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·  All students are expected to be present and on time for all classes (the only exception would be students who go to the Learning Center and are coming from having their snack). Students should come directly to the music room immediately upon dismissal by their homeroom teachers. Students should not arrive before 2:55 p.m., and should get permission from their teachers (prior to dismissal) to go to the bathroom and get water before coming to class. Attendance will be checked promptly at 3:00 p.m. If the door is locked, students must sit quietly in the hallway until the teacher’s arrival. Students must bring an excuse for each absence from the class (due upon their return to recorder class).

·  Students must hang their backpacks on the hooks outside the door, come in quietly, and take out their recorders, completed homework assignments, and any other necessary materials. They should also be sitting using correct posture, and review class notes while awaiting further instructions.

·  Students must listen and follow directions.

·  Students must refrain from unnecessary conversation/playing during instruction and teacher-directed activities.

·  Students must be respectful to one another and to other teachers and adults.

·  Students must fully participate in all planned activities during classes.

·  Students must remember to bring their recorders, completed homework assignments, and other materials to each and every class.

·  Students must exemplify high behavioral standards as modeled by the teacher at all times.

·  Students must play their recorders only when they have been instructed to do so.

·  Students must complete all weekly homework assignments and review their notes given in class on a weekly basis.

·  Students must make an attempt to earn a belt every two to three weeks after earning their previous belt. If experiencing difficulties, students are expected to seek help from the teacher or other student who earned the same belt.

·  Students are expected to practice their music recorders regularly.


Praise and recognition


Strikes will be given to students who:

·  fail to listen and follow directions, rules and procedures

·  fail to refrain from unnecessary talking during classes

·  are disrespectful to other classmates, the teacher, and other adults

·  fail to fully participate in all activities during practices

·  violate any other established guidelines for the class

·  fail to bring their recorders, required materials, and completed homework assignments regularly to class (where applicable)

·  fail to practice their recorders regularly.

·  fail to complete their written homework assignments (where applicable)

Students cannot accumulate more than nine (9) strikes or three (3) red marks within any given month. Students who accumulate more than nine (9) strikes or three (3) red marks will be permanently expelled from the class. Parents will be notified when a student’s status with the class is in jeopardy.


Students who exceed three (3) unexcused absences, or six (6) excused absences per semester will be expelled from the class. If students establish a pattern of consistent absences without any notice, it will be assumed that they are no longer interested in being in the class and will be expelled without further notice from the instructor.