Current Mailing Address:
92 Longly street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Mobile: 07897444507
To work progressively & diligently on challengingassignments in a dynamic and learningorganization.
Academic Background:
- PhD Human Resource Management (In progress)
Newcastle University Business School United Kingdom
- MS Management (2007)
From Institute of Administrative Sciences,University of the Punjab, LahorePakistan
CGPA 3.61 out of 4
- DAIBP Stage I, II & III (2004)
Diplomaed Associate of the Institute of BankersPakistan
Professional qualification of Banking under the aegis of the Institute of Bankers Pakistan.
- MBA (Banking & Finance) (2003)
Institute of Management Sciences, University of Peshawar NWFPPakistan.
MBA Banking and Finance in collaboration with Institute of BankersPakistan (IBP).
CGPA 3.7 out of 4
- Bachelor of Science(2000)
Majors in Statistics and Mathematics
- Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar Pakistan (August 2009 to date)
On study leave for PhD
- FAST National University Pakistan (July2006 to August 2009)
Worked as anAssistant Professor in the Department of Management Sciences
- University of Malakand NWFP Pakistan(Sept 2004 to Oct 2005)
Worked as a lecturer in a public sectorUniversity, in the Deptt of Management Studies.
- Habib Bank Limited (2003)
Worked for six months in HBL in the Advances,Foreign Exchange, Deposit and Remittances departments of the bank under the aegis of Institute of Bankers Pakistan.
Administrative Responsibilities at the University
- Coordinator of final year projects.
- Worked as a member in various committees at campus.
- Managed faculty and time schedules for different courses offered.
- Arranged seminars, study tours and variety shows for students.
- Represented university in different meetings, seminars, and conferences.
Research Work:
- Siddique, M. Zeb, M. & Qammar, A. (2007). The fight of invisibles in invincible territory: A relative contribution of neo-Marxism to organizational theory. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 1 (2) p 45-56.
- Siddique, M. Qammar, A. & Zeb, M. (2007). Impact of demographics on organizational Support and Employee Motivation. Journal of Managerial Sciences, 1 (2) p 87-98.
- Siddique, M. Ghazanfar, F. & Qammar, A. (2008).Perceived Supervisor Support and Employee Motivation in Textile Sector of Pakistan. Fourth International Conference on Statistical SciencesIslamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences. University of Gujrat, Friday 9th to Saturday 10th May 2008.
Trainings and Workshops
- Leadership Series event “Leading Bold Change: Succeeding in a Turbulent World” with Craig Smithon 10thMay 2011, in Newcastle University Business School UK.
- Attended one day NARTI workshop on “Employing Behavioural Observations in Team Research” by Dr. CarstenSchermuly (Braunschweig University of Technology) and by Dr. Bertolt Meyer (University of Zurich), held on 7 April 2011 at Durham Business School, UK.
- “The role of a Leader” by Kevin James from North Leadership Centre UK at NUBS on 20th December 2010.
- 'The Presence of Entrepreneurial Opportunity' by Dr Andrew Popp from Liverpool University on 12th November 2010 in Ridley Building Newcastle University Business School UK.
- Leadership Series event “Seizing the Future” with Professor Peter Shaw on 11th November 2010, in the Devonshire Building, Newcastle University Business School UK.
- Attended a workshop on “Career Development as a Researcher and Academics”on 25th October, 2010at HASS training centre Newcastle University UK.
- Attended a workshop on “Mentoring”on 11th October, 2010 at HASS training centre Newcastle University UK.
- “Our iceberg is melting': Story, Metaphor and the Management of Organizational Change' by Dr Stefanie Reissner on October 28, 2010 atNUBS UK.
- Attended a workshop of ELTR Project (HEC) on “Research Methodology” from 3rd March to 8th March, 2008.
- Attended Faculty Development Training program at FAST-NU Peshawarfrom July 3, 2007- July 12, 2007.
Personal Information
Father’s Name:Muhammad ILyas
Address: Village & P.O Charpariza,Tehsil & District Peshawar, NWFP Pakistan
Mobile:07897444507,Height: 5.8’ Weight: 76 kg
Ahmad Qammar, Sheffield University Business School UKEmail:
Professor Stephen Procter, NU Business School Email: