ISO 14001 "Environmental Management System Requirements”


Element No. / Elements / Description / Action Items from previous ISO audits
4.2 / Environmental Policy / Company policy to be:
·  Appropriate to the nature, scale & env. impacts of it's activities/ services
·  Include a commitment to continual improvement & prevention of pollution
·  Include commitment to comply with legislation, regulations and other requirements accepted by the coy.
·  Provide framework for setting env. Objectives & targets.
·  Documented, implemented & communicated to all employees
·  Available to the public
4.3 / Planning
4.3.1 / Environmental Aspects / ·  States the need for a procedure to identify all environmental aspects related to its activities/ services which it has or is expected to have control off. è Objective: to determine aspects which (can) have a significant impact on environment.
·  Setting of env. Objectives to be based on aspects (read: activity/service) with a (potential) significant impact.
·  All this info to be kept up-to-date.
4.3.2 / Legal & other requirements / ·  Make & maintain procedure to identify/have access to legal and other requirements relevant to the company. / - Ensure that copies of all relevant environmental permits are available within the asset. And the permits are up to date. The mentioned conditions in this permits need to be understood by the concerned people.
4.3.3 / Objective & targets / ·  Each level and function to have documented env. Objectives & targets.
·  Review of the objectives to include: env. Significant aspects; technical options, financial/ operational & business requirements and stakeholder interests.
·  Objective & targets to be consistent with policy.
4.3.4 / Environmental Management
Program / ·  Company must have a program, which includes:
·  Responsibilities (at each level & function) for achieving the objectives and targets.
·  A plan (CTR) by which the objectives and targets are achieved.
·  Projects related to new developments, activities, etc need to be including in the (revised) program. / -Insure availability/access of quarterly review & targets (Past Records).
4.4 / Implementation & operation
4.4.1 / Structure and responsibility / ·  Roles, responsibilities, authorities shall be defined.
·  Management to provide resources which are essential to the implementation of the EMS
·  Top mgt shall appoint a specific management representative who will:
·  Ensure the EMS requirements are implemented & maintained in accordance with Int. Standards.
·  Report performance to top mgt for review and improvement / - Any person responsible for inputting and verifying data should be familiar with his task.
4.4.2 / Training, Awareness
and competence / ·  Training needs to be identified; target population: all staff working on activities, which (potentially) create significant impact(s).
·  Make/maintain procedure to ensure all relevant staff is aware of:
·  Importance of conformance to policy, procedures, requirements of EMS
·  (Potential) Significant env. impacts of their work
·  Their roles, responsibilities as part of EMS incl. Emergency preparedness and response requirements
·  Staff to be competent on basis of proper education, training and/ or experience. / - All interior staff shall attend the mandatory Environmental Awareness course if their job has a potential environmental impact.
- HSE Training matrixes shall be updated as required by PR 1054 such as refresher courses.
4.4.3 / Communication / ·  Have procedures for:
·  Internal communication
·  External communication
4.4.4 / Env. Management system
(EMS) documentation / ·  In paper or electronic form doc's should:
·  Describe core elements of the EMS including their interaction
·  Provide direction to related documentation
4.4.5 / Document control / ·  Need for a document control procedure related to ISO 14001 documents to ensure that:
·  they can be located
·  the are periodically reviewed
·  available to all location where ops to effect the EMS are performed
·  Obsolete doc's are removed and archived if required.
·  Documentation shall be legible, dated, readily available, maintained in orderly manner and retained for specific period
·  Procedure to establish responsibilities for document creation and modification / -All latest permits shall be available for STP’s, RO Plant & Waste Management Site. The related environmental permits should be displayed in the correct place.
-Key staff responsible for activities, which impact the environment, shall have the current version or are able to access to the relevant procedure and specifications.
*All HSE MS documentation can be accessed through the PDO HSE WEB.
- POR Operators shall have a controlled copy of PDO legally accepted parameters of water quality (Omani Water Standards).
- Contract holders shall ensure the latest copies of the contract documents are available at the site.
4.4.6 / Operational control / ·  Identify operations/ activities associated with env. significant aspects
·  Ensure controlled execution of activity plan (incl maintenance) by:
·  Documented procedure to highlight situations where absence could lead to policy/objective deviations
·  Stipulating operating criteria in the procedures / - Consumable and waste materials (e.g. oils and chemicals) shall be stored on hard, impermeable surfaces with sufficient bunding capacity to sufficiently contain any spills.
- Oil drums shall be stored in shaded area.
- All effective measure to prevent oil leaks shall be evident.
- Bund well area shall be clear & clean.
- STP’s laboratory reports shall be available with the area services as required by the SLA.
- All operating STP’s shall have flow meter.
- The following shall be reviewed in regards to waste consignment notes:
·  Disposed amount of waste shall be identical in both Contractors soft copy and hard copy written by hand.
·  Transporters signatures availability.
·  Yellow copy of CN should be returned to the originator.
- Availability of NORM material record at storage facility.
- Plans for performing integrity checks on the oily waste storage area should be in place.
- Chemical storage facilities in station to be modified to comply with requirements.
4.4.7 / Emergency preparedness
and response / ·  Have procedures identifying potential for accidents/ emergency situations and measure to prevent/ mitigate the associated environmental impact.
·  Review/revise procedures after occurrence of an accident/ emergency situation
·  Periodically test procedures where practicable. / - All emergency equipments in the LECC e.g. Escape hoods, good order for immediate use.
- LECC room shall be in good order:
·  Updated phone list.
·  Computers shall have PDO System access.
·  Properly functioning communication tools e.g. walkie talkies.
- Asset staff shall fully be aware of the post emergence exercise reporting requirements as described in GU 288.
4.5 / Checking and corrective action
4.5.1 / Monitoring & measurement / ·  Need procedures to monitor, measure key parameters; including: tracking of performance data, controls, conformances,
·  Monitoring equipment to be calibrated, maintained and records filed
·  Maintain records of periodic evaluation of compliance to legislation and regulations / - Monthly data report for oily waste and waste consignment note shall be inline.
- Scheduled environmental tests between Production Chemistry and Asset shall be conducted on time & updated.
- Monthly Environmental data report and area source data shall crosspond e.g. Data from waste contractor à area services à MSE2 shall all be identical.
- IMPACT shall be used as a tool for tracking action items. The system need to be properly maintained. Action items need to be timely closed. If there is need for additional time the target dates in the system need to be reviewed.
- All analytical instruments shall be calibrated and recorded as evidence.
- Daily Checklists (Site inspections) shall be completed daily as required by PDO procedure.
4.5.2 / Non conformance, corrective action / ·  Define responsibilities and authority for investigation of non conformances, remedial actions and actions to prevent re-occurrence.
·  Any preventive and corrective action to eliminate the cause of actual or potential non conformance need to be "fit-for purpose" / -All ISO-14001 action items shall have evidence of close out.
- Deviation from the limits/target e.g. STP parameters shall be properly handled and resolved.
4.5.3 / Records / ·  Procedure to identify, maintain and disposition of env. records (incl records of training, audits and reviews)
·  Records to be legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity involved.
·  Records to be readily available and protected against damage, deterioration and loss.
·  Records should demonstrate conformance to requirements and Int. Standards / - All previous records shall be available and easy to access for discussion.
- All previous mini audits findings shall be followed & reviewed and closed out.
- All previous flare gas analysis shall be available.
- Calibration and maintanance records need to be properly maintained and accessible by the relevant personnel.
4.5.4 / EMS audits / ·  Have a program for periodic system audits in order to:
·  Determine if the EMS:
·  Conforms to it's plans, Int Standards, etc..
·  Has been properly implemented
·  Feedback audit results to management
·  Audit schedule to be based on importance of activity and results of previous audits
·  Audit procedure to cover: scope, frequency, methods and responsibilities
4.6 / Management review / Top management shall:
·  Periodically review the EMS to ensure suitability, adequacy and effectiveness
·  Document the review process
·  Address possible need for changes (to policy, objectives, etc) in the light of audit results, changing circumstances and commitment to continual improvement.