SABER L1B netCDF file contents

Software Version 1.07

Calibration Version 1.07

Product Format Version 001

Data Product Version 1.07

This document describes the contents of the specified version of a SABER L1B file. For a complete listing of the contents of this level L1B file, a complete ncdump of a representative level1B file is included at the end of this document. The ncdump will indicate the type of variable such as floating point, real, integer, double precision, etc.

The table that follows lists each variable contained in the netCDF file along with its dimensions, units, long name, and missing value. For this L1B file these dimensioning variables are:

Channel: 10



vector: 3


event: 98

Most dimension variables are static. The Channel, elevation, pressure_nmc, vectorm and str_len dimensions are static for all SABER L1B Version 1.07 files. The Event dimension will vary dependent on the number of events in the orbit of the particular netCDF file. Nominally, SABER measures 94-98 events per orbit. (In this particular example, there are 98 events in the file).

Level 1B netcdf variables

Variable(dimensions) / Units / Long name / Missing
sigma(channel) / Degrees / -999.0
event(event) / Event Number for Current File / -9
preEvent(event) / Previous Event Indicator / -9
date(event) / YYYYDOY / Date (yyyyddd) / 2001100
mode(event) / 0=Down 1=Up / -9
tpDN(event) / Tangent Point Day/Night (0=Day 1=Night,2=terminator(85<solar zenith angle<95)) / -9
tpAD(event) / Tangent Point Asc/Des (0=Ascending 1=Descending) / -9
offsetALT(event) / Km / Altitude offset from Level2 / 0
twistangle(event) / Degrees / Residual Twist Angle / 0
motionFactor(event) / Ratio / Residual Motion Scale Factor / 1
moonSepAngle(event) / Degrees / Separation Angle(los & moon) / -999.0
tpaltmoonSepAngle(event) / Km / Tp Altitude at Separation Angle / -999.0
solAP(event) / Solar Ap Index / -9.0
solKP(event) / Solar Kp Index / -9.0
solf10p7Daily(event) / F10.7 Flux (daily) / -999.0
solF10p781dAvg(event) / F10.7 Flux (81-day average) / -999.0
solSpotNo(event) / Zurich Sunspot Number / -9
scSolarZen(event) / Degrees / Sc Solar Zenith Angle / -999.0
earth_sun(event) / Km / Earth-Sun Distance / -999.0
lunar_vector(event,elevation,vector) / Vector to center of moon from spacecraft / -999.0
pressure_nmc(event,pressure_nmc) / mbar / NMC pressure at TP / -999.0
temperature_nmc(event,pressure_nmc) / K / NMC temperature at TP / -999.0
geopotential_height_nmc(event,pressure_nmc) / Km / NMC Geopotential He / -999.0
time(event,elevation) / Msec / Time in msecs since Midnight / -999
sclatitude(event, elevation) / Degrees(N) / Spacecraft Latitude / -999.0
sclongitude(event, elevation) / Degrees(E) / Spacecraft Longitude / -999.0
scaltitude(event, elevation) / Km / Spacecraft Altitude / -999.0
tplatitude(event, elevation) / Degrees / Tangent Point Latitude / -999.0
tplongitude(event, elevation) / Degrees / Tangent Point longitude / -999.0
tpaltitude(event, elevation) / Km / Tangent Point altitude
tpSolarZen(event, elevation) / degrees / Tangent point Solar Zenith Angle / -999.0
tpSolarLT(event, elevation) / Msec / Tangent point local solar time (Msec since midnight UTC) / -999.0
elevation(event, elevation) / milliradians / Elevation Angle / -9999.0
scanAng(event, elevation) / milliradians / Mirror Scan Angle / -9999.0
Rad(event, elevation, channel) / Watts/m2/sr / Calibrated Radiance / -999.0
scattitude(event, elevation, vector) / degrees / Spacecraft attitude vector / -999.0
maxRate(event) / Degrees/sec / Maximum scan rate
timeMaxRate(event) / msec / Time corresponds to maximum scan rate
angleMaxRate(event) / degrees / Angle corresponds to maximum scan rate
qaRelaxationCorr(event, channel, vector) / Watts/m2/sr / QA for Relaxation Correction in Corrected Radiance / -999.0
qaRelaxationPctg(event, channel, vector) / Ratio / QA for Relaxation Correction in Percent Total Radiance / -999.0
qaScatterCorr(event, channel, vector) / Watts/m2/sr / QA for Scatter Correction in Corrected Radiance / -999.0
qaScatterPctg(event, channel, vector) / Ratio / QA for Scatter Correction in Percent Total Radiance / -999.0

Level 1B netCDF ncdump

This listing is the output from doing a ncdump –h on a SABER Level 1B file. While most of the information has been given in the table above, a raw look will provide additional information that could prove useful to the user such as float and double designations, file global attributes, and more.

netcdf SABER_L1B_2007300_31869_01.07 {


channel = 10 ;

elevation = 1401 ;

pressure_nmc = 64 ;

vector = 3 ;

str_len = 6 ;

event = UNLIMITED ; // (98 currently)


char ChannelName(channel, str_len) ;

float sigma(channel) ;

short event(event) ;

event:_FillValue = -9s ;

event:long_name = "Event number for current file" ;

short preEvent(event) ;

preEvent:_FillValue = -9s ;

preEvent:long_name = "Previous event indicator" ;

int date(event) ;

date:_FillValue = 2001100 ;

date:long_name = "Date (yyyyddd)" ;

short mode(event) ;

mode:_FillValue = -9s ;

mode:long_name = "Mode (0=Down 1=Up)" ;

short tpDN(event) ;

tpDN:_FillValue = -9s ;

tpDN:long_name = "Tangent Point Day/Night (0=Day 1=Night 2=terminator(85<solar zenith angle<95))" ;

short tpAD(event) ;

tpAD:_FillValue = -9s ;

tpAD:long_name = "Tangent Point Asc/Des (0=Ascending 1=Descinding)" ;

float offsetALT(event) ;

offsetALT:_FillValue = 0.f ;

offsetALT:long_name = "Altitude offset from Level2" ;

float twistAngle(event) ;

twistAngle:_FillValue = 0.f ;

twistAngle:long_name = "Residual Twist Angle(degrees)" ;

float motionFactor(event) ;

motionFactor:_FillValue = 1.f ;

motionFactor:long_name = "Residual Motion Scale Factor" ;

float moonSepAngle(event) ;

moonSepAngle:_FillValue = -999.f ;

moonSepAngle:long_name = "Separation Angle(los & moon) degrees" ;

float tpaltmoonSepAngle(event) ;

tpaltmoonSepAngle:_FillValue = -999.f ;

tpaltmoonSepAngle:long_name = "Tp Altitude at Separation Angle km" ;

float solAP(event) ;

solAP:_FillValue = -9.f ;

solAP:long_name = "Solar Ap index" ;

float solKP(event) ;

solKP:_FillValue = -9.f ;

solKP:long_name = "Solar Kp index" ;

float solf10p7Daily(event) ;

solf10p7Daily:_FillValue = -999.f ;

solf10p7Daily:long_name = "F10.7 flux (daily)" ;

float solF10p781dAvg(event) ;

solF10p781dAvg:_FillValue = -999.f ;

solF10p781dAvg:long_name = "F10.7 flux (81-day average)" ;

short solSpotNo(event) ;

solSpotNo:_FillValue = -9s ;

solSpotNo:long_name = "Zurich Sunspot Number" ;

float scSolarZen(event) ;

scSolarZen:_FillValue = -999.f ;

scSolarZen:units = "degrees" ;

scSolarZen:long_name = "Sc solar zenith angle (degrees)" ;

float earth_sun(event) ;

earth_sun:_FillValue = -999.f ;

earth_sun:units = "km" ;

earth_sun:long_name = "Earth-Sun distance (km)" ;

float lunar_vector(event, elevation, vector) ;

lunar_vector:_FillValue = -999.f ;

lunar_vector:long_name = "Vector to center of moon from spacecraft" ;

float pressure_nmc(event, pressure_nmc) ;

pressure_nmc:_FillValue = -999.f ;

pressure_nmc:units = "mbar" ;

pressure_nmc:long_name = "NMC pressure (mbar) at TP" ;

float temperature_nmc(event, pressure_nmc) ;

temperature_nmc:_FillValue = -999.f ;

temperature_nmc:units = "K" ;

temperature_nmc:long_name = "NMC temperature (K) at TP" ;

float geopotential_height_nmc(event, pressure_nmc) ;

geopotential_height_nmc:_FillValue = -999.f ;

geopotential_height_nmc:units = "km" ;

geopotential_height_nmc:long_name = "NMC Geopotential He" ;

int time(event, elevation) ;

time:_FillValue = -999 ;

time:units = "Msec" ;

time:long_name = "Time in msec since midnight" ;

float sclatitude(event, elevation) ;

sclatitude:_FillValue = -999.f ;

sclatitude:units = "degrees_north" ;

sclatitude:long_name = "Spacecraft latitude (degrees)" ;

float sclongitude(event, elevation) ;

sclongitude:_FillValue = -999.f ;

sclongitude:units = "degrees_east" ;

sclongitude:long_name = "Spacecraft longitude (degrees)" ;

float scaltitude(event, elevation) ;

scaltitude:_FillValue = -999.f ;

scaltitude:units = "km" ;

scaltitude:long_name = "Spacecraft altitude (km)" ;

float tplatitude(event, elevation) ;

tplatitude:_FillValue = -999.f ;

tplatitude:units = "degrees" ;

tplatitude:long_name = "Tangent point latitude" ;

float tplongitude(event, elevation) ;

tplongitude:_FillValue = -999.f ;

tplongitude:units = "degrees" ;

tplongitude:long_name = "Tangent Point longitude" ;

float tpaltitude(event, elevation) ;

tpaltitude:units = "km" ;

tpaltitude:long_name = "Tangent Point altitude" ;

float tpSolarZen(event, elevation) ;

tpSolarZen:_FillValue = -999.f ;

tpSolarZen:units = "degrees" ;

tpSolarZen:long_name = "Tangent point solar zenith angle" ;

float tpSolarLT(event, elevation) ;

tpSolarLT:_FillValue = -999.f ;

tpSolarLT:units = "msec" ;

tpSolarLT:long_name = "Tangent point local solar time (msec since midnight UT)" ;

double elevation(event, elevation) ;

elevation:_FillValue = -9999. ;

elevation:units = "milliradians" ;

elevation:long_name = "Elevation Angle (milliradians)" ;

double scanAng(event, elevation) ;

scanAng:_FillValue = -9999. ;

scanAng:units = "milliradians" ;

scanAng:long_name = "Mirror Scan Angle(milliradians" ;

float Rad(event, elevation, channel) ;

Rad:_FillValue = -999.f ;

Rad:units = "watts/m2/sr" ;

Rad:long_name = "Calibrated radiance (watts/m2/sr)" ;

float scattitude(event, elevation, vector) ;

scattitude:_FillValue = -999.f ;

scattitude:long_name = "Spacecraft attitude vector (degrees)" ;

float maxRate(event) ;

maxRate:long_name = "maximum scan rate (degrees/sec)" ;

int timeMaxRate(event) ;

timeMaxRate:long_name = "time corresponds to maximum scan rate (msec)" ;

float angleMaxRate(event) ;

angleMaxRate:long_name = "angle corresponds to maximum scan rate (degrees)" ;

float qaRelaxationCorr(event, channel, vector) ;

qaRelaxationCorr:_FillValue = -999.f ;

qaRelaxationCorr:long_name = "QA for Relaxation Correction in Corrected Radiance" ;

float qaRelaxationPctg(event, channel, vector) ;

qaRelaxationPctg:_FillValue = -999.f ;

qaRelaxationPctg:long_name = "QA for Relaxation Correction in Percent Total Radiance" ;

float qaScatterCorr(event, channel, vector) ;

qaScatterCorr:_FillValue = -999.f ;

qaScatterCorr:long_name = "QA for Scatter Correction in Corrected Radiance" ;

float qaScatterPctg(event, channel, vector) ;

qaScatterPctg:_FillValue = -999.f ;

qaScatterPctg:long_name = "QA for Scatter Correction in Percent Total Radiance" ;

// global attributes:

:Title = "SABER Level1B Product!" ;

:Data_Product_Type = "Preliminary L1B Results" ;

:Mission = "TIMED" ;

:Source = "SABER POC" ;

:Software_Name = "SABER Level1" ;

:Software_Version = "01.07" ;

:Calibration_Version = "01.07" ;

:Product_Format_Version = "001" ;

:Filename = "" ;

:Data_Product_Version = "01.07" ;

:Date_Generated = "2008042142244" ;

:Data_Start_Time = "2007300072217" ;

:Data_End_Time = "2007300090037" ;

:Orbitnumber = "31869" ;

:History = "Pointing Altitude" ;
