Personal Research Database
Part I: A to B
Prof. Yuh-Shan Ho
Last data updates: 18/04/09
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Title: AAA-Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Title: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Title: Academic Emergency Medicine
Title: Academic Medicine
Title: Academic Radiology
Title: Academy of Management Journal
Title: Accident Analysis and Prevention
Title: Accounting, Business and Financial History
Title: Accountability in Research: Policies and Quality Assurance
Title: Accounting Organizations and Society
Title: Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
Title: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Title: Acta Anatomica Sinica
Title: Acta Arachnologica Sinica
Title: Acta Botanica Croatica
Title: Acta Cardiologica
Title: Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira
Title: Acta Crystallographica Section A
Title: Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science
Title: Acta Medica Croatica
Title: Acta Médica Portuguesa
Title: Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Title: Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology
Title: Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica
Title: Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española
Title: Acta Paediatrica
Title: Acta Physica et Chemica
Title: Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Title: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Title: Acta Scientiarum Biological Sciences
Title: Acta Societatis Ophthalmologicae Sinicae
Title: Acta Sociologica
Title: Acta Stomatologica Croatica
Title: Acta Tropica
Title: Actas Espanolas de Psiquiatria
Title: Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales
Title: Activitas Nervosa Superior
Title: Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
Title: Addiction
Title: Advanced Materials
Title: Advances in Consumer Research
Title: Advances in Earth Science
Title: Advances in Gerontology
Title: Advances in Psychological Science
Title: AJAR-African Journal of AIDS Research
Title: African Journal of Biotechnology
Title: African Journal of Library Archives and Information Science
Title: Ageing and Society
Title: Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
Title: AI Communications
Title: AIDS Patient Care and STDs
Title: Alaska Medicine
Title: Alcohol and Alcoholism
Title: Alimentaria
Title: Allergy
Title: American Documentation
Title: American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Title: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Title: American Journal of Clinical Pathology
Title: American Journal of Community Psychology
Title: American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Title: American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
Title: American Journal of Epidemiology
Title: American Journal of Evaluation
Title: American Journal of Gastroenterology
Title: American Journal of Health Behavior
Title: American Journal of Health Promotion
Title: American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Title: American Journal of Human Biology
Title: American Journal of Human Genetics
Title: American Journal of Hygiene
Title: American Journal of Mathematics
Title: The American Journal of Medicine
Title: AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology
Title: American Journal of Nursing
Title: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Title: American Journal of Ophthalmology
Title: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Title: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
Title: American Journal of Physics
Title: American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Title: American Journal of Primatology
Title: American Journal of Psychiatry
Title: American Journal of Psychology
Title: American Journal of Public Health
Title: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Title: American Journal of Roentgenology
Title: American Journal of Science
Title: American Journal of Therapeutics
Title: American Psychologist
Title: American Sociologist
Title: American Scientist
Title: American Statistician
Title: American Surgeon
Title: American Zoologist
Title: AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings
Title: Anaesthesia
Title: Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Title: Anaesthesist
Title: Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias
Title: Anales de Farmacia Hospitalaria
Title: Anales Espanoles de Pediatria
Title: Anales Otorrinolaringologicos Ibero-Americanos
Title: Analusis
Title: Analytica Chimica Acta
Title: Analytical Chemistry
Title: Analytical Letters
Title: Analytical Proceedings
Title: Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology
Title: Anasthesiologie Intensivmedizin Notfallmedizin Schmerztherapie
Title: Anesthesia and Analgesia
Title: Anesthesiology
Title: Angewandte Chemie-International Edition
Title: Angewandte Informatik
Title: Angle Orthodontist
Title: Animal Breeding Abstracts
Title: Annalen der Physik
Title: Annales de Chirurgie
Title: Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie
Title: Annales Françaises d’Anesthésie et de Réanimation
Title: Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore
Title: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Title: Annals of Applied Biology
Title: Annals of Emergency Medicine
Title: Annals of Eugenics
Title: Annals of Family Medicine
Title: Annals of General Psychiatry
Title: Annals of Internal Medicine
Title: Annals of Library and Information Studies
Title: Annals of Library Science and Documentation
Title: Annals of Mathematical Statistics
Title: Annals of Mathematics
Title: Annals of Medicine
Title: Annals of Nuclear Medicine
Title: Annals of Occupational Hygiene
Title: Annals of Oncology
Title: Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology
Title: Annals of Regional Science
Title: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Title: Annals of Surgery
Title: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Title: Annals of Tourism Research
Title: Annals of Transplantation
Title: Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Title: Annals of Vascular Surgery
Title: ANNEE Psychologique
Title: 2008 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Title: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology
Title: Annual Review of Nursing Research
Title: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Title: Application Research of Computers
Title: Applied Economics
Title: Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Title: Applied Statistics
Title: Arbor-Ciencia Pensamiento y Cultura
Title: Archaeofauna
Title: Archives of Andrology
Title: Archives of Dermatology
Title: Archives of Disease in Childhood
Title: Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health
Title: Archives of History of Exact Sciences
Title: Archives of Internal Medicine
Title: Archives of Medical Research
Title: Archives of Neurology
Title: Archives of Ophthalmology
Title: Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Title: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Title: Archives of Surgery
Title: Archives of Toxicology
Title: Archives of Virology Supplement
Title: Archives des Maladies Professionnelles de Medecine du Travail et de Securite Sociale
Title: Archivos de Bronconeumologia
Title: Archivos Espanoles de Urologia
Title: Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis
Title: Ardeola
Title: Arid Land Geography
Title: Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
Title: Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia
Title: Art History
Title: Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Title: Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
Title: Arzneimittel-Forschung-Drug Research
Title: Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
Title: Asian Journal of Surgery
Title: Asian Libraries
Title: Asian-Pacific Economic Literature
Title: Asist Monograph Series
Title: Asist 2002: Proceedings of the 65th Asist Annual Meeting
Title: Asist 2003: Proceedings of the 66th Asist Annual Meeting
Title: Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Title: Astronomy & Geophysics
Title: Atención Primaria
Title: ATLA-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals
Title: Atmospheric Environment
Title: Auditing-A Journal of Practice & Theory
Title: Australian Clinical Review
Title: Australian Journal of Dairy Technology
Title: Australian Journal of Political Science
Title: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Title: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
Title: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
Title: Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
Title: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery
Title: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Title: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Title: Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian
Title: Behaviour & Information Technology
Title: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Title: Bioelectrochemistry
Title: Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
Title: Biofutur
Title: Biological Research
Title: Biologist
Title: Biomaterials
Title: Biometrika
Title: Biopolimery i Kletka
Title: Biopolymers and Cell
Title: Biorheology
Title: BioScience
Title: Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care
Title: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Title: BJU International
Title: Blood Cells Molecules and Diseases
Title: BMC Bioinformatics
Title: BMC Dermatology
Title: BMC Health Services Research
Title: BMC Infectious Diseases
Title: BMC Medical Ethics
Title: BMC Medical Research Methodology
Title: BMC Medicine
Title: BMC Nursing
Title: BMC Public Health
Title: Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana
Title: Boletin de la Sociedad Chilena de Quimica
Title: Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio
Title: Bothalia
Title: Brain
Title: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Title: Brain and Language
Title: Brain Research Bulletin
Title: Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
Title: The British Accounting Review
Title: Breast Cancer Research
Title: British Dental Journal
Title: British Journal of Anaesthesia
Title: British Journal of Audiology
Title: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Title: British Journal of Dermatology
Title: British Journal of Engineering
Title: British Journal of General Practice
Title: British Journal of Hospital Medicine
Title: British Journal of Industrial Relations
Title: British Journal of Nutrition
Title: British Journal of Ophthalmology
Title: British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Title: British Journal of Plastic Surgery
Title: British Journal of Psychiatry
Title: British Journal of Rheumatology
Title: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Title: British Journal of Social Work
Title: British Journal of Surgery
Title: British Medical Journal
Title: Building an Information Society for All. Proceedings of the International Conference on Libraries, Information and Society, ICoLIS 2007
Title: Building Research & Information
Title: Bulgarian Historical Review-Revue Bulgare D Histoire
Title: Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences
Title: Bulletin du Cancer
Title: Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute
Title: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Title: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association
Title: Burns
Title: Business and Society
Title: AAA-Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Full Journal Title: AAA-Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik
ISO Abbreviated Title:
JCR Abbreviated Title:
ISSN: 0171-5410
Journal Country/Territory:
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Bernhart, W. and Zach, W. (1984), In honor of Stanzel, Franz, K. 60th birthday - a bibliography of his works and works quoting him compiled from the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. AAA-Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 9(1), 3-21.
Title: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
Full Journal Title: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
ISO Abbreviated Title: Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc.
JCR Abbreviated Title: Abstr Pap Amer Chem Soc
ISSN: 0065-7727
Journal Country/Territory:
Publisher: Amer Chemical Soc, Washington
Publisher Address:
Subject Categories:
: Impact Factor
? Dewitt, T.W., Nicholson, R.S. and Wilson, M.K. (1976), Science Citation Index and Chemistry. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 172 (SEP3), 28
Keywords: Chemistry, Citation, Science Citation Index
?Almond, J.R. (1981), Bibliometric analysis - A tool in tracking competitive research interests. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 182, 25-CINF.
?Lyon, W.S. (1985), Scientometrics with some emphasis on communication at scientific meetings and through the InvisibleCollege. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 189(APR-), 4-CINF.
? Jenkins, J.A. (1986), Instructional-materials for Science Citation Index, Current-Abstracts-of-Chemistry-and-Index-Chemicus, and other abstracting for indexing services. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 191, 138-CHED
Keywords: Science Citation Index
Title: Academic Emergency Medicine
Full Journal Title: Academic Emergency Medicine
ISO Abbreviated Title: Acad. Emerg. Med.
JCR Abbreviated Title: Acad Emerg Med
ISSN: 1069-6563
Issues/Year: 12
Journal Country/Territory:United States
Language: English
Publisher: Hanley & Belfus Inc
Publisher Address: 210 s 13th St, Philadelphia, PA19107
Subject Categories:
Emergency Medicine: Impact Factor 1.144, 3/12 (2001)
? Osmond, M.H. and Klassen, T.P. (1995), Efficacy of Ipratropium bromide in acute childhood asthma - A metaanalysis. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2 (7), 651-656.
Abstract: Purpose: To determine whether inhaled ipratropium bromide provides an additive, clinically important improvement in children with acute asthma who are being treated with beta(2)-agonists. Methods: An English-language literature search was conducted employing MEDLINE (1966 to 1992), Science Citation Index (1986 to 1992) using key citations, bibliographic reviews of primary research and review articles, and correspondence with authors of recent articles. After independent review by two observers, six studies were selected on the basis of prespecified selection criteria. Two observers independently assessed the selected papers by using explicit methodologic criteria for evaluating the quality of studies dealing with therapeutic intervention. Results: None of the six studies found a significant difference in clinical rating score, admission rate; or length of stay in hospital between the ipratropium bromide and the control groups. The three studies with the highest methodologic validity measured the change in percentage predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)) from baseline to 60 minutes. The pooled effect size (95% CI) for these studies was 0.88 (0.42-1.34), which translates to an improvement in percentage predicted FEV(1) over the control group of 12.5% (95% CI, 6.6-18.4). In a subset of 23 children who had severe airway obstruction, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) responded better to a beta(2)-agonist alone (p = 0.007). Conclusion: The existing evidence reveals that the addition of ipratropium bromide to a beta(2)-agonist offers a statistically significant improvement in percentage predicted FEV(1) but no clinical improvement. As it may cause deterioration in PEFR in severely asthmatic children, ipratropium bromide should not be used universally for acute childhood asthma until further research determines the clinical significance of these spirometric changes.
Keywords: Additive, Airway, Asthma, Childhood, Children, Citations, Clinical, Clinical Significance, Control, Fenoterol, Flow, Flow Rate, Forced Expiratory Volume, Group, Groups, Hospital, Inhalation, Intervention, Ipratropium Bromide, Key, Length of Stay, Management, MEDLINE, Metaanalysis, Pediatrics, Quality, Recent, Research, Review, Reviews, Salbutamol, Science Citation Index, Selection, Size, Validity
?Federiuk, C.S. (1999), The effect of abbreviations on MEDLINE searching. Academic Emergency Medicine, 6 (4), 292-296.
Abstract: Objective: To determine the effect of the use of abbreviations and acronyms on citation retrieval in MEDLINE searches. Methods: Twenty common medical abbreviations that retrieved a minimum of 400 citations each in MEDLINE text, word searches were studied. Each abbreviation was entered in a MEDLINE subject search to determine whether it mapped to an appropriate medical subject heading (MeSH) term. The MeSH category and the number of citations retrieved were recorded. The abbreviation and its definition were each entered in separate text word searches, and the number of citations retrieved was recorded. Sets were combined to determine the number of identical and unique citations retrieved in the searches. Results: MEDLINE recognized all 20 abbreviations and mapped them to appropriate MeSH headings. MeSH term assignment, however, may be case- and space-sensitive, MeSH term searches retrieved more citations than text word searches for 18 of 20 abbreviations. Comparison of the document sets yielded by each search method revealed a subset of citations common to each. Although all sets retrieved showed overlap, no two were identical. In addition, each citation set contained a proportion of unique documents. Conclusion: Retrieval of all unique citations required three searches; subject with abbreviation, text word with abbreviation, and text word with definition. These results have important implications for MEDLINE. users.
Keywords: Abbreviations, End-User, Information Storage and Retrieval, MEDLINE, Review Literature, Subject Headings
Title: Academic Medicine
Full Journal Title: Academic Medicine; Academic Medicine;Academic Medicine
ISO Abbreviated Title: Acad. Med.
JCR Abbreviated Title: Acad Med
ISSN: 1040-2446
Issues/Year: 12
Journal Country/Territory:United States
Language: English
Publisher: Hanley & Belfus Inc
Publisher Address: 210 S 13th St, Philadelphia, PA19107
Subject Categories:
Education, Scientific Disciplines: Impact Factor 1.302 (2002)
Health Care Sciences & Services: Impact Factor 1.302 (2002)
? Bilge, A., Shugerman, R.P. and Robertson, W.O. (1998), Misrepresentation of authorship by applicants to pediatrics training programs. Academic Medicine, 73(5), 532-533.
Full Text: 1998\Aca Med73, 532.pdf
Abstract: Purpose. To determine whether applicants to pediatrics residency and fellowship programs misrepresented authorship of publications.
Method. The authors sampled 1995 applications to the University of Washington School of Medicine’s pediatrics residency program and pediatrics pulmonary fellowship program. They submitted all publications claimed in the submitted applications to extensive efforts to authenticate both their existence and authorship.
Results. Among the 404 pediatrics residency program applications studied, 147 claimed authorship of publications; 29 (19.7%) of these contained at least one unverifiable publication. Of the 401 publications claimed in the 147 applications, 41 (10.2%) could not be confirmed. Among 31 fellowship applications, 14 claimed publications. At least one citation was unverifiable for each of the 14 applications. Of the total 77 publications claimed, 31 (40%) could not be confirmed.
Conclusion. Misrepresentation occurs on graduate medical education applications; solutions are needed to address this problem.
Keywords: Credentials
Notes: TTopic
Adler, M.D. and Johnson, K.B. (2000), Quantifying the literature of computer-aided instruction in medical education. Academic Medicine, 75(10), 1025-1028.
Full Text: 2000\Aca Med75, 1025.pdf
Abstract: Purpose. To characterize the literature about computer-aided instruction (CAI) as it relates to medical education.
Method. A descriptive study using the MEDLINE and ERIC databases, reviewing articles pertaining to CAI for medical professionals. The literature was evaluated with respect to type of article, journal, language, and year of publication.
Results. The search yielded 2,840 citations, 92% of which were in English. The number of journals with at least one citation was 747. Less than 5% of the 5,147 authors had three or more articles published in the CAI literature. Of the citations with abstracts, 60% were demonstrations of a CAI application, 11% were media-comparative studies, and 13% were analyses of the CAI field. While the pace of article publication increased markedly over time, the percentages of article types did not change significantly over time. Less than 10% of CAI articles appeared in core medical journals.