Registration Form for Warren City Schools

American Red Cross SPRING Learn-To-Swim Program 2017


student name / | |
last name / first name / birthdate / age / sex / schoolcurrent year
house number & street / city / st / zip / grade current yr
parent name
last name / first name / home phone / cell phone
name of email contact / email address
emergency contact
last name / first name / relationship / phone
medical information:
does the participant have any medical condition of which the instructor should be aware? (for example, diabetes or suffers from seizures.) check one: no  yes if yes, please explain:
photo release permission:  i give my permission  i do not give my permission
a parent or legal guardian’s signature is required for all participants less than 18 years of age.
i certify that i have read this registration document completely. i certify that my child is physically able to take swimming lessons and i agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the facility of instruction. i certify that my child falls within the correct age category for the program that he/she is registered. i will not hold the warren city schools, american red cross or the aquatic personnel responsible for accidents or injuries that might occur to my child.
signature parent/guardian: ______
course fees: registration fee per student for each session is $35 cash or mo.
registration: (See other side for specific dates and times; then indicate below.)

Amount Paid: $  money order  cash Date: Receipt # By /  / EARLY REGISTRATION CREDIT
information about registration and payment. please read all the following & additional information carefully.
  • the registration fee is a per student fee for each session to be paid at the time of registration. no refunds will be issued unless the class is cancelled by warren city schools. the amount refunded will be the amount paid for that session. No individual makeups will be scheduled. registration fees cannot be “prorated” to accommodate missed classes due to vacations, illness, etc. students registered for an incorrect level who cannot be accommodated will receive a credit.
  • ONLY CASH OR MONEY ORDER WILL BE ACCEPTED AS PAYMENT you may register in person at warren g. harding high school main office, 860 Elm Rd. ne, warren oh 44483 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm monday thru friday.
  • all classes will be held at the warren g. harding natatorium, 860 elm road ne, warren oh 44483. enter through the pool entrance next to the athletic entrances. entrance to the left of the “a” entrance. please arrive 10 minutes before scheduled time.
  • LTS Levels 1-6 require the child to be at least 6 years of age and attending or completed kindergarten, (Exceptions only by approval prior to registration) preschool lessons are for children 3 and not yet 6 years of age. a caregiver in the water with each child is optional. instructors will make recommendations.
  • ample registration will be needed to run any level. some levels may be combined. registered participants will be notified of canceled or rescheduled classes and may request a refund or credit only if their class is canceled.
  • we request that participants be registered and paid prior to the first day of each session. space is limited. by discretion of the program coordinator, late applicants may be accepted only if room is available.
  • the program coordinator and instructors reserve the right to reassign any participant registered for an incorrect level based upon the student’s performance in the water. if the level is closed, the student will receive a credit for a later session. please check the prerequisites on the other sheet. contact jay (330-392-2551) to request a pre-screening to verify child’s swimming level.

  • Plan to arrive 10 minutes before the class is scheduled to start.
  • Wear swimsuit and bring a change of clothes and a towel.
  • Previous participants should bring their achievement bookletson the first day.
  • We try to begin our classes on time as scheduled. Many times the lesson will begin with a safety presentation. These safety presentations are required to meet certification requirements at all levels. Missing a presentation due to absence or tardiness may result in the participant not meeting certification requirements to pass to the next level
  • Children will meet in the metal bleachers on the north end of the pool to begin their classes. If your child is in a preschool-kindergarten class, we are requesting that you also meet there with your child.
  • Children should use the bathroom prior to their class to avoid missing instructional time during their lesson.
  • Children should come to the pool “clean.” IE. Wearing “flip-flops” and playing outside can result in dirty feet.
  • There are locker rooms and showers available for your use.
  • A snug-fitting t-shirt or rash-guard shirt may be worn if the child is cold.
  • Children should not wear “water-shoes” during lessons as a correct kick will be more difficult to accomplish.
  • Goggles (covering only the eyes) may be worn during lessons, but no face-masks are permitted.
  • While you are welcome to watch your child during the lesson, it is best if your child does not watch you in lieu of paying attention to the instructor. If that be the case, consider relocating to make their lesson more productive.
  • Consider installing the Red Cross phone app on your phone to follow along.
  • Parents and others who bring the children should sit in the stands on the west side of the pool. (on your far right as you enter the pool) Children who are waiting for their lesson or children who are spectators must sit in the stands and not be on the pool deck during the classes for safety reasons. It is suggested that you bring something to occupy their time while they wait.
  • Remember that you are able to save money by registering on or before the early registration deadline. You should register for the same level unless your child’s instructor advises otherwise. Many children are not able to complete their current level in eight lessons. Since each child progresses at a different pace, please be patient.
  • Waiting until the final day of the current lesson to register may result in a filled or canceled class.

class or level prerequisites and content
LTS 1 / level 1 prerequisites: none level 1 introduces basic aquatic skills, which participants continue to build on as they progress through learn-to-swim.
LTS 2 / level 2 prerequisites: submerge and hold breath at least 5 seconds, bob at least 5 times, retrieve submerged object in shallow water, swim on front & back at least 2 body lengths. the objective of level 2 is to give participants success with fundamental skills. participants further develop arm and leg actions on their front and back, laying the foundation for future strokes.
LTS 3 / level 3 prerequisites: enter water by jumping into at least shoulder-deep water, hold breath at least 10 seconds, bob at least 10 times in chest-deep water, demonstrate rotary breathing at least 5 times, retrieve submerged object in chest-deep water, front float at least 10 seconds & back float 15 seconds, swim on front & back at least 5 body lengths. the objectives for level 3 are to expand proficiency of previously learned skills by providing additional guided practice. participants learn front crawl and elementary backstroke at rudimentary proficiency levels.
LTS 4, 5 & 6 / level 4 prerequisites: enter water by jumping into deep water, enter deep water by using both a sitting and a kneeling dive, bob to safety in chest-deep water at least 15 times, demonstrate rotary breathing at least 15 times, back float 1 minute, survival stroke 30 seconds, tread in deep water for 1 minute, swim front crawl & elementary backstroke at least 15 yards, demonstrate scissors kick at least 10 yards. in level 4 participants improve their aquatic skills and increase their endurance by swimming the strokes they learned in level 3 for greater distances and with more advanced proficiency. participants learn to perform the rudimentary and breaststroke. they also begin to learn the back crawl and butterfly strokes. level 5 prerequisite: completion of lts 4. In level 5 participants refine and perform all six strokes and increase the distances that they can swim. Level 6 prerequisite: completion of lts level 5. Level 6 has further emphasis on stroke and skill perfection along with fitness.
pre-school and kinder-garten / no swimming prerequisites. (Instructors will group children at the first class meeting.)
preschool & kindergarten aquatics introduces and further develops basic aquatic skills which participants continue to build on as they progress in the program. many of the strokes and skills they learn correspond to the same ones that are learned in the learn-to-swim ages 6 – 12 program. *the class time is divided into a 30 minute instructional period followed by an “optional” 15 minute practice time.
NOTE: If you are unsure of your child’s swimming level, please contact jay at 330-392-2551 x112 to schedule a screening test at the pool prior to registration.
NOTE: Classes may be added, cancelled or rescheduled as necessary.
Call (330) 392-2551 x112 with any questions.