SafehavenMinutes forMonday, October 24, 2016

Directors present:Dale Curda, Karol Fink, Tom Atkinson and on the phone: Sandy Shoulders, Kim Kloecker. Will Peters arrived 6:46 p.m.

Absent/Excused:Carolyn Sprague

Present shareholders/guest:

Present: Emily from Snow’s

Called to order: 6:05p.m.

Tom/Karol moved and seconded minutes. Minutes were approvedby unanimous consent.

Owners forum: None present.

Officer Reports:

Financials:Once October financials are in, Will will work on the 2017 budget draft.

Vice-President report:

  • Dale thanked Sandy and Tom for doing the recent SH newsletter.

President report:

  • President update: Sandy talked to John Freeman at SWS regarding the dumpster and the can on the south side of campus. John was going to make a site visit today (10/19/16). And make notes for the drivers. He will have them courtesy tag the rolling carts.


  • Auxiliary pump under Unit #8 was replaced.

Water supply

  • Tom Kytereported that Intelligent Design did not hang the water main according to manufacturer’s instructions and that water spurs were not hung according to muni code; Tom corrected thehanging of the spurs in 3-4 hours. Sandy/Tom A will follow up with Intelligent Design to see about a discount.

Recreation hallimprovements

  • Kim will bring information and sample to the November meeting.

Sidewalks on North end

  • No update. Waiting on Larry to provided drawing.


  • No new timeline yet from Solomon about unit 37-40. Will will follow up.

Electrical update

  • Tom A thinks we are waiting on muni inspections before connecting the units.
  • Letters have been sent to Units 11-22 that there may be costs to homeowners depending on muni requirements.
  • Tesla electrical replaced photo-sensitive safety light on garage. Tesla said we can fix the buzzing in North laundry room.

Laundry room:

  • Tesla and Tom A assessed north laundry room water heater. The water heater will likely fail soon. Tom A is looking into on-demand vs. 30-gallon water heater.

By-laws updates:

  • Board is interested in updating some portions of the by-laws. Sandy will draft a document describing the reason for each change for the board to review at November meeting.

Snow plowing:

  • Tom moved to offer Alpine Services $1,550/month for the Schedule A winter ground maintenanceproposal. Karol seconded. Approved unanimously.

Executive session:

  • Reviewed owner balances.

Alley blocking:

  • Still needs to be done. Will will do alley vacation Nov 7/8, 2016.

Emergency generator test

  • Test was conducted and the generator worked. Tom A noticed some issues about the exhaust venting.Will will follow up about the generator exhaust.


  • Tom A insulated the Turtls with rigid foam.

Next meeting:

  • Board should propose list of items shareholders could volunteer for.
  • The fourth Monday of the month: Monday November 28, 6 pm.

Adjourned: 7:26p.m.