Present: Reeve Derek Klassen, Councillors Herman Loeppky, Don Boxall, Teddy Wilson, Lorence Steeg, and CAO Wendy Wutzke.
Call to order
Reeve Klassen called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.
Adoption of the Agenda
Wilson - Loeppky
2014/7 Be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella approve the agenda with additions.
Financial Statement
Wilson - Steeg
2014/8 Be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella approve the financial statement for the year ended, December 31, 2013 and the month ended, January 31st, 2014.
Confirmation of Minutes
Loeppky - Steeg
2014/9 Be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella approve the minutes of January 8th, 2014 as read and circulated.
Randy and Justin from Mazergroup, Cory and Scott from Rocky Mountain Equipment, and Justin and Rob from Enns Brothers attended separately to discuss tractor quotes.
Lloyd Cavers attended on behalf of Neepawa Host Committee – 2014 Manitoba 55+ games to request sponsorship.
Gerald Knoll attended to discuss personnel issues relating to the water plant.
AMM sent their member advisory dated February 7, 2014 and newsbulletins dated January 10, January 24th, and February 7, 2014. -filed
Whitemud Watershed sent a copy of the minutes from their board meeting held January 16th, 2014 -filed
Glenella Fire Dept sent a copy of the minutes from their committee meetings held January 13th, 2014 and February 5th, 2014. – filed
Committee for the LUD of Glenella sent a copy of their minutes from their committee meetings held January 13th, 2014 and February 10th, 2014. –filed
Neepawa Vet Board sent a copy of the agenda and financial statement for their meeting held January 9th, 2014. –filed
Sgt Moorehouse sent a copy of the Mayors Report for the month of January 2014 - filed
Letters requesting grants were received from Burrows Trail Arts Committee, Neepawa Area Silver Spurs 4H Club, and BPCF Time & Talent Auction.
Wilson - Loeppky
2014/10 Be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella approve the following grants:
Burrows Trail Arts Committee $100.00
Neepawa Area Silver Spurs 4H $100.00
Neepawa Host Committee 2014 Manitoba 55+ Games and the BPCF Time and Talent Auction - $100.00 gift certificate valid for any business in the Village of Glenella Carried.
Manitoba Weed Supervisors Association sent information regarding their weed seminar to be held in Carberry on March 19, 2014.
Steeg - Loeppky
2014/11 Be it resolved Don Boxall is hereby authorized to attend the Weed Seminar in Carberry on March 19, 2014 and further be it resolved that expenses be paid in accordance with Bylaw 1/2012.
Manitoba Planning Conference sent information regarding their planning convention to be held in Brandon Feb 26-18, 2014.
Loeppky - Wilson
2014/12 Be it resolved Don Boxall and Lorence Steeg are hereby authorized to attend the Planning Convention in Brandon on February 26-28, 2014 and further be it resolved that expenses be paid in accordance with Bylaw 1/2012.
Red River College sent information regarding the Intro to Water & Wastewater Operations Seminar to be held in Winnipeg March 3-7, 2014.
Boxall - Steeg
2014/13 Be it resolved Orest Petrowski is hereby authorized to attend the Intro to Water & Wastewater Operations Seminar in Winnipeg on March 3-7, 2014 and further be it resolved that expenses be paid in accordance with Bylaw 1/2012.
Sensus sent the audited financial statement for the Glenella Recreation Commission for the year ended, September 30, 2013.
Glenella Recreation Commission sent their financial statement for the months ended, January 31. 2014.
RM of Langford sent a request that we proceed to arbitration in regards to the tax sharing of the ambulance facility that was built on the same lot as the personal care home in Neepawa.
Boxall - Steeg
2014/14 Whereas an ambulance facility was constructed on Lot 5, Plan 40630, NW29-14-15w in the Town of Neepawa, and whereas this is the same lot as the personal care home known as Country Meadows was built and therefore subject to tax sharing under the terms of the cost sharing agreement dated September 20th, 2006, and whereas the Town of Neepawa has not fulfilled their responsibilities under the terms of this agreement by forwarding the participating municipalities their share of the tax revenue generated by the ambulance facility, therefore be it resolved the Council of the RM of Glenella agree to proceed to arbitration as per Section 7.1 of the cost sharing agreement.
Loeppky - Steeg
2014/15 Be it resolved that accounts numbered #11034 to #11084 and payroll direct deposit payments amounting to $50,339.66, as well as accounts numbered #11085 to #11089 and amounting to $2,466.53 be hereby approved for payment.
New Business
Boxall- Steeg
2014/16 Whereas Council for the RM of Glenella have reviewed the following drainage request and approve the pending drainage work, therefore be it resolved that the CAO is authorized to apply for drainage licenses for the following:
SW19-18-12 lower existing N/S culvert
SW19-18-12 lower existing E/W culvert
W ½ 19-18-12 clean ditch for 1 mile
SE24-18-13 install culvert & trap
Unfinished Business
Gravel pit agreements – finalized with Cory Lukin and Cecil Wilson
Backup Waterman – advertise
Committee Reports
Council discussed Brad Ginters drainage request meeting with the RM of Rosedale as well as Tom Gilmore and Joe Gilmore’s drainage requests.
Open Discussion
Council discussed issues relating to the mower and grader.
Notice of Motion
Steeg - Loeppky
2014/17 Be it resolved the meeting adjourn, the time being 3:50 p.m.
Reeve – Derek Klassen
C.A.O. - Wendy Wutzke