MARCH 27, 2007

5:15 P.M.

The Shallotte Board of Aldermen met for a pre-agenda meeting on March 27, 2007 at 5:15 p.m. in the council chambers of the Shallotte Town Hall with Mayor Gerald Long presiding.

Aldermen present: Jerry Jones, Buddy Kelly, Larry Harrelson, John Kinlaw and Jim Roach

Aldermen absent: None

Staff present: Sandy Hewett, Rodney Gause, Mimi Gaither, Albert Hughes, Paul Dunwell, Paul Sabiston, Cindy Babson and Chris Rogers


Mayor Long called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Buddy Kelly seconded by Jerry Jones to open the meeting. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.


A motion was made by Buddy Kelly seconded by Jerry Jones to open the first public hearing. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

1. Planning & Zoning item #06-063 CW’S Bar & Grill – Owner Samantha Hughes has requested annexation of .84 acres (tax parcel 2300A01701 & 2300A018, 1800 Village Point Road). A zoning change from County CLD to HB has also been requested. No comments were made, so a motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by Jim Roach to close the first public hearing. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

a. A motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by Jim Roach to approve Annexation Ordinance 07-16, the annexation of .84 acres (tax parcel 2300A01701 & 2300A018, 1800 Village Point Road). Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

b. A motion was made by Buddy Kelly seconded by Jim Roach to approve the Planning & Zoning Report for CW’S Bar & Grill. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

c. A motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by Larry Harrelson to approve rezoning .84 acres (Tax parcel 2300A01701 & 2300A018, 1800 Village Point Road) from County CLD to HB. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

2. Planning & Zoning item #06-066 – Lloyd’s Oyster House – Owner Lloyd Milliken has requested annexation of 1.79 acres (tax parcel 230JB018), 1642 Village Point Road). A zoning change from County R-6000 to HB has also been requested. A motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by Larry Harrelson to open the second public hearing. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. Owner Lloyd Milliken asked the Board to consider zoning the 1.79 acres CW (Commercial Waterfront) instead of the HB that was originally requested, since the CW zone seems to be a more appropriate designation. No further comments were made so a motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by Jim Roach to close the second public hearing. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

a. A motion was made by John Kinlaw seconded by Jim Roach to approve Annexation Ordinance 07-18, the annexation of 1.79 acres (tax parcel 230JB018, 1642 Village Point Road. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

b. A motion was made by John Kinlaw seconded by Buddy Kelly to approve the Planning & Zoning report for Lloyd’s Oyster House. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

c. A motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by John Kinlaw to rezone 1.79 acres (tax parcel 230JB018, 1642 Village Point Road) from County R-6000 to CW (per the owners request). Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

3. Planning & Zoning item #06-065 – The Pointe – Owner Timothy Milliken has requested annexation of 2.151 acres (tax parcel 2300A14 & 2300A018, 1800 Village Point Road). A zoning change from County MR-3200 to MF-14 has also been requested. A motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by John Kinlaw to open the third public hearing. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no. No comments were made so a motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by John Kinlaw to close the third public hearing. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

a. A motion was made by Buddy Kelly seconded by Jerry Jones to approve Annexation Ordinance 07-17 the annexation of 2.151 acres (tax parcel 2300A014 & 2300A018, 1800 Village Point Road). Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

b. A motion was made by Buddy Kelly seconded by Jerry Jones to approve the Planning & Zoning report for The Pointe. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

c. A motion was made by Jerry Jones seconded by John Kinlaw to approve rezoning 2.151 acres (tax parcel 2300A014 & 2300A018, 1800 Village Point Road) from County MR-3200 to MF-14. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

4. Discussion regarding request by Rivers Edge – Rivers Edge, Section 10, has requested they be allowed to install pressure sewer instead of the agreed upon gravity system that is in the vast majority of the remainder of Rivers Edge. The Town entered into an Infrastructure Agreement with Rivers Edge that called for the installation of gravity sewer. Rivers Edge Engineer Perry Davis stated that he has worked with the low-pressure sewer systems on Bald Head Island for the last ten years with good success. Town Engineer Dave Bowman suggested the Town develop some guidelines regarding depth, number of pumps, etc. Administrator Sabiston recommended if the Board approves the pressure system, then we present them with our requirements. He stated the gravity is the Town’s choice and it should be up to the owner to prove why it wouldn’t work. It was the consensus of the Board to move forward and work with Rivers Edge on this request and determine what is the best route to take.

5. Discussion regarding capital improvement financing plan for the next 30 to 60 days and request authorization to advertise for bank financing on certain projects - Administrator Sabiston presented the Board with a FY 07/08 Primary Capital Budget Items & CIP 2007-2012. The Board agreed to allow Administrator Sabiston put together an ad for traditional bank financing, obtain quotes and contact the Local Government Commission regarding several of the projects.

6. A motion was made by Buddy Kelly seconded by Jerry Jones to approve the contract for real property located at 114 Cheers Street (Doug Baxley building), in the amount of $475,000. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

7. Town Engineer Report – Please refer to Dave Bowman’s project status report dated March 28, 2007. This report has been attached as a permanent record of these minutes.

8. A motion was made by Buddy Kelly seconded by Jim Roach to extend the contract with the Laymon Group to administer the Town’s HRA with United Healthcare until June 30, 2007. There are no new provisions except the extension date. Next years policy should line up with the Town’s standard July 1 until June 30 healthcare policy coverage period. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

9. Department Reports – The reports submitted by the departments have been attached as a permanent record of these minutes.

a. Public Works

b. Police Department

c. Fire Department

d. Administration

10. FYI/Miscellaneous

11. Review Draft Regular Agenda for April 3, 2007

12. A motion was made by Jim Roach seconded by Jerry Jones to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried 5 yes 0 no.

Respectfully submitted,


Town Clerk Date