Saint Mark Orthodox Church
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
OFFICERS: Father Gregory Safchuk, President Michael Thompson, Vice President Warren Miller, Treasurer Matthew Nimmer, and Secretary Paula Zabela
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Justin Barber, Skip Mersereau, Karen Phinney, Debbie Sieff, Michal Mihailov, Konstantine Lioubimoff, Martha Baxtresser
Father Gregory led the opening prayer at 7:00 pm.
The May 12th, 2015 parish council meeting minutes were reviewed. Karen Phinney made a motion to accept the minutes, Skip Mersereau seconded the motion. Motion carried.
III. RECTOR’S REPORT: Report from Father Gregory.
- Father expressed his thanks to Father Tim for stepping in and presiding over the Baptism on Saturday, June 6th and serving Liturgy on June 7th while Father was in CA for the Christening of his grandson Christopher.
- The meeting regarding the All American Council held at Saint Luke was well attended by Saint Mark. Topic was regarding resolutions to be voted on at the All American Council in Atlanta, GA.
- We currently have four catechumens – Bryan Schar, Kenny Chrzanowski, Daniel Kishi, and Sarah Borger.
- Currently we have no parishioners are in the hospital or in serious condition.
- On Saturday July 4th, Sophia Marie Nimmer will be Baptized.
- Father Mark Kozak will preside at Saint Mark’s Vacation Church School when Father Gregory is attending the All American Council conference in Atlanta, Georgia
- Memorial Service is scheduled Saturday, July 11th at 4:30PM for Gabriela Riscuta’s husband Mugurel.
- Another men’s breakfast will take place, Saturday June 27th at 8 in the morning.
IV. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: A Thank You was extended to Michael Chow for running the credit card equipment and all those who worked the rummage sale for weeks ahead sorting, moving and then working Saturday at the sale.
V. TREASURER’S REPORT: Report from Matthew Nimmer.
- We have two new income accounts: Amazon Smile championed by Gene Jacobsen in the amount of $21.90 and an entry from Schwab Brokerage in the amount of $18,368.74 championed by Skip Mersereau.
- A donation in the amount of $100.00 was donated for the Altar.
- The Sunday school children raised $91.00 at the picnic. It is believed that the money is designated for teen trips.
- The rummage sale had a donation in the amount of $274.00.
- The Sanctuary Iconography as of May 2015 is $14,350.00. Discussion ensued regarding monies owed. Matthew will contact Michael Hydock for a detailed listing of expenses paid and monies shown as income. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Paula Zabela, seconded by Michael Mihailov.
BOTTOM LAND – Warren Miller – There is almost an acre of land that needs to be mowed. Some of the land is actually owned by the neighbors.
Our landscaper Mario will charge a onetime fee of $250.00 to mow all the grassland and $100.00 per month thereafter to maintain it. Mario will also charge $450 to clean up all the current debris so the first payment will equal $700.00. Motion to accept the $700.00 payment one time only, $100.00 per month thereafter was made by Warren Miller and seconded by Karen Phinney.
HAND SANITIZERS. One of the sanitizer units has already been installed the other will be installed shortly.
PAINTING THE NAVE – Choosing colors is in the works.
ON-LINE PAYMENTS – No report this month.
The pew which is currently in our social hall is nearly completed and will soon be taken upstairs and installed.
Michael Thompson received mail today from our energy company asking we sign a new contract. They are proposing 24 months at .839/kilowatt hour for the rectory and 23 months .8691/kilowatt hour for the church. We will ask Greg Yakubik to compare with other places and if so we can then sign the agreement. Motion to accept the new proposal with Greg Yakubik’s approval was made by Warren Miller, seconded by Skip Mersereau. Motion carried.
Parish Council Meeting – July 14th at 7PM.
Skip Mersereau motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Martha Baxtresser. Motion carried. Father Gregory closed the meeting with a prayer at 8:15 PM.
Submitted by,
Paula Zabela
St. Mark Church Secretary
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