Master program of 3rdinternational symposium on

Emerging Infectious Diseases

“Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex” in Tsonjin Boldog, Tuv Province July 29-30, 2010

Wednesday, July 22nd –28th

Arrival of the Speakers

Airport pick-up and transportation to the hotel

Sunday, July 25th – Wednesday, July28th
Tour to Karakorum, Erdenezuu
July 25th, 2010 10:00AM Pick up from hotel, lobby
July 25th- 28th Karakorum, Erdenezuu, in Uvurkhangai Province
July 28th Return back to UB

Participants are:

  1. Dr. Nyamkhuu General Director of NCCD, MoH
  2. Dr. Otgonbaatar General Director of NCIDNF, MoH
  3. Dr. Oyunbileg, General Director of Public Health Institute, MoH
  4. Dr. Batsukh Head of Helmentology Lab, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, MoH
  5. Burke, Ronald DVM,DrPH, DACVPM Major, U.S. Army Veterinary Corps. Head, Department of Respiratory Diseases
  6. Chambers, Tom
  7. Gray, Greg
  8. Lukesova, Daniela
  9. Roe, Claudinne

See suggested packing list below

Day 1(July 25th)

Early in the morning start driving towards Khar Khorin- the ancient capital of the Great Mongol Empire (365km). Enjoy the picturesque rolling hills and the vast steppes of Mongolia. Packed lunch will on the way. As you arrive to the town check in to your ger camps. Leisure time. Dinner at the camp.Overnight at the ger camp.

Day 2(July 26th)

After the breakfast at the ger camp drive to Erdenezuu monastery for sightseeing and also you will have a chance to listen to the chanting of monks. Return for lunch at the ger camp. Spend the afternoon visiting other sites like the phallus rock, the monument of the empires on the to of the hill, where you can get a beautiful view of Kharkhorinand the Orkhon valley. Dinner and overnight at the ger camp.

The Erdene Zuu monastery was built in 1585 by Abtai Sain Khan, upon the (second) introduction of Tibetan Buddhism into Mongolia. Stones from the ruins of Karakorum were used in construction. It is surrounded by a wall featuring 108stupas. The number 108, being a sacred number in Buddhism, and the number of beads in a Buddhist rosary, was probably envisioned, but never achieved. The monastery temples' wall were painted, and the Chinese-style roof was covered with green tiles. The monastery was damaged by warfare in the 1680s, but was rebuilt in the 18th century and by 1872 had a full 62 temples inside.

In 1939 the Communist leader Khorloogiin Choibalsan had the monastery ruined, as part of a purge that obliterated hundreds of monasteries in Mongolia and killed over ten thousand monks. Three small temples and the external wall with the stupas remained; the temples became museums in 1947. They say that this part of the monastery was spared destruction on account of Joseph Stalin's pressure. One researcher claims that Stalin's pressure was connected to the short visit of US vice president Henry A. Wallace's delegation to Mongolia in 1944.

Erdene Zuu was allowed to exist as a museum only; the only functioning monastery in Mongolia was Gandantegchinlen Khiid Monastery in the capital, Ulaanbaatar. However, after the fall of Communism in Mongolia in 1990, the monastery was turned over to the lamas and Erdene Zuu again became a place of worship. Today Erdene Zuu remains an active Buddhist monastery as well as a museum that is open to tourists.

On a hill outside the monastery sits a stone phallus. The phallus is said to restrain the sexual impulses of the monks and ensure their good behavior.

Day3. (July 27th)After the breakfast drive to Mongol els sand dunes (80km). Enjoy the day at the dunes. After the lunch at the ger camp drive to Erdene Hambiin Monastery which is situated in the Khugnu Khan mountains, which have very interesting rock formations. Enjoy the peaceful valley and the view from the little temple situated in the middle of the rocky mountains. Dinner and overnight at the ger camp.

Day 4 (July 28th)

Early in the morning start driving to UB (280km). (Packed lunch on the way if needed, dependswhat time you’ll start driving and what kind of vehicle you’re driving)

Suggested Packing List for Mongolia
General Items
Quantity / Item
1 / Passport
1 / Tickets
$300 / US dollars but plan to use credit card to get Mongolian currency the rates are less expensive
2 / Sets of business attire (eg coat & tie)
1 / Camera with extra batteries and extra memory card
1 / Flashlight with extra batteries (if staying in ger)
2 / Small TSA locks for suitcases
1 / Sunglasses
1 / Hat to protect you from the sun
1 / Sun block
40 / Business cards
10 / Small gifts to give your Mongolian friends
10 / Earplugs (disposable)
1 / Toiletries
1 / Your personal medications
1 / Power adapter (easy to borrow form hotel)
1 / Laptop computer
1 / Thumb drive
1 / Copy of passport, list of emergency points of contact in Mongolia and at home
1 / Notepad for travel notes
1 / Light jacket for cool nights
1 package / Wet wipes (often toilet paper is scarce in public bathrooms)
1 / Athletic gear
1 / Comfortable walking shoes

Program for Participants of the 3rd International Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases

“Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex” in Tsonjin Boldog, Tuv Province July 29- 30,2010

Thursday, July 29th
3rd International Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM / Registration in front of Ministry of Health, Mongolia
8:00 AM
8:15AM / Meeting with N. Khurelbaatar-State Secretary of Ministry of Health, Mongolia
Departure to “Chinggis Khaan” statue complex at Tsonjin-Boldog in Tuv Province
Introduction of distinguished guests and plenary lectures
Moderator D. Nyamkhuu MD., PhD., General Director of NCCD, Ministry of Health, Mongolia
9:00 AM – 9:20 AM / Welcome and Opening remarks,
-J. Tsolmon, PhD., Vice Minister of Health, Mongolia
-Gregory C.Gray, MD., MPH., FIDSA Professor and Chair, Department of Environmental and Global Health, College of Public Health and Health Professions., Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine., Director, Global Pathogens Laboratory
9:20 AM – 9:40 AM / Keynote Address:
-N. Khurelbaatar MD., PhD., State Secretary, Ministry of Health, Mongolia
-Ronald L. Burke, DVM., DrPH., DACVPM
Major, U.S. Army Veterinary Corps.
Head, Department of Respiratory Diseases
9:40 AM – 10:00 AM / Group Photo and Coffee break
Session 1. Moderators: Ronald L. Burke DVM., DrPH., DACVPM
D. Otgonbaatar MD., PhD.
10:00 AM – 10:20 AM / Killer cold viruses – an update on emerging adenovirus threats
Dr. Gregory C.Gray
10:20 AM – 10:40 AM / Clinical feature of the pandemic A(H1N1) influenza
Dr. M. Uuganchimeg
10:40 AM – 11:00 AM / Influenza surveillance and research at AFRIMS
Dr. Robert Gibbons
11: 00 AM – 11:20 AM / Description of fatal outcomes from 2009 H1N1 influenza in Mongolia
Dr. J. Baigalmaa
11:20 AM – 11:40 AM / The attack rates of the pandemic influenza infection
Dr. B. Suvd
11:40 AM – 12:00 PM / Surveillance of bird influenza in the Mongolia
Dr. J. Bekh-Ochir
12:00 PM – 12:20 PM / Major equine respiratory viral infections: influenza and equine herpesvirus-1
Dr. Tomas M.Chambers
12:20 PM – 1:00 PM / Visit to the memory of a man of the millennium, a 40 meters high stainless steel statue of Chinggis Khaan
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM / Lunch
Session 2. Moderators: Juergen A. Richt DVM., PhD.
Z. Batsukh DVM., PhD.
2:00 PM – 2:20 PM / Current situation and tendency of human brucellosis in Mongolia
Dr. G.Surenkhand
2:20 PM – 2:40 PM / Rapid test for Theileria equi diagnosis
Dr. B. Battsetseg
2:40 PM – 3:00 PM / Risk assessment issues of some zoonotic infectious diseases
Dr. Z. Adiyasuren
3:00 PM – 3:20 PM / Pathology of experimental infection of sheep with Bacillus anthracis
Dr. A. Altanchimeg
3:20 PM – 3:40 PM / Coffee break
3:40 PM – 4:00 PM / Wild birds as biomonitors of zoonotic disease and anthropogenic pollutants
Dr. Ellen Silbergeld
4:00 PM – 4:20 PM / Histopathological, serological, and molecular confirmationof alveolar Echinococcosis cases in Mongolia
Dr. D. Abmed
4:20 PM – 4:40 PM / Surveillance of Bacillus anthracis natural infection in Mongolian livestock Dr. J. Enkhtuya
4:40 PM – 5:00 PM / Study of tick borneBorrelioses
Dr. J. Bataa
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM / Depart to “13th Century National Camp” dinner hosted by N. Khurelbaatar
State Secretary of MoH, Mongolia( appendix 1)
9:00PM / Return back to “ Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex”
Overnight stay at ger camp of Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex
Friday, July 30th
3rd International Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases
8:00 AM / Departure to “Chinggis Khaan” statue complex at Tsonjin-Boldog in Tuv Province
Session 3. Moderators: Gregory C.Gray, MD., MPH FEDSA
J. Oyunbileg MD., DSc (Med).
9:00 AM – 9:20 AM / Current Situation Of Climate Change And Emerging, Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
Dr. S.Tsoodol
9:20 AM – 9:40 AM / Foot-and-mouth disease complexity to control
Dr. S. Metwally
10:00 AM – 10:20 AM / Role of metals in prion protein upregulation and aggregation: relevance to unifying mechanisms of neurodegenerative processes
Dr. Amunantha Kanthasamy
10:20 AM – 10:40 AM / Epidemic of Hand, Foot and Mouth Diseases in Mongolia
Dr. Ts. Oyunchimeg
10:40 AM – 11:00 AM / Foot and Mouth Disease Virus: Evaluating diagnostic tests without gold standards
Dr. Stephane Guillosou
11: 00 AM – 11:20 AM / Coffee break
11:20 AM – 11:40 AM / The treatment management of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
Dr. A. Oyunchimeg
11:40 AM – 12:00 PM / Results of genotyping on Hepatitis E Virus Isolates Obtained From
Farm Pigs in Mongolia
Dr. B. Tsatsralt-Od
12:00 PM – 12:20 PM / Etiology of bacterial meningitis in children of UB city
Dr. D. Altantsetseg
12:20 PM – 12:40 PM / Prevalence of zoonotic cryptosporidiosis in Mongolia
Dr. I. Khatanbaatar
12:40 PM – 1:00 PM / Diagnosis of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) in Mongolia
Dr. E. Bazarragchaa
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM / Lunch
Session 4. Moderators: Ellen Silbergeld MD., PhD.
D. Nyamkhuu MD., PhD
2:00 PM – 2:20 PM / The U.S Department of Defense’s role in supporting International Health Regulations through disease surveillance
Dr. Ronald Burke
2:20 PM – 2:40 PM / The “Mongolia-001” project’s implementation and result by WHO
Dr. D. Nyam-Osor
2:40 PM – 3:00 PM / Development of genomic based global pathogen surveillance systems
Dr. W Valdivia-Granda
3:00 PM – 3:20 PM / Coffee break
3:20 PM – 3:40 PM / Current epidemiological situation of emerginginfections on animals and its risk on public health in Mongolia
Dr. J. Erdenebaatar
3:40 PM – 14:00 PM / Project of development cooperation between the Czech republic and Mongolia for the period 2007-2010 “Identification of animals in central region (Mongolia)“ 17b/mze/b/07-09
Dr. Daniela Lukesova
4:00 PM – 4:20 PM / Closing remarks
N. Khurelbaatar MD., PhD., State Secretary, Ministry of Health, Mongolia
4:30 PM / Return to UB

Appendix 1

“Genco Tour Bureau” JSC

Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex - 13th Century National park

Duration: Day tour

Destination:13th century theme park, 29th, July 2010

Start time: at 6:00PM

Depart from Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex

To come in the 13th century complex /to Greeting soldiers of beat /

Visit to Postal Relay Station – Try to wear warriors cloths

Visit to Craftmen’s Camp – Try to wear Mongolian national cloths /DEEL/

Visit to Educational Camp

To introduce all kind of Mongolian ancient script types

Visit to Shaman’s Camp

To introduce Mongolian shaman’s ritual and their clothes, dwelling

Visit to Herdsmen’s Camp

  • Visit to Mongolian family of 13th century national park
  • Horse and camel riding

Come to the King’s Palace

  • Dinner hosted by State Secretary of MoH, Mongolia
  • Performance /horse-head, zither,/

July 30th-Aug 4th
Hotel pick-up and transportation to the airport

In case of emergency please contact:

Dr. Ulziimaa D 88004251

Dr. Tugsdelger S., 99157560,