, both systems are operating in a very good range of cathodic protection status; all harmful AC currents have mitigated off the pipeline, current density has been in very low acceptable range.
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