Engineering Activity Registration (Cont.)

DECISION: Accepted | Rejected

Application forRiver Restoration Compensation Scheme

Before filling in this application form please read the River Restoration Compensation Scheme applicant guidance

  1. Contact Details
Please provide details of the person or responsible person who is making this application.
Organisation or business name(if applicable)
Postcode / Tel No.
(for general correspondence)
Additional email (if different) for purchase order & remittance advice
Main Location Code / / / /
Business Reference Number (BRN) / Fax No.
Is the business a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME) or microbusiness? / Yes/No*
Please specify the type of agricultural activity carried out at the restoration site:

* delete as appropriate

  1. Land Ownership Status
Please tick the appropriate box:
I am the Landowner
I am the Tenant
Tenancy agreement end date
You will be required to submit with this application form documentation to support your status as landowner or tenant.
3. Permissions
I give permission* for SEPA to access information from the Scottish Government Rural Payments Department for land use data relevant to this application, and ask SEPA to consider this information as an annex to this application form.
Signature: / Date:
Print name: / Role/Status
*If you don’t give permission or you have not applied for rural payments you must submit certified copied of the following:
  • Proof that land to be compensated has been productive for at least 3 of the last 5 years

4. Site Details
Farm Name / Site Name
River Name:
NGR of restoration site:
*National Grid Reference (NGR)
Please enter National Grid Reference of the centre of the restoration site using 10-character form (XY 1111 2222)
You can use the SEPA NGRTool on the SEPA website to generate your own NGR (
For projects not funded by WEF: Please provide 1 or more photographs showing the area proposed for compensation payment and a copy of the detailed design for the restoration project.
5. Compensation Estimate
If compensation is awarded it will be paid following completion of the restoration activity.
Permanent change to land use
Category / Area (Ha)
[A] / Payment rate/Ha
[B] / Estimated award
[A] x [B]
Arable land proposed to be taken out of productive use to permit restoration / 0 / £2475.00 / £0.00
Grassland proposed to be taken out of productive use to permit restoration / 0 / £615.00 / £0.00
Estimated compensation award - Permanent change (Arable + Grassland) / £0.00
Temporary change to land use
Category / Area (Ha)
[A] / Payment rate/Ha
(per month)
[B] / Months of disruption
[C] / Estimated award
[A] x [B] x [C]
Additional arable land temporarily impacted during construction phase / 0 / £41.25 / 0 / £0.00
Additional grassland land temporarily impacted during construction phase / 0 / £10.25 / 0 / £0.00
Estimated compensation award - Temporary change (Arable +Grassland) / £0.00
Total estimated compensation award(Permanent + Temporary) / £0.00


  1. Enter values for appropriate Area
  2. Add number of months disruption (temporary changes only)
  3. Select whole table (Hover mouse to left of 5. Compensation Estimate and click the ‘+’ that appears)
  4. Press F9 key

IMPORTANT: This form only provides an estimated payment value, which has to be verified by SEPA.

7. Declaration and Undertakings
  • I/we declare that I/we have read and understand the rules, conditions and requirements of the River Restoration Compensation Scheme as detailed on the SEPA website including the guidance.
  • I/we declare that the land for which I am applying for compensation is productive agricultural land and has been so for at least 3 of the most recent 5 years.
  • I/we agree to provide any additional information relating to this application that SEPA may reasonably require.
  • I declare that I will not be in receipt of public funding from the project completion date, for the same area of land to which I am intending to claim compensation.
  • I/we agree to permit the duly authorised officers of SEPA, or its appointed agents and those persons accompanying them, to enter the farm covered by this application to carry out an inspection in order to verify the accuracy of the particulars given in this application. And to render all reasonable assistance, to duly authorised officers in making their inspection.
  • I/we agree (jointly and severally) to repay any aid paid in respect of this application, if as a consequence of a breach of the declarations made or the undertakings given in this application, or of overpayment to any one of us, we or any one of our number is asked to make such repayment by SEPA
  • I am over 16 years of age.
The data you have provided in this form is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA), the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIR).
It is the policy of Scottish Ministers to share relevant data, including historical, that is held on your business with other organisations for legitimate purposes and when required to do so and also to share relevant data under FOISA and EIR when it is in the public interest.
Are you a non-trading person or organisation? / Yes / No*
Signature: / Date:
Print name: / Role/Status:

*Delete as appropriate

8. Payment Details
Bank Name:
Account Name:
Account No: / Sort Code:
9. Document Checklist
Please use the checklist to ensure you have completed all relevant sections and have included all required items with your application. Incomplete applications may be returned to you for re-submission.
  • Photographs of the area marked for compensation for projects not funded by WEF
  • Detailed design plan of area proposed for compensation for projects not funded by WEF
  • Certified copies of title deeds or tenancy agreement and evidence that land is productive if you haven’t given permission for SEPA to access this information from Scottish Government

Please send your completed form and documents to the following address:
Water Environment Fund Administration
Graesser House
Fodderty Way
Dingwall, IV15 9XB
The Data Protection Act 1998
The information provided in and with this form will be processed by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency ("SEPA") to process and assess your application.
We may also process and/or disclose it in connection with the following:
  • offering/providing you with our literature/services relating to environmental affairs
  • carrying out statistical analysis, research and development on environmental issues
  • providing public register information to enquirers
  • investigating possible breaches of environmental law and taking any resulting action
  • preventing breaches of environmental law; and
  • improving our service
We may disclose the information to the public, public bodies and other organisations (e.g. Health and Safety Executive, Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Scottish Executive) when consulting on environmental issues.

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