Critical Viewing – Course Overview
Emphasis of Studies:
Develop criteria for determining what makes a movie an enjoyable film verses what makes a movie a quality film.
Approximately 16 films will be viewed. The thematic approach, auteur theory and technical aspects of filmmaking will be emphasized. Films viewed in this class include several of the following genres:
Coming of Age
Film Noir/Mystery
Science Fiction
World Cinema
Possible Titles to be Shown:
A variety of films will be chosen from the following genres. All films are district approved; however, particular titles will vary by teacher/class. The specific films chosen from the list below will be guided by learning goals, instructor choice and student interest.
Annie Hall
Apocalypse Now
Best Boy
Best in Show
Dances with Wolves
Devil’s Playground
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind*
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Garden State*
L.A. Confidential*
Million Dollar Baby
Murder Ball
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Rear Window
Sixteen Candles
The Birds
The Cutting Edge…
The Dark Knight
The Fugitive
The Godfather*
The Graduate
The Princess Bride
The Shawshank Redemption*
The Sixth Sense
The Usual Suspects*
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Please note:
Films that are rated “R” by the motion picture industry are denoted with an asterisk next to their title. Each of these films requires an individual permission letter to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned by _________________________. Students who do not have parent permission for a particular film will be given an alternative film and assignment for completion with no penalty to their grades.
Grading, Assignments, and Assessments:
· In and out of class writings will be based on films and will focus on critical and analytical strategies as well as acquired film knowledge
· Film logs – extended thought and writing responses
· Various other writing and research assignments
· A film-based vocabulary program will consist of semi-weekly units and quizzes
· Vocabulary consists of film and technical terms
· Participation will be ten percent of each marking period grade. To earn full participation points, be here, be actively engaged while viewing each film and be reflective as you express your opinions and perceptions of the films.
Final Exam
· The final exam will be required of any student who does not have an A average in both the 3rd and 4th marking periods. This exam will be based upon the vocabulary studied throughout the semester and will count as 25% of the 4th marking period grade.
· Classroom discussion, group dialogue and timely viewing are essential in this course; therefore, regular attendance is critical to your success in this class.
· All missed days of film viewing must be made up. You have one week from absence to make up the work, or the points cannot be recovered.
· Ten (10) total absences from a semester class may result in credit denial.
· Much of the course is designed to allow the motivated student to complete the majority of the course requirements during class. When you are absent, you are missing a film and/or class-work. All work must be made up; therefore, you must either borrow the film from the school library or rent it on your own.
Council Rock School District strongly encourages parents to survey the outstanding collection of challenging literature contained within our program. Much of the content presents important and complex ideas that encourage critical thinking. Any connection discussed in class is made that much stronger by the conversation and connections that are made at home. We invite you to discuss any of the elements of our courses with your child’s teacher.