Academic AffairsDIVISION PLAN


  1. PROGRAM STRATEGY – Identify the educational programs and services we will offer in the future, how we will deliver them, where and when we will deliver them

Activity # / Initiative Description/
Responsibility / Fiscal Year 2011 / Expected
Completion Date / New
Funding Required / Fiscal Year 2012 / Funding
Required / Fiscal Year 2013 / Funding
A11.01AA / Transfer Certificate
A&S Div Dean / Offer the certificate for university transfer students. / 08/2010 / $3,800
A11.02AA / 2+2 Biological Sciences Articulation Agreement with Clemson University
Science DH / Offer the required sequence of courses for the AS degree with a biological sciences concentration. / 08/2010 / $5,000
A11.03AA / Institutionalization of academic components of LEI
A&S Div Dean and DHs / Work with LEI Implementation Team to institutionalize the academic components of the LEI. / Ongoing
A11.04AA / Associate of Arts Degree Online
A&S Div Dean / Convert remaining courses to online delivery. / 06/2011 / Offer A. A. Degree online.
A11.05AA / Student access through multiple campuses – CIT
  • Develop hybrid courses for Anderson Campus.
  • Continue to promote evening hybrid program at Anderson Campus.
  • Increase service course offerings at Anderson Campus as demand dictates.
/ Ongoing / Begin offering service courses at the Easley Campus. / Expand evening program from Anderson to Easley using shared instructor resources.
A11.06AA / Entrepreneur Certificate
  • Develop certificate.
  • Offer program in Pendleton.
/ 08/2010 / Offer program in Easley.
A11.07AA / Student access through delivery methods - CIT
CIT DH / Increase second session, May term, hybrid format, online format, and promote Anderson Friday offerings. / Ongoing / Continue to evaluate needs of students and expand as needed. / Continue to evaluate needs of students and expand as needed.
A11.08AA / CRJ Courses at the Easley Campus
CRJ Faculty / Analyze classes in terms of enrollment and student demographics to determine which courses and what delivery formats are most appropriate for students at the Easley campus. The courses will all be in the 7-week format in the Spring of 2011. / 06/2011 / $15,000 adjunct salaries / Develop a course schedule for the Easley campus dependent upon the results of the analysis conducted. / $30,000adjunct salaries
A11.09AA / Summer department activities - CIT
CIT DH / Investigate computer camps for young children/teens. / Ongoing / Evaluate, plan, and promote computer camp. / Begin offering camps in summer.
A11.10AA / Culinary Certificate
BT DH / Develop program. / 06/2011 /
  • Hire Program Coordinator.
  • Purchase supplies & equipment.
  • Market and offer program.
/ $75,000
A11.11AA / Strategy for online course integrity - CRJ
CRJ Faculty / Investigate and formulate options for increasing the integrity assurance of online assessment activities. / 06/2011 / $10,000 / Implement the most feasible option and analyze results in the Fall semester. / Implement changes from analysis in the first semester of usage.
A11.12AA / Business Transfer Certificate
MGT Faculty /
  • Research certificate requirements.
  • Obtain assurances of course transferability.
  • Document new program.
/ 06/2011 / Promote program and offer at two campuses. / Develop online option.
A11.13AA / Banking Certificate-AIB
  • Develop cooperative program with Southeastern Chapter of American Institute of Banking.
  • Finalize curriculum.
  • Execute contract with AIB or letter of agreement.
  • Acquire bank simulation software.
/ 06/2011 / $30,000 /
  • Promote program locally.
  • Establish workstations for affected classrooms.
  • Offer new certificate program at one campus.
/ Add program at Easley Campus.
A11.14AA / NAEYC Accreditation
ECD DH / Establish curriculum goals and course offerings to maintain NAEYC Accreditation. / Ongoing
A11.15AA / Course offerings at Easley Campus - ECD
ECD DH / Offer ECD courses at the Easley Campus. / 01/2011
A11.16AA / Online course offerings for the ECD Program
ECD DH / Develop online delivery / 06/2011 / Offer ECD courses online.
A11.17AA / Graphic Communication Degree
RTV PC / Research development of Graphic Communications Degree including equipment and space needs. / 05/2011 / Seek approval of degree, if it is determined to move forward. / If approved, implement new degree.
A11.18AA / Program expansion – new certificates in Veterinary Dentistry and Veterinary Hospital Management (collaboration with Business and Public Services Division)
VET DH / Develop certificates. / 06/2011 / 1 course released time / Implement certificate programs. / $10K for adjunct faculty
A11.19AA / Program Expansion – new degree in Equine Science
VET DH / Develop degree. / 06/2011 / 1 course released time / Obtain degree approval. See FY 13 note re: implementation necessity. / 1 course released time DH / Equine building and campus space must be in place or in progress. (cost TBD relative to land used) / 1 FTE faculty - salary TBD
A11.20AA / Dental Hygiene - new degree
Allied Health DH / Develop program for accreditation cycle. / 06/2011 / 1 course released time / Continue to develop program for accreditation requirements;
self-study development by newly hired program coordinator / 1 course released time and
1New FTE.
~$750K for campus
renovations and
equipment / Initial Accreditation and Site Visit / Renova-tion costs may be spread over FY 12 and 13 depend-ing on time-line
A11.21AA / Cosmetology Cluster – Easley Campus
HE Div Dean / Secure building funding. / 06/2011 / $5 million for internal/
External needs / Program completion is directly dependent on building construction schedule. / 4 FTE plus $30K adjunct budget
A11.22AA / Automotive Degree at HWEC
I&ET Div Dean / Offer degree in the spring term. / 01/2011
A11.23AA / Construction Management Degree Program
I&ET Div Dean /
  • Complete needs assessment.
  • Develop curriculum.
/ Spring 2011 / Offer new program. / $50,000
A11.24AA / Blackboard, Release 9
Dir, Instructional Support (requires collaboration with IT) / Develop and implement roll-out and training strategies. / 05/2011 / $11,500 (Perkins funds) / Integratewith Banner. / $50,000
A11.25AA / WIDS 2 Web
Dir, Instructional Support (requires collaboration with IRE, VPAA, and Div Deans) /
  • Receive training.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities.
  • Develop workflow and approval processes.
/ 03/2011 / $18,000 / Develop and implement training. / $15,000
A11.26AA / Automated lecture capture capability
Dir, Instructional Support / Research best practices and products. / 12/2010 / Pilot automated lecture capture. / $10,000 / Institutionalize an automated lecture capture service / $50,000
A11.27AA / Information Literacy program
Dir, Library /
  • Evaluate Information Literacy course material.
  • Review delivery methods.
  • Update platforms.
/ 12/2010 / $500 / Evaluate Information Literacy course material. Review delivery methods. Update platforms. / $750 / Evaluate Information Literacy material. Review delivery methods. Update platforms. / $1000
A11.28AA / AA and AS degrees at AC
A&S Dean / Complete program planning and expand course offerings. / 08/2010 / Complete course expansions to provide full degrees.
A11.29AA / Establish credit programs at AC
Dir, Anderson Campus / Expand course offerings and certificate/degree accessibility in
Automotive, CRJ, and ECD. / Ongoing / Deepen course offerings in step with program development.
A11.30AA / New credit program in Horticulture/Turfgrass Management
I&ET Dean, Science DH / Complete planning and partnership formations. / 06/2011 / Begin program classes. (F11)
A11.31AA / New credit program feasibility studies in:
Visual & Performing Arts
Business Technologies
Computer Technologies
Industrial/Engineering programs -especially ones that complement automotive
Deans / Establish agreement on programs to pursue and a timeline for investigation.
Begin research as appropriate. / 06/2011 / Program planning and development. / Begin classes as appropriate.
A11.32AA / Evening and/or weekend credit degree option at AC
Dir, Anderson Campus, Deans / Complete research and develop a plan forward. / 06/2011 / Begin program (F11)
A11.33AA / AC development with new multi-campus strategy
Dir, Anderson Campus, Deans / Develop/modify plans as needed to assimilate data and advance a global plan for campus development. / Ongoing
A11.34AA / Substantive change for Easley campus
Institutional Research /
  • Collect needed information.
  • Write and submit the substantive change for Easley campus.
/ 10/2010
A11.35AA / Five-year interim SACS report
Institutional Research / Develop process and plan for completing the 5-year interim report. / 06/2011 / Collect and organize needed information. / Write and submit the five-year interim report
A11.36AA / WIDS to Web upgrade
Institutional Research / Develop a plan for implementing the new web-based WIDS software to take advantage of improved curriculum development and approval tools. / 06/2011 / Implement plan to take advantage of the new WIDS curriculum development and approval tools.
A11.37AA / Institutional Data web site
Institutional Research / Review current website and identify desiredimprovements. / 10/2010 / Implement new website / Evaluate effectiveness of new website
A11.38AA / Academic Excellence
Faculty, DHs, & Deans /
  • Refine core
competencies (& program outcomes if necessary).
  • Refine learning outcomes in “high volume” gatekeeper
  • Develop assessment measures for those outcomes.
  • Investigate electronic resources to support outcome assessment.
/ 12/2010
06/2011 /
  • Refine learning outcomes in “2nd tier” gatekeeper courses.
  • Develop assessment
measures for those
  • Implement assessment ofoutcomes developed inFY11.
  • Initiate a pilot program utilizing outcome assessment software.
  • Complete the refining of learning outcomes for gatekeeper courses along with the development of their assessment measures.
  • Implement assessment of
outcomes developed in FY12.
A11.39AA / Gatekeeper Course Redesign
Faculty, DHs, & Deans
  • Research best practices in “high volume” gatekeeper courses.
  • Expand Faculty Fellow program to include development of innovative teaching strategies.
/ 06/2011
06/2011 /
  • Implement and assess at least one innovative practice in selected gatekeeper courses.
  • Continue Faculty Fellow program and Innovative Teaching Strategies.
/ Implement and assess at least one innovative practice in selected gatekeeper courses.
A12.01AA / Accounting Transfer Certificate
ACC Faculty /
  • Research certificate requirements.
  • Obtain assurances of course transferability.
  • Document new program.
  • Promote program.
/ Offer program at Pendleton and Easley Campuses.
A12.02AA / Wildlife Rehabilitation Certificate
VET DH / Develop certificate / 1 course released time and facility renovations - $75,000K / Offer certificate / .5 FTE
A12.03AA / Biomedical program for the Easley Campus
I&ET Div Dean /
  • Document need for program.
  • Develop curriculum.
  • Obtain approvals to offer program.
/ Offer new program / $75,000
A12.04AA / Mortuary Science program for the Easley Campus
I&ET Div Dean /
  • Document need for program.
  • Develop curriculum.
  • Obtain approvals to offer program.
/ Offer new program at Easley campus. / $100,000
A12.05AA / EMSI economic impact study (Currently under review by Dr. Booth)
Institutional Research / Coordinate and collect needed data to work with EMSI to update a study of the College’s economic impact on the tri-county area. / $7,500
A12.06AA / New Certificate in Paralegal Studies
CRJ PC / Offer a cohort of classes toward the Paralegal certificate in the Fall of 2011 and continuing into the Spring of 2012. / $20,000-adjunct salaries /
  • Continue to offer the Paralegal certificate courses.
  • Develop plans to offer an Associate Degree Paralegal Program that is ABA approved.
/ $45,000-adjunct salaries and degree start-up costs.
  1. STUDENT SUCCESS STRATEGY – Develop approaches and capabilities that help our students achieve and exceed their goals

Activity # / Initiative Description/
Responsibility / Fiscal Year 2011 / Expected
Completion Date / New
Funding Required / Fiscal Year 2012 / Funding
Required / Fiscal Year 2013 / Funding
B11.01AA / Writing Center and Learning Lab Services
English DH and Mathematics DH / Provide additional hours of operation, more educational materials and software for students. / 08/2010 / $10,000
B11.02AA / Alternate Course Delivery Methods
DHs, Deans / Offer additional hybrid courses. / 06/2011
B11.03AA / CIT Course Development
CIT DH / Develop course in “Computer and Online Learning Fundamentals” as an elective course for students who need more exposure to technology before taking other courses, such as online or web-enhanced courses. Offer course Spring 2011. / Fall 2010 / Improve course and evaluate need for others. / Continue to improve course and evaluate need for others.
B11.04AA / Student Seminars - CIT
CIT DH / Assist Advisory Committee in hosting seminar on interviewing skills. / Ongoing / Assist Advisory Committee in hosting seminar on job skills. / Assist Advisory Committee in planning and hosting seminar for students.
B11.05AA / Online Certificate Programs – BT
BT PCs / Offer Data Entry Certificate online (AOT) / Spring 2011 / Offer Office Support Specialist, Business Foundations, and Human Resources Management Certificates. / Offer Payroll Certificate. (ACC)
B11.06AA / Student academic achievement and resilience - Gateway
Dir, Gateway to College /
  • Improve success rates of Foundation Term students (50% complete full course load with Cs or better).
  • Achieve 25% participation of students in transition term and beyond in Academic Success Time (2 visits per week, minimum).
/ 12/2010
12/2010 / Improve success rates of Foundation Term students (55% complete full course load with Cs or better). / Achieve 35% participation of students in transition term and beyond in Academic Success Time (2 visits per week, minimum).
B11.07AA / Computer literacy for non-traditional student population
Dir, Library / Implement a basic computer literacy program for students Fall 2010 (based on Summer 2010 pilot program). / 08/2010 / $500 /
  • Evaluate program to determine improvement revisions.
  • Expand program to reflect enrollment growth.
/ $3000 (adjunct pay) /
  • Evaluate program to determine improvement revisions.
  • Expand program to reflect enrollment growth.

B11.08AA / New learning and distance-learning technologies (AA; BA/IT)
Deans / Develop plan to acquire equipment and implement appropriate technologies. / 06/2011 / Add equipment and technology per plan. / Add equipment and technology per plan. / $6,000 (adjunct pay)
B11.09AA / Student access to information technology at AC (BA/IT)
Dir, Anderson Campus / Add student computer workstations to an existing classroom (25 units total). / 01/2011 / $9,000
B11.10AA / Opportunities at AC for student internships, co-ops; mentoring and OJT
Dir, Anderson Campus / Initiate investigation and discussions. / 06/2011 / Begin pilot program.
B11.11AA / Credit class scheduling opportunities at AC (SA)
Deans / Revise class scheduling pattern to include Fridays. / Fall 2010 / Revise class scheduling pattern to include a weekend option.
B11.12AA / Operational procedures for the Learning Excellence Initiative
LEI Dir, Dean of Enrollment Mgmt, Dean of Student Dev / Improve LEI student intake processes to ensure LEI cohorts are full. / 08/2010
B11.13AA / Comprehensive advising program for new students
VPAA, Advising Director / Investigate the following components and make recommendations for
  • Entry level data collection
  • Personalized graduation plans
  • Early alert systems
/ 05/2011 / Implement selected components of advising program (or pilot and assess at least one tool or strategy). / Finalize implementation of advising program.
B11.14AA / Course Redesign in Developmental Studies Courses
Comp Studies Dept
Other academic depts providing remedial courses / Investigate alternate delivery methods to streamline pathway through developmental studies. / 06/2011 / 1 course released time / Pilot and assess at least one research-based strategy.
B12.01AA / Study Skills Requirement
COL 103 Lead Instructor and DHs / Require COL 103 as a first time freshman course.
B12.02AA / BT-Student Mentor Program
  • Create a framework and process for a student-driven mentoring program for BT students.
  • Collaborate with other divisions to provide training and identify student mentors (e.g. possibly of interest to future teachers).
/ $2,000
B12.03AA / Expansion of the Learning Excellence Initiative’s philosophy of expanding learning capacity in our student population
LEI Dir and Implementation Team /
  • Determine processes for translating the LEI experience to multiple learning environments.
  • Determine processes for translating the LEI experience at multiple campuses.

  1. STUDENT LIFE STRATEGY – Create an environment that attracts and retains students and makes their student experience enjoyable and memorable

Activity # / Initiative Description/
Responsibility / Fiscal Year 2011 / Expected
Completion Date / New
Funding Required / Fiscal Year 2012 / Funding
Required / Fiscal Year 2013 / Funding
C11.01AA / TCTC Chorus
Full-time Music Instructor / Hold TCTC Chorus Performances / 08/2010 / $4,000
C11.02AA / Technology Club
  • Increase activities related to the Technology Club.
  • Host annual event.
/ Ongoing / Host annual event. / Host annual event.
C11.03AA / CRJ Association
Advisor for the CRJ Association / Develop a plan for integrating more guest speakers and soliciting more student involvement. / 06/2011 / Implement the plan for more student engagement in the CRJ Association. / Analyze the plan for more student engagement in the CRJ Association and create recommendations for improvement.
C11.04AA / Business Technology Student Activity Program
BT Faculty /
  • Obtain student input.
  • Assign sponsor.
  • Promote program.
  • Receive applications.
/ 06/2011 / $1,000 / Roll out program for student governance.
C11.05AA / Membership in Inspiring Futures
ECD Faculty / Find and implement methods to increase membership. / Ongoing
C11.06AA / Pro Tools Audio Lab
RTV Faculty / Develop a new audio lab in FP 109. / 05/2011 / $5,000
C11.07AA / Digital Arts/ RTV classroom labs
RTV Faculty / Request FP 107 and 155 be turned into Digital Arts/RTV computer classrooms. / 12/2010 / $60,000
C11.08AA / AC student life plan to engage students in activities and organizations (SA)
Dir, Anderson Campus /
  • Implement diverse and engaging student activities.
  • Promote student groups.
/ 06/2011 / Expand programming.
C11.09AA / Food services and café space at AC
Dir, Anderson Campus / Develop a campus food service plan. Investigate ways to expand café space. / 06/2011
C11.10AA / Scheduling opportunities for student events and group meetings at AC (SA)
Dir, Anderson Campus / Seek approval for class scheduling pattern to allow one no-class period per week. / 06/2011
C12.01AA / Art (focus on drawing and ceramics)
Full-time Art Instructor / Develop and offer more art courses to include ceramics and drawing. / $45,000
C12.02AA / Co-curricular activities between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. (VPSA)
VPAA / Identify and develop activities.
C12.03AA / Business Technology Summer Travel Seminar Series for Credit
BT Faculty /
  • Develop comprehensive plan for curriculum.
  • Assign accountability for the course.
  • Plan and cost the trip.
  • Promote to students.
/ $5,000 / Offer program. / $5,000
  1. INTEGRATION STRATEGY – Strengthen relationships and collaboration between the College and the community

Activity # / Initiative Description/
Responsibility / Fiscal Year 2011 / Expected
Completion Date / New
Funding Required / Fiscal Year 2012 / Funding
Required / Fiscal Year 2013 / Funding
D11.01AA / A&S Advisory Committee
A&S Div Dean and DHs / Review for needed changes in composition of committee. / 08/2010
D11.02AA / Service on Community Boards – A&S
A&S Div Dean, DHS, and Faculty / Science Department Head’s service on Water & Environment Community Board for a collaboration/w TCTC / 08/2010
D11.03AA / Relationship with constituents - CIT
  • Improve relationships with area high schools.
  • Improve relationships with area recruiters and other businesses that could hire our graduates.
  • Improve relationships with 4-year institutions.
/ Ongoing /
  • Improve relationships with area high schools.
  • Improve relationships with area recruiters and other potential businesses that could hire our graduates.
  • Improve relationships with 4-year institutions.
  • Improve relationships with area high schools.
  • Improve relationships with area recruiters and other potential businesses that could hire our graduates.
  • Improve relationships with 4-year institutions.