SACS Reaffirmation Project – Leadership Team Meeting
Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 9-10:00AM
In attendance: President Todd; Provost Subbaswamy; Heidi Anderson; Tom Harris; JJ Jackson; Vince Kellen; Angie Martin; Robert Mock; Connie Ray; Deanna Sellnow; Diane Snow; Hollie Swanson; Sharon Turner
- Welcome and Thank You - President Lee Todd, Chair
- Introduction of SACS Project Director - VP Connie Ray, SACS Liaison
- Dr. Jennifer Skaggs hired in July as the SACS Project Director
- Approval of SACS Reaffirmation Website Design -VP Connie Ray, SACS Liaison
- Vaughan Fielder presented SACS website
- As discussed, the timeline will be filled in with more detail as the process continues
- Discussion occurred as to what parts of the website will be public and which parts password protected – this will be a topic of discussion for the next meeting.
- Twitter & Facebook were discussed as places for the QEP once the topic is chosen
- QEP Topic Selection Plan – Progress Report Next Steps - Co-Chairs Deanna Sellnow Diane Snow
- PP presentation on progress of QEP (this will be made available on the website)
- The 6 themes that emerged from campus-wide discussions and assessmentsreviewed by the Topic Selection Team were presented
- Concern was voiced that all students might not feel welcome to participate in sending in proposals – these issues will be addressed as increased student involvement is stressed and facilitated through the request for proposals.
- The team was reminded that,in addressing the themes,the proposals must specify the student learning outcomes to be improved.
- Discussion regarding publicity of student incentives (drawings for free parking pass & books-for-a semester) for sending in proposals resulted in having this done on the website
- Approval of Membership for Compliance Certification Team Members - VP Connie Ray, SACS Liaison
- It was requested that “Content Experts” be changed. It has been changed to “Team Members”.
- The Leadership Team was reminded that the process for developing the Compliance Certification Report is not required to be broad-based, but rather is crafted from the perspective of those who are most familiar with university-wide policies, procedures, and documentation. Thus the majority of the team members tend to be academic and non-academic administrators.
- Kaveh Tagavi was added to the Team Member list.
- The teams were approved and letters of appointment will go out soon.
- Other Issues - Compliance Notices
- The President agreed these notices will have his signature on them in order to stress their importance.
- Discussion occurred concerning the need for these to be e-mails or if they could be posted on the website. This could require unique password protection requirements.
- There were questions regarding the exact process of the compliance notices – this will be further discussed with the Compliance Team Leaders.
- It was suggested that copies also be sent to the relevant Senior Officer
- Pending Topics
- SACS Requirements for Electronic Submission
- Best Practices for Electronic Delivery
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 9-10:00AM