College and Career Ready IEPs: Improving Outcomes for Students 3 through 21

Discussion Questions DRAFT Updated 12-07-15, CCR IEP Workgroup

College and Career Ready IEP Teams Know and Explore . . .

Shared Vision of High Expectations for College, Career, and Community Readiness

•  What are the Shared Hopes and Dreams for the Student for Life Beyond High School?

•  How Does Everyone on the IEP Team Know about Future Options for Students with IEPs in College and Career?

•  What Messages is the IEP Sending the Student to Build the Student’s Self Efficacy, Confidence, and Independence?

Student Voice and Point of View on Strengths, Interests, and Needs

•  How Can the Student Share with the IEP Team the Student’s Strengths, Interests, and Needs?

•  What does the Student Feel Adults can Do to Help Achieve the Student’s Goals?

•  What Services, Supports, and Accommodations Does the Student Feel are Most Helpful? Why?

Student Relationships with Adults and Peers

•  What are Opportunities, Activities, Strategies, and Subjects that Promote Peer Relationships?

•  Are there Adults in School the Student Wants to Check in with to Receive Emotional Support?

•  Who can Maintain Long Term Relationship at School and be the Champion for Student over Multiple Years

•  What are some ways team members or others have developed relationships with the student?

•  What can school staff do to increase a student’s sense of “belonging” in addition to strategies to help the student navigate the social, behavior, functional, academic demands of school.

Families’ Hopes, Perspectives, Culture, Insights, and Concerns for their Child

•  What are the Families’ Hopes and Dreams for the Student for Life Beyond High School?

•  What has the Family Tried in the Past to Assist their Child?

•  What does the Family Feel is Most Important in their Child’s Education?

•  What Information can the Family Share about their Family Culture which can Help the IEP Team Know the Student and Build Relationships?

Student’s Disability-Related Needs in Relation to Accessing and Achieving Grade Level Universal Instruction, Academic Standards, and Functional Expectations

·  How are ALL Educators Working with the Student Informed about Grade Level Standards and Functional Expectations?

·  What are the Disability-Related Needs for this Student?

·  Are there functional needs which impact access or achievement in the universal instruction?

Other Factors Influencing Access and Achievement

·  How does the Educational Program Address Needs NOT Related to Disability?

·  Who Else May Need to be Contacted to Assist with this Need?

·  How Will the Student Receive Support which May be Needed Outside of the IEP and how Will this Support be Connected to IEP Goals?

How Each IEP Team Member is Able to Support the Student in Accessing and Achieving Grade Level Universal Instruction, Academic Standards, and Functional Expectations

·  How will each team member contribute to the student’s access to and achievement in the universal instruction?

·  How will team members communicate with each other in a manner that works well for everyone?

College and Career Ready IEP Teams Plan . . .

Student Access to Universal Instruction, School Activities, and Community

•  What are the Activities, Classes, and Skills the Student is able to Do Independently?

•  When Does the Student Need Adult Support?

•  When and How can the Student Access Support from Peers?

•  Is the Student Missing Any Activities, Instruction, or Opportunities the Student would have if She / He did Not Have an IEP?

Focus of IEP to Identify Academic Standards and Functional Expectations Most Needed for Student to Access Instruction and Accelerate Achievement

•  What Academic Skills / Standards will Most Benefit the Student to be Academically Successful?

•  What Classes or Subjects does the Student Need to be Ready for College and Career?

•  What Functional Skills are Most Needed for the Student to be able to Engage and Express Abilities in the General Education Classroom, Instruction, and Peer / Adult Relationships

•  What Functional Skills are Most Needed for the Student to be Successful in College, Career, and Community?

Ambitious but Achievable Goals Which Provide Multiple Methods for Students to Access Options for Engagement, Knowledge Representation, and Action and Expression

•  What is the Baseline for the Goal(s) in the IEP?

•  Do Goals Reflect Academic and Functional Needs of Students?

•  What Growth is Required (in objective terms) for the Student to Meet the Goal?

•  If the Goal is Met, is Progress Made on Closing the Achievement Gap?

•  Does the Goal Address the Learning Required that Leads to Achievement and NOT a Re-Statement of an Academic Standard or Functional Expectation

•  How Might IEP Goals Include Choice, Interest, Promote Self Determination, Self Reflection or Self Monitoring, Skills that Support Student and Peer Engagement, or Focus on where the Skill is Needed

College and Career Ready IEP Teams Plan . . .

Based on Goals and Using Assessments, Evaluations, and other Information:

a) Determine Accommodations and Supports which Lead to Increased Access to Grade Level Academic Standards and Universal Instruction


b) Identify Services and Specially Designed Instruction Targeted at Student’s Skill Levels which Lead to Accelerated Academic Achievement

•  For Identified Needs in Present Levels, Does the IEP Provide Accommodations?

•  What Supports and Accommodations will the Student be Able to Access After High School?

•  What Supports and Accommodations Might Also be Accessed in Home and Community Settings to Assist with Generalization?

•  What has Worked in the Past?

•  How do Discussions of Skill and Performance Deficits Help to Inform Identification of IEP Services, Accommodations, and Supports?

•  Are IEP Services, Accommodations, and Supports Individualized based on Student’s Strengths and Needs and Not Categorized based on Disability?

Connections between Family and School to Support Student Learning, Goals, and Accommodations

•  What Resources, Brochures, and Information is the Family Provided which can Help them Support their Child with Specialized Needs and their Family?

•  What does the Family already do at Home which Supports the Goals and Accommodations in the IEP?

•  What does the Family Already do at Home to Support the Student’s Self Efficacy, Self Determination, and Emotional Support?

•  When are Times and What are Places when the Student is Not at School where Additional Learning and Support Might Take Place?

•  How can the Families’ Culture Inform and Support the Academic and Functional Goals in the IEP?

College and Career Ready IEP Teams Ensure . . .

Goals in IEP Support the Strengths and Needs Identified in Present Levels of Performance

•  What Information from Student Strengths, Interests, and Point of View are Included in IEP Goals?

•  How do IEP Goals Allow for Multiple Ways to Address Barriers to Student Engagement, Knowledge Representation, and Action and Expression

Goals in IEP are Supported by Special Education Services, Related Services, and Supplementary Aids and Services Including Supports such as Academic and Functional Accommodations, Assistive Technology, Accessible Instructional Materials, and Support or Training for Staff

•  What Information from Student Strengths, Interests, and Point of View are Included in IEP Services, Related Services, Supports, and Accommodations?

•  How will Instruction Allow for Multiple Ways to Address Barriers to Student Engagement, Knowledge Representation, and Action and Expression

•  How will Related Services Assist the Student to Access and Achieve in the Universal Instruction?

•  How will Educators be Provided with Tools and Information to Support the Student’s Services, Accommodations, and Supports?

Data Collection on Goals, Services, Supports, and Accommodations Inform Future IEP Decisions

•  What Data and Information should we Collect to Inform Future IEP Meetings?

•  How and How Often will Progress on Goals be Measured?

•  What Academic Information will be Used to Measure Progress in Grade Level Standards?

•  How will we Know if Accommodations assist with Access and Achievement in the Universal Instruction?

•  How will we know if other Supports (ex: behavior plans, assistive technology) assist with Access and Achievement in the Universal Instruction?