Ryecroft Academy PE & Sport Premium funding potential spend 2016/17

All documents have been developed in line with our County Sports Partnership Education Team at West Yorkshire Sportand nationally recognised PE, Sport and Health subject expertsAfPE & Youth Sport Trust respectively.
Funding allocated: £8,000 + plus £5 per child (y1-y6)
Total: £9175
Ryecroft will receive :
(7/12)£5357.91of our funding allocation on 29 October 2016
(5/12) £3827.08of our funding allocation on 27 April 2017​
Potential spend: ​£7,422
Potential remaining: £1,753
2017/18 Academic year funding allocation £18,000 approx.
Government have committed to doubling premium monies until 2020.
Please see table below to show planned spending focus and long term sustainable impacts:
Ofsted suggested
Outcome Indicators / Focus/
planned Impact / Actions to Achieve/ Sustainability / Planned
Funding / Actual Impact:
Feb/March 2017(Review)
The engagement
of all pupils in
regular physical
activity –
healthy active
/ Specialist staff to support Health, well-being and positive behaviour management.
Lunchtime support
Provided by ‘EMERGE‛
2 x activities daily in the
school MUGA
Updated ICT equipment to maximise impact on quality and standards within all PE lessons.
Provide quality assured services and resources, and valuable professional support within the Physical Education sector. / Implement two sports/physical activity instructors to provide daily opportunities for all pupils to participate and compete in school sport and physical activity. The service provided by our community partner ‘Emerge’ will also make a significant contribution towards maintaining pupil health and wellbeing.
Purchase a new HD short throw projector and screen. This will allow further cross links to ICT and add value to lessons. Staff/ Pupils can use the projector to implement a variety of tech based PE apps to supplement lessons. Pupils will be able to take part in video analysis, peer reviewing, coaching and other aspects of assessment to support teaching and learning
AFPE membership-
Support will be provided through a range of high quality accredited professionaldevelopment opportunities, journals, employment support, employment opportunities,monthly newsletter, email/videoupdates, representation at key stakeholder meetings and national working parties, insurance cover and dedicated helplines for health & safety and legal advice. / £1800
2. / The profile of PE and sport being raised and refined across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Leadership &
Management of PE, Sport, Health and wellbeing provision
Developing British citizenship and character education with further links to PSCHE / Using PE, Sport and Health provision to make a significant contribution to our pupils by supporting their physical & personal development, health/wellbeing
and achievement Implement ‘skills to achieve‛ programme designed by Youth Sport Trust to support planning, assessment and progress over time. This programme will also make a significant contribution to pupil development focusing on PE‛s broader contextual themes, such
  • Personal responsibility
  • and resilience
  • Empathy and supporting
  • others
  • Communication, cooperation and collaboration
Identify awards/training and teambuilding visitis:
  • Young Sports Leader Awards
  • Junior First Aid
  • OAA visits
3. / Increased confidence, knowledge andskills of allstaff in teaching PE and sport / Staff development: Identify CPD opportunities for PE based teaching staff. This will allow PE staff to share best practice with teachers and learning support assistants to further improve standards and progress. / Identified staff to attend nationally
recognised course to gain the following
qualification: Level 3
‘Supporting Learning in PE
Sport and Health‛. This will enable PE support staff to develop their skills even further in order to plan and teach outstanding lessons and sports provision. / £650
4. / Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to
all pupils / Develop extended services to supplement and add value to physical development, health and wellbeing provision within school
LOTC Curriculum: Focusing on physical and personal development by
providing alternative and inspirationalpractical opportunities to support PE/PSCHE/SMSC and SEN provision within school.
Increase provision for EYFS to support the physical development and health aspect of the early learning goals.
Increase opportunities for pupils to experience and wider variety of sports and physical activity. / Offer alternative after school
Activities to encourage participation.
Staff audit: look into who would like
to run a sport, health and nutrition
Design and implement an outdoor learning (LOtC/Forest School) programme to support the physical development, social and emotional wellbeing of all pupils.Pupils will be given the opportunity to develop their emotional intelligence and practical skills within the natural environment.
Forest school leader to identify relevant equipment, plan and implement afternoon Interventions.
Investing in tools and specialist PPE equipment will allow for a rolling programme of outdoor learning annually.
Implement a Balance Bike program for early years/foundation stage. Staff to receive training to support the delivery of early years cycling provision. Focus to develop physical literacy i.e. gross motor skills, agility, balance and coordination. Engaging pupils in exercise and supporting them to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Package includes: 10 x balance bikes, 10x helmets, equipment for programme and training for one instructor.
Identify archery training in order to utilise existing Archery equipment in school. This would support physical, fine and gross motor development across school, also contributing to our wider alternative curriculum. / TBC
5. / Increased
participation in
competitive sport / Developing links SMSC, PSCHE, PE/Physical development, sport and Health education across school. Widening opportunities for all pupils to access sports and arts competitions and events / Access a comprehensive calendar of sporting and creative arts based
Competitions/opportunities monthly. Celebrating culture via replication of worldwide sporting/arts based competitions
/ £1100