Monday 8th June 2015
Teams represented: Raunds Snooks, Olney Carlton Club, Stanwick Club, Wilby WMC, Raunds Town CC, Rushden Athletic ‘A’, Rushden Athletic ‘B’, British Rail SA, Rushden WMC, Little Harrowden WMC, Wollaston WMC, Higham WMC and Rushden Band. Apologies were received from Irchester Sports.
Following the KO Cup Final in which Rushden Band Club defeated British Rail SA by 21-19, Pat Proudfoot, Chairman, welcomed the members for attending and asked for the acceptance of the minutes of last season’s AGM which had been held at Raunds Town CCon Monday 9th June 2014. Acceptance was proposed by Raunds Town CC, seconded by Raunds Snooksand passed unanimously by the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
David Guest presented the accounts for the season which form part of these minutes. Income for the season being £2093.82p, Expenditure £2065.52p giving a profit for the season of £28.30p and a balance carried forward of £1284.62p.
Hesuggested that fees for the forthcoming season should remain as £130 per team, payable in full before the mid-season point or in two instalments of £65 provided we have 14 teams and the brewery assistance continues. This was proposed by Raunds Town CC, seconded by Olney Carlton Club and accepted unanimously by the AGM.
Secretary’s Report
Gordon Baxter thanked all the team captains for getting the results in quickly which enabled an update of the League Table to be produced on a weeklybasis and the website to be updated during the week. He urged captains to get results in as early as they could. Although Raunds Snooks were favourites for the title for most of the run in the season had been one of the closest in the League’s history with the top five teams only separated by two legs over the entire season. Only two teams had failed to meet the deadline in paying subs by the half way point. He asked all teams to ensure they were paid in good time to ensure a mid-season meeting was not necessary.
Election of Committee
With no nominations for any of the six committee positions and all present officers willing continue they were re-elected en-bloc with appreciation shown by a round of applause.
Matters for discussion
Proposal that fixtures consist of 8 singles followed by 4 doubles to give 12 games in a match (60 legs)
Proposal was discussed to make games longer. After a lengthy discussion no seconder was received for the proposition.
Proposal that we consider introducing a third place play off in the Doubles Competition.
Proposal was accepted unanimously. From next season the two losing semi-finalists will play off with £30 going to the winner and £20 to the pair who finish fourth.
Presentation of Trophies
The trophies for the 2014-15 season were presented as follows;
League Champions:Raunds Snooks
Runners Up:Wilby WMC
3rd place:Irchester Sports
4th place:Olney Carlton Club
KO Cup winners:Rushden Band
Runners Up:British Rail SA
Doubles winners:R Soro and M Brazier (British Rail SA)
Beaten Finalists:P Lissimore and L Brace (Rushden Athletic ‘A’)
Beaten Semi-Finalists:P Thompson and A Butterworth (Wilby WMC)
C Manston and M Ross (Wollaston WMC)
With no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.