Scoil Bhríde
Nurney, Co. Kildare
Telephone: (045) 526767
27th January 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians
Saint Brigid Cross making class
Wednesday January 27th @ 7pm in Scoil Bhríde.All are welcome, so please come along to learn a great tradition, have fun and help out the school with this our biggest fundraiser. Thanks to all who have helped to date.
A call for help! Saint Brigid Crosses
As you are aware Saint Brigid crosses form a big part of our fundraising in the school year. However we are finding it very difficult to source any rush/reed to make our Saint Brigid crosses this year. Please we ask for your urgent help in supplying rush/reed to our school so we can begin making Crosses for the Saint Brigid celebrations ahead on February 1st.
Catholic Schools Week
“Catholic Schools Week” takes place from Sunday January 31st until Saturday February 6th. The theme forCatholic Schools Week 2016is "Catholic Schools: Challenged to Proclaim God's mercy". To celebrate the school will host a St.Brigid’s mass on Monday February 1st @10am in Nurney Church. All are welcome!
Saint Brigid Sacred Space
We are bound to uphold a caring, tolerant and Christian ethos in our school. We are not here to punish children. All children are children of God and all children make mistakes, that’s how we all learn. In Scoil Bhríde pupils learn through thought and reflection to respect themselves and each other, discover right from wrong and learn valuable social skills which they will need for the rest of their lives. We are grateful to Mary Hyland and Peggy Brennan for designing and creating a beautiful Saint Brigid themed sacred space in our school where the children and teachers can come to reflect and pray and work out how to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Dates for your diary
- First Confession – 24/2/2016, 7pm Nurney Church
- 6th class retreat – April 14th 2016
- Confirmation – 21/4/2016 Kildangan Church
- Communion – 21/5/2016 Nurney Church
Helping you Child with their Math’s Homework
Kildare Education Centre is holding a short course on how to help your child with their math’s homework
Date:Monday 22nd February 2016 (7-9pm)
Course Code: 16KE213
Venue:Kildare Education Centre
On-line booking is required on the website
Book Rental Committee Volunteers Needed!
Anyone who would be interested in getting involved with the school’s Book Rental Committee please contact Marie Talbot on 086-0619883 or Catherine Lennon on 086-8452991 for more information about what’s it about and what’s involved.
Homework Club
There will be no Homework Club next week and the week after. That is January 25th-29th and February 1st-5th. It will recommence on Monday 8th February.
Wednesday Note and school information also available
Thank you for your co-operation with the above.
Vinny Thorpe – Principal
M.Ed (SL), MA.Comp.Mus, H.Dip.Prim.Ed, H.Dip.Mus.Tech, P.Grad.Dip.Ed.St(SEN), B.Mus.Ed(H.Dip.Ed), Dip.Mus.Ed, T.Dip.ICT
Scoil Bhríde
Nurney, Co. Kildare
Telephone: (045) 526767
27th January 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians
Saint Brigid Cross making class
Wednesday January 27th @ 7pm in Scoil Bhríde. All are welcome, so please come along to learn a great tradition, have fun and help out the school with this our biggest fundraiser. Thanks to all who have helped to date.
A call for help! Saint Brigid Crosses
As you are aware Saint Brigid crosses form a big part of our fundraising in the school year. However we are finding it very difficult to source any rush/reed to make our Saint Brigid crosses this year. Please we ask for your urgent help in supplying rush/reed to our school so we can begin making Crosses for the Saint Brigid celebrations ahead on February 1st.
Catholic Schools Week
“Catholic Schools Week” takes place from Sunday January 31st until Saturday February 6th. The theme forCatholic Schools Week 2016is "Catholic Schools: Challenged to Proclaim God's mercy". To celebrate the school will host a St.Brigid’s mass on Monday February 1st @10am in Nurney Church. All are welcome!
Saint Brigid Sacred Space
We are bound to uphold a caring, tolerant and Christian ethos in our school. We are not here to punish children. All children are children of God and all children make mistakes, that’s how we all learn. In Scoil Bhríde pupils learn through thought and reflection to respect themselves and each other, discover right from wrong and learn valuable social skills which they will need for the rest of their lives. We are grateful to Mary Hyland and Peggy Brennan for designing and creating a beautiful Saint Brigid themed sacred space in our school where the children and teachers can come to reflect and pray and work out how to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Dates for your diary
- First Confession – 24/2/2016, 7pm Nurney Church
- 6th class retreat – April 14th 2016
- Confirmation – 21/4/2016 Kildangan Church
- Communion – 21/5/2016 Nurney Church
Helping you Child with their Math’s Homework
Kildare Education Centre is holding a short course on how to help your child with their math’s homework
Date:Monday 22nd February 2016 (7-9pm)
Course Code: 16KE213
Venue:Kildare Education Centre
On-line booking is required on the website
Book Rental Committee Volunteers Needed!
Anyone who would be interested in getting involved with the school’s Book Rental Committee please contact Marie Talbot on 086-0619883 or Catherine Lennon on 086-8452991 for more information about what’s it about and what’s involved.
Homework Club
There will be no Homework Club next week and the week after. That is January 25th-29th and February 1st-5th. It will recommence on Monday 8th February.
Wednesday Note and school information also available
Thank you for your co-operation with the above.
Vinny Thorpe – Principal
M.Ed (SL), MA.Comp.Mus, H.Dip.Prim.Ed, H.Dip.Mus.Tech, P.Grad.Dip.Ed.St(SEN), B.Mus.Ed(H.Dip.Ed), Dip.Mus.Ed, T.Dip.ICT