Carol Gunnerson G131& G103 692-6480 ext. 6536
Hours: 8:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Prep Hour: 4th by appointment
Follow all school rules according to student handbook.
Show respect to all people and property.
Sign out when leaving the room.
Be in room when final bell rings.
Do not line up at the doors.
Absolutely no locker passes.
No electronic devices allowed.
Student conference and/or confiscation of items not allowed.
Change seat
Call parents and require they attend class with you for the rest of semester
Your OUT!!!
NO Flash drives allowed.
Do not alter settings or desk top in any way.
CONSEQUENCES – Loss of Use!!!
GRADING POLICY: grades will be taken on a point system. Criterion includes: daily assignments; projects; tests and quizzes; attendance and participation (which includes attitude). All assignments must be readable. Last name needs to be on all papers. Grading scale is in student handbook page 15. NO EXTRA CREDIT. Grades will be passed around on Thursdays. Assignments will be returned the following Thursday. NO assignment may be made up after returned to other students.
ATTENDANCE: Mandatory!!! Students need to inform the teacher of school sponsored event absences in advance to receive make – up work. After 11 absences, students must be in classroom for 30 minutes to count as an in-attendance day. Students MUST have a pass from the attendance office to leave – notes from parents will not get you out of class.
MAKE-UP WORK: Students RESPONSIBILITY. School sponsored activities MUST be made-up in advance, unless otherwise arranged with the teacher. Students are allowed 1 day for everyday they are absent The Student is to obtain the material from the teacher on the day you return from your absence and it is to be turned in the next day (see page 26 of student handbook).
Make up work is for verified absences ONLY!!! Unless the assignment has been returned to the other students already, then the assignment may not be made up. Unverified or unexcused absences cannot make up work. There will be no make up work given after the 11th absence, except for chronic illnesses.
LATE WORK: Accepted for 3 days after due date. 33% per day will be deducted for all late work.
STUDENT SUPPLIES: Required: Students need paper and a writing utensil everyday. Writing utensil must be readable. The teacher does not provide these for students. You may want a notebook to organize notes given in class for test preparation.