Russian Revolution Webquest
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- Locate St. Petersburg, Stalingrad and Moscow on the map of Russia.
- St. Petersburg is located south of which famous country triplets?
- Moscow is located where in relation to St. Petersburg and Stalingrad?
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- Read the definition of tsar specifically for Russia and summarize it.
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- Read the definition of autocracy and summarize it.
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- Read the account of Nicholas and his wife. Does this change the impression of him that history gives you? Why or why not?
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- Open the album and look at some of the pictures. Are the family members cold-hearted imperialists or seemingly loving? Why do you think so?
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- Explain what you understand about the causes of the Russian Revolution.
- What is a Duma and what do you think is its political function?
- When Nicholas attempted to remove the Duma, the people were upset and became revolutionary. What did Nicholas do to exacerbate the situation?
- What problems did World War I cause in Russia?
- If you were living as a peasant in Russia in 1917, do you think you would have been involved in the Revolution? Why or why not?
- What was St. Petersburg called in 1917?
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- Under Lenin’s New Economic Policy, what happened to Russia?
- During the Soviet Era, what happened to Art and Literature, Religion and Political Parties?
- By the end of the 1930’s life in Russia was:
- As good as life under Lenin
- As good as life under Nicholas
- Better than life under both Lenin and Nicholas
- Worse than life under both Lenin and Nicholas
- Did social and economic conditions after the war improve, worsen or stay the same?
- When Stalin died in 1953 did social and economic conditions after the war improve, worsen or stay the same?
Use the Internet to research about each of the following individuals:
Alexander Kerensky
19.Who was Alexander Kerensky (3 sentence biographical description)?
20.List three ways in which Kerensky was involved in the Russian Revolution & events that followed.
Vladimir Lenin
21.Who was Vladimir Lenin (3 sentence biographical description)?
22.List three ways in which Lenin was involved in the Russian Revolution &
events that followed.
Leon Trotsky
23.Who was Leon Trotsky (3 sentence biographical description)?
24.List three ways in which Trotsky was involved in the Russian Revolution & events that followed.
Josef Stalin
25.Who was Vladimir Lenin (3 sentence biographical description)?
26.List three ways in which Lenin was involved in the Russian Revolution
& events that followed.
27. Describe how Russia transformed from the rule of Czar Nicholas II to Josef Stalin becoming ruler of Russia