Thornton Le Dale Parish Council

18 Filey Road, Flixton YO11 3UF


To all members of the Parish Council, Wednesday 28th September 2015

Dear Councillors,

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on

TUESDAY 3rd November 2015 AT 7-30 p.m. at the Hill Memorial Institute

Members of the public and Local Press are welcome.

This Meeting will be recorded

M W Boden M W Boden

Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

Public Question Time

Public question time is a fifteen minute opportunity for members of the public to voice their concerns. Each person may speak for a maximum of three minutes. Speakers will address the Council through The Chair. Issues raised will be noted and responded to as appropriate. The Council will then address the business on the agenda. The public are welcome to remain but can take no further part in the proceedings unless by invitation of The Council.

Members of The Council.

Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest to declare in any of the items on this agenda. If so, the nature of the interest must be declared either at the start of the meeting, or prior to the item being considered. Members declaring a prejudicial interest in any item may speak on the item but must leave the meeting whilst the item is being discussed and voted on.


If a Councillor or a member of the public wishes to view any of the documentation included in the following agenda prior to the meeting, to give him or her a better understanding of the agenda items, they are welcome to do so. Please contact me on 01723-892763 and a suitable appointment will be arranged.



To confirm that notice has been given in accordance with schedule 12 para 10(2) of the Local Government Act, 1972

1.  Apologies

2.  To receive report(s)/ presentation(s) of invited guests (if any)

None this month

3. Minutes If approved, to accept the minutes of the following meeting (copies herewith) Council Meeting No. 8 held Tuesday 6th October 2015

4 Matters Arising From the Minutes - Not subject of this agenda.

5 Planning: - a) To consider plans submitted by NYMNPA & RDC for the Councils comment.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Campbell NYM/2015/0640/FL

Address: Boxtree Cottage, Maltongate

Application: Variation of condition 2 (material amendment) and 23 of planning approval NYM/2015/0194/FL to allow re-siting of dwellings and revised garaging and access arrangements

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Wreglesworth NYM/2015/0744/CU

Address: High Dalby House, Dalby Forest

Application: Change of use from Guest House (Use Class C1) to Dwelling House (Use Class C3). No external alterations.

Applicant: Forestry Commission NYM/2015/0757/FL

Address: Dalby Bike Barn

Application: Re-roofing works including the installation of 5 velux windows

b) To receive notification of outcomes of planning matters previously considered.

6 Chairman’s Report: - covering matters raised with / addressed by The Chair on behalf of The Council since the previous meeting. For Information.

1 Bollards in Whitbygate

2 Risk assessment in Thornton Le Dale

3 Complaints response: Toilets in Thornton Le Dale

4 Planned road closure Hurrel Lane

7 Councillor / Working Party Reports: - Covering duties performed on behalf of the council since the previous meeting. For Information.

8 Clerks Report: - Covering matters dealt with by The Clerk under delegated powers since the previous meeting. For Information.

1 Retention of Documents

9 Village Maintenance Issues: -

a) Those able to be passed on to the relevant agency for action.

None this month

b) Those able to be dealt with by The Clerk under delegated powers e.g. prioritised for action by The Caretaker, or other contractors to The Council.

None this month

c) Those requiring budget allocation / Council approval – to be deferred to next agenda.

None this month

d) Items brought forward from previous meeting for debate / budget allocation / Council approval / action.

None this month

10 Motions Proposed by Councillors: - Submitted in writing to The Clerk at least four working days prior to this meeting. Supported, (where possible / practical) by relevant documentation to inform the debate. All Councillors to receive this information with the agenda.

11 Correspondence: - Items of correspondence received by The Council. For Information / Action.

1 Councillor Porter

A Driveway between 71 & 72 Farmanby Close

B The Beck in Maltongate

C The road sign in Lower Farmanby has been removed

D Low cost housing in Hurrel lane

2 Removal of tree on Maltongate

3 Grit bins and the filling of

4 Councillor Bell Fracking

5 Confirmation of receipt of letter regarding planning matters

12 Finance: - Items having an impact on The Council Budget. For Information / action / approval.

1 Six monthly internal Audit to 30th September 2015

2 Grass cutting tender. Adverts etc.

3 Expenses for October

Date of next meeting.

Tuesday 1st December 2015 at 1930 hrs in the Hill Memorial Institute.