9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) System

Scope of Work


This Request for State Proposal is to establish contract(s) with multiple 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) System Contractors to provide, install, upgrade and receive hardware and software maintenance on 9-1-1 computer telephony, mapping, call recording, and other 9-1-1 related products and services employed in PSAP Systems throughout the State of Arizona. The State will be awarding in two separate categories. Primary Contractors – These suppliers may be selected by the PSAP to provide, upgrade and support either new or existing systems, and Legacy Contractors –These Suppliers may only be selected by the PSAP to support existing systems. 9-1-1 systems are used by professional PSAP staff to answer and process wire line, wireless and VoI P 9-1-1 calls. The State will be awarding by region. Offerors may bid on selected regions or on all of the regions. The regions are detailed in the attachment titled Regions for Response Exhibit 1.doc.

The objective of this RFP is to establish contract(s) with multiple suppliers to provide an expedient and cost effective purchasing vehicle for eligible State Agencies to purchase and maintain 9-1-1 Systems that effectively meet their specific needs requirement. The Offeror shall submit a percentage off manufacturer list for all system components specified in the State’s Proposal and the Eligible Agencies Proposals (EA Proposals)

Any PSAP Systems purchased under the resulting contract shall employ current technology that positions the PSAP to accept and process current and near future technologies, (for example: Next Generation 9-1-1) and any new PSAP Systems shall be able to manage information delivered to the PSAP, while increasing the effectiveness of the 9-1-1 PSAP System users and the public safety service level to the citizens of the State of Arizona.

The State and the PSAP’ requires “Turnkey” installations. The “turnkey” installation shall include all equipment, labor, materials and services for a complete and operational system. The Contracted Suppliers shall specify, in detail, any responsibilities of the Eligible Agency regarding the System in the Eligible Agency Proposal. Interfaces to existing PSAP Systems shall be completed as outlined in the “INTERFACES” Section of this Scope of Work. Unless otherwise stated the awarded supplier is responsible for installing all equipment and cable required to support the proposed 9-1-1System, and for removing existing telephony equipment and cable and other debris that has been created as a result of the new system installation.


The State of Arizona has a population of approximately 5.9 million. There are 15 counties and approximately 100 PSAP Systems within the State. During the next five years, it is anticipated, but not guaranteed that all PSAP Systems will be upgraded, or replaced in part and possibly in whole.

The PSAP Systems answers 9-1-1, 10 digit emergency and non-emergency calls for police, fire, emergency medical services (EMS), and other types of public safety calls. Calls for service vary by location and PSAP system.


The State desires to create a contract or contracts to cover both new 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) systems and maintenance on existing PSAP systems already in use by the State. The State acknowledges that the PSAP industry and its suppliers are changing rapidly and as such desires to establish manufacturer-based contracts rather than product-specific point-in-time technology requirements, allowing flexibility to accommodate open-standards -based products and new technologies.

The State intends to consider value-added-reseller, distributor, as well as manufacturer-direct proposals and may award multiple manufacturer offerings to a successful value-added-reseller and/or distributor.

Contracted Suppliers will be awarded as either Primary Contractors or Legacy Contractors. Primary Contractors may be selected by the PSAP to provide, upgrade and support either new or existing systems. Legacy Contractors are limited to upgrade and support of a PSAP’s already existing Systems. Supplier may submit State Proposals for both Categories and can receive awards for both categories. A Contract Supplier may only submit Eligible Agency Proposal for a Category that they have been awarded. If a Contracted supplier submits an EA Proposal for a category they are not awarded that it will be viewed as being in default of the contract and may result in, and is not limited to, termination of their contract.

Contracts will be awarded by Region. The Regions are designated in Exhibit 1. Awarded Suppliers are limited to the PSAPs within the region(s) awarded to that Supplier. Suppliers may submit State Proposals for as many regions as they have the capacity to support.


The State and the PSAP’ require “Turnkey” installations. The “turnkey” installation shall include all equipment, labor, materials and services for a complete and operational system. The Contracted Suppliers shall specify, in detail, any responsibilities of the Eligible Agency regarding the System in the Eligible Agency Proposal. Interfaces to existing PSAP Systems shall be completed as outlined in the “INTERFACES” Section of this Scope of Work. Unless otherwise stated the awarded supplier is responsible for installing all equipment and cable required to support the proposed 9-1-1System, and for removing existing telephony equipment and cable and other debris that has been created as a result of the new system installation.

Project management and installation charges will vary from site to site depending on the complexity and products being installed. Pricing for onsite installation and project management for specific projects at a PSAP shall be quoted per the site survey assessment before the Eligible Agency Proposal has been submitted. The Awarded Supplier shall provide a full explanation of all equipment and services for each installation.

The Offeror shall provide the operating temperature range and BTU’s of heat generated for each primary place of equipment in both State and Eligible Agency Proposals. All Equipment rooms are air conditioned and the expected temperature is between 0 and -40ºC.

Offerors shall document in the State Proposal the number of the firm’s technical staff members dedicated to new development verses those assigned to support of existing applications.

System installation shall comply with NENA standards, application EIA standards, and best engineering practices.

A Contracted Supplier cannot exceed (120) days to order, deliver, install and train PSAP personnel on the installed equipment from when a Purchase Agreement or contract for equipment is signed.

On occasions where it is deemed necessary by PSAP the Awarded Supplier may utilize Drop Shipping to ensure the PSAP received the necessary equipment in the quickest manner possible.


  • ACD – Automatic Call Distribution system
  • ADMINISTRATOR – The PSAP System’s administrator
  • AVL – Automatic Vehicle Location
  • CAD – Computer Aided Dispatch system
  • CTI – Computer Telephony Integration employing intelligent workstations for telephony services
  • E9-1-1 – Enhanced 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Network
  • ESN – Emergency Service Number
  • Eligible Agency Proposal - A Proposal submitted to the PSAP (Eligible Agency) for a specific new system or upgrades or maintenance on a Legacy system. Only Awarded Suppliers can submit Eligible agency Proposals.
  • GIS – Geographic Information System
  • Legacy Contractor - An awarded Contractor who supports equipment that was previously installed. This awarded Contractor may or may not be awarded for supplying new turnkey systems.
  • MIS – Management Information System
  • MSAG – Master Street Address Guide
  • NENA – National Emergency Number Association
  • NG9-1-1 – Next Generation 9-1-1
  • NOS – Network Operating System
  • OS – Operating System
  • Pre Plans – The preliminary review of facilities to ensure that sites meet location requirements.
  • Primary Contractor – The single point of contact for any and all issues from inception to completion of project.
  • PSAP – Public Safety Answering Point
  • State Proposal – Submittal for State Contract consideration.
  • Switch – A PBX (private branch exchange) used to manage and route calls in the system
  • Turn Key – A system that has been built, installed or supplied by the vendor or contractor that is complete and ready to operate.
  • WAN – Wide Area Network
  • 9-1-1 PSAP System or System – All telephone, computer, workstation, ancillary hardware products, system software, application software, operating system software, networking software and services needed for a new or upgraded PSAP System provided in accordance with the Contract. Software products include source and machine-readable object code for such product and any other related materials which are furnished to the State and/or PSAP by the Contractor for use in connection with such product.


The use of standard network and workstation 32-bit operating systems is required with current and future technology. Use of Proprietary operating systems is strongly discouraged and insistent on use of this type of Operating System will negatively impact your evaluation score. Suppliers who will be submitting Eligible Agency Proposals for Systems that use less than 32 bit architecture or proprietary operating systems shall explain, in detail, the need for such use, within their State and detail their commitment to supporting and modifying the proposed proprietary operating system.

The Awarded Contractor is responsible for listing, in detail, the hardware PSAPs will require in the Eligible Agency Proposal. All equipment proposed shall within industry standards (For example: Telcordia & NENA etc) All equipment proposed shall be compatible with Telcordia Telephone protocol(s).

The Awarded Contractor shall provide for a fully digital “switch” and the system will have the capability of incorporating all existing analog lines. A complete project plan along with cost for such incorporation shall be included as part of the Eligible Agency Proposal. The use of analog switch technology shall not be proposed, unless to be used in legacy systems.

All proposed system designs shall, to the greatest extent possible, eliminate single points of failure by using fault-tolerant or highest availability architectures. The State desired proposal to include failure diagnosis and reporting via SNMP or event log monitoring. The Offeror shall describe in both the State proposal and the EAP Proposal any reduced levels of service caused by component failure, including the operational requirements for back up and recovery.

The system shall provide on-line help for all user functions. Help information shall be retrievable while using the System without having to abandon a call or log off. The Help screens shall contain standard Window™-type help functions such as, but not limited to, topics, contents, search, find, etc.

Any New System proposed shall provide data archiving and retrieving. The process shall provide discrete selection for archiving and/or retrieving data by date(s). The Offeror shall provide a description of the data archiving and retrieving process in both the State Proposal as well as the Eligible Agency Proposal

The switch or PBX shall be sufficiently sized to permit System expansion. The switch or PBX shall use digital architecture and technology, and be modular in design,

When a New System is being purchased, the Computer Workstation and Server Configurations shall comply with industry-accepted standards. The State will not view favorably State or Eligible Agency Proposals that include propriety configurations, the Supplier must demonstrate an overwhelming advantage to such configurations, and provide evidence of significant capacity to provide long term (up to 10 years) guarantees, support and upgrades.

Intelligent workstations and servers provided under this Contract shall be Graphical User Interface (GUI) based. Computer power supplies, hard drives, expansion slots, etc. shall be sized to allow for System expansion based on the size of the PSAP as specified in the Eligible Agency Proposal

All New System designs shall eliminate single points of failure by using fault-tolerant or high availability architectures.

Any New System shall time stamp all incoming voice, TTY/TDD calls using the System’s Internal Time Source. All new systems purchased shall record the time the call entered the System, the time it was answered, the call duration, the time completed or transferred, and the user ID shall be included in the time stamp function. The time stamp shall be referenced to an agreed upon time standard, and not deviate from the RADIO AND CAD time. The Time Stamp shall be able to adjust to Daylight Savings Time and have the option of not adjusting to not Daylight Savings Time, depending on the Eligible Agency’s requirement.

Any System shall provide varying degrees of levels of fallback operations, depending on the magnitude of the fault or problem. An “all or nothing” approach is unacceptable. The Contractor Supplier shall describe in the Eligible Agency Proposal each level of fallback in detail.

Any new System that is purchased shall be modular in that additional equipment cards or shelves can be added to increase capacity.

The State and PSAPs recognize the value of ACD functionality for select PSAP operations. The Contracted Supplier shall denote the ACD functions that can be achieved without additional ACD hardware ad/or software. The ACD may be internal or external to the System, but either way it shall be fully integrated with the Eligible Agency Proposed System. If the PSAP chooses a Contracted Supplier who proposed an ACD, it is the sole responsibility of the Contracted Supplier to fully integrate the ACD into the System as part of the Eligible Agency Proposal.

Any new System purchased shall accommodate 20 digit, X/Y Coordinates, and longitude and latitude ANI and ALI in compliance with FCC Docket 94-102. Some Eligible Agency PSAPs use two circuits to communicate with the database for ALI services. Communications with the ALI data base shall be made in a full duplex mode immediately after the ANI is decoded.

The Contracted Supplier shall interface the CTI system with the PSAP’s CAD and radio systems. Integration methods employed by the Contractor shall be described, in detail in the State Proposal, and shall not affect the warranties, agreements, or proprietary rights of existing systems’ manufacturers.

The Contracted Supplier shall define in the Eligible Agency Proposal the CTI telephone system fields available for transfer to the CAD, and propose varying degrees of telephone/CAD integration for the new CAD systems. As a minimum, the name, address, telephone number of the calling party and those fields that contain XY data for Wireless Phase II and the time of the call shall transfer to the CAD from the telephone number.

The Contracted Supplier shall describe, in detail, within the State Proposal and in the Eligible Agency Proposal the process of the preliminary site inspection by which the information is sent from the CTI telephone system to the CAD.

The Contracted Supplier shall provide in the State and Eligible Agency Proposal their capability to readily interface the telephone with various radio console systems that are currently being used by the PSAPs.

Time for the telephone system shall be consistent with the time used for the radio and CAD systems. One standard for all three systems is required.

Any system shall be able to classify multiple classifications of trunks and lines (e.g. emergency, administrative, non-emergency, jurisdiction “X”, etc.)

All new Systems purchased shall be able to systemically prioritize between types of trunks and lines. Prioritization shall provide the capability to affect queuing and /or differentiate between categories for the longest unanswered call feature.

All systems shall have the capability to determine a user’s function duties or specific qualifications buy the roles applied to their user ID.


Administrators shall be permitted to backup System Setup files separately from System Data and operating system files. In the event of a System failure that causes system setup corruption, administrators shall be able to reload the System Setup files without affecting any other files.

Retrieving information from backup media shall be available to administrators from any positions on the System. The process required for information retrieval shall not interrupt normal use and/or operation of the System. Information retrieved shall be in a “read-only” format, and shall not be altered from the retrieval process.

Administrators shall be permitted to backup System Data files separately from Operating System and System Setup files. In the event of a system failure that causes System data corruption, administrators shall be able to reload the System Data files without affecting any other files.



Standard 19” or 23”, equipment racks shall be provided by the Contractor. Each Eligible Agency Proposal will describe in detail the placement of the equipment rack and the Awarded Contractor shall work with the PSAP location on an acceptable, agreed to, floor plan when they are completing their site survey assessment before submitting their Eligible Agency Proposal and exact floor plan and design shall be included in all proposals. Rack type and installation practices shall comply with industry standards.