Rules 7 – 8—10 Discussion Questions—New Member Training
1)A pitched ball that contacts the batter in the strike zone is a dead-ball strike.
2)If there is a runner at 1st base and there are less than two outs, F2 must catch the third strike in flight for the batter to be out.
3)The batter shall be declared out when she enters the batter’s box with an illegal bat, or is discovered having used an illegal bat and the infraction is detected before the next pitch.
4)A runner who is hit by an infield fly while off the base is out.
5)No runner may return to touch a missed base after she has touched a base beyond the missed base.
6)It is interference when R1 slides into the glove of F6 and knocks the ball loose.
7)If a courtesy runner fails to report, she is considered an illegal substitute.
8)The look-back rule is in effect when the batter-runner touches 1st base and the pitcher has possession of the live ball in the circle.
9)While the pitcher has the ball in the 16-foot circle, a batter-runner who over runs 1st base toward right field, turns left and moves directly toward 2nd base and stops, she is committed to 2nd base.
10)A batter's hands are not considered part of the bat when determining hit by a pitch.
11)Runner on 3rd base with no outs. The batter receives a walk and the catcher throws the ball to the pitcher in the circle. The runner may stay off the bag until the batter-runner reaches 1st base.
12)When a batter-runner has one foot touching completely outside the running lane and is contacted with a thrown ball, she is not out for interference provided that the ball contacts her in fair territory.
13)If a courtesy runner is injured, the replacement must either be a legal substitute or the pitcher/catcher for whom she is running.
14)With the look-back rule in effect, if two or more runners are off their bases, only one runner may be called out and the other returned to the last base touched.
15)While the pitcher has the ball within the 16-foot circle, once the runner stops at a base for any reason, she will be declared out if she leaves the base.
16)A runner is out if a fair batted ball strikes her while not in contact with a base before it passes an infielder.
17)Catcher's obstruction is ignored if the batter and all runner advance one base safely.
18)Runner on 2nd base and no outs. The batter is obstructed by the catcher, but hits the ball to center field. The runner at 2nd base attempts to score and is thrown out at the plate. The offensive coach may choose the obstruction penalty.
19)In the top of the first inning, the pitcher and catcher are identified as those players listed in the lineup as playing those positions, but may actually play another defensive position to begin the bottom of the first inning. They are the players of record in regard to the use of a courtesy runner.
20)A player may not be a substitute for another player in the half-inning that she ran as a courtesy runner.
21)A courtesy runner may run for another courtesy runner.
22)If an undershirt is to be worn by an umpire under the uniform shirt, it shall be short-sleeved and navy.
23)The proper NFHS uniform for an umpire includes a powder blue shirt, heather gray slacks and a navy cap.
24)The plate umpire is responsible for ensuring that a team’s bats and helmets are inspected.