Loanhead Parish Church
Fund Raising Appeal 2014-2015
What are we planning to do?
We are planning an extensive project to upgrade a number of the church’s facilities including
- doubling the size of, and completely refitting, the kitchen
- refurbishing the toilets
- replacing the small hall wheelchair access ramp
- upgrading the church’s audio visual equipment and fitting energy efficient LED bulbs.
Why are we doing it?
Our church and halls are extensively used throughout the week by a wide range of church and other community groups and we also support a numberof large community events each year. This extensive usage has placed our facilities under considerable pressure and in need of upgrading.
When will it happen?
We are planning to carry out the bulk of the refurbishment work during July and August next year when many of the groups using the church and halls take a Summer break. However, this depends on us raising the required funds in time.
How much will it cost?
The estimated cost of the project is £55,200.
How will we raise the required funds?
£10,000 has been allocated to the project from our reserves
£5,000 will be allocated from our discretionary expenditure in 2015
£30,000 will be sought from a range of grant giving trusts and funds, including the General Trustees of The Church of Scotland
£7,000-£10,200 has been set as the target range we aim to raise from gifts, donations and congregational fund raising activities.
How can I help?
All donations, whether big or small, will go a long way to help us achieve our fundraising target and in turn improve the quality of our facilities for the benefit of all our church groups and the large number of community groups which also use our facilities. Please help if you can.
On the back page of this flyer we have set out details of the various ways you can donate to the project.
Where can I get more information about the project?
Please speak to any member of the Fabric Group appointed to oversee the refurbishment project – Angela Wilson, Shelagh Jenkins, Audrey McLaren, Graham Lang, Eric Monteith and Ron Pearson,
How you can donate to the fund raising appeal
By cheque or cash
You can use the enclosed envelopeto make a donation by either cheque or cash. Cheques should be made payable to Loanhead Parish Church. Please complete the enclosure slip with your name, contact details and the amount of your donation and place it with your cheque or cash in the envelope provided. The envelope can be placed in the offering during a Sunday morning service. Alternativelyyou can give your envelope to Gayle Monteithor any member of the Fabric Group.
By standing order
This allows you to make a regular monthly donation for a fixed period of time. Please contact your bank or building society to set up a standing order, either on-line, by phone or in person, quoting the following details:
Account name: Loanhead Parish Church No. 2 Account
Bank: Bank of Scotland
Bank Address: 95 Clerk Street, Loanhead, Midlothian, EH20 9RE
Account number: 06000723
Sort code 80-17-42
Reference: Your name
Gift Aid it and make your donation go further
Claiming Gift Aid on as many donations to our refurbishment appeal as possible will really help boost our fundraising efforts. Whether you chose to make a one off donation, or a regular monthly donation by standing order, if your donation is “gift aided” it increases the value of your gift by 25%.
To allow us to claim Gift Aid on your donation you must have completed a Loanhead Parish Church Gift Aid declaration.
If you have not already signed a Gift Aid declaration form, please contact Angela Stewart, our Gift Aid co-ordinator.
Keeping you updated with progress
We know you will be keen to hear how our plans for the project are developing and how the fund raising is progressing. Regular updates will be provided via the order of service, in future editions of “Contact” and on the church’s website or please speak to any member of the Fabric Group.
Loanhead Parish Church – Charity No. SC014420