Football Rules
Quick Reference Guide
Rule 1- The game, field, players and equipment
Section 1- The game
Art 1- object of the game, winner is who accumulates the most points
Art 2- the field= 360X160, four downs, advance 10 yds. to get 1st down
Art 3- teams must begin with 11 players
Art 4- game administered by officials /duties defined in official’s manual
Art 5- referee meets with coaches and captains before game
Art 6- referee has authority to rule in spirit of good sportsmanship
Art 7- officials assume authority 30 minutes prior to game time-may be earlier
Art 8- officials have authority till referee declares end of 4th qtr or OT
Art 9- officials make decisions…no TV or replay shall be used
Art 10- referee’s decision to forfeit the game is final
Art 11- protests of NFHS rules are not recognized
Section 2- The field and markings
Art 1- how the field shall be marked
Art 2- regarding yard line markers and their construction
Art 3- regarding yard lines and materials i.e., paint, gyp dust, etc. (a-l)
Art 4- pylon placement
Art 5- the goal (a-g)
Section 3- Game equipment
Art 1- the ball (a-g)
Art 2- each team provides a legal ball
Art 3- referee decides if ball is legal
Art 4- kicking tee (definition)
Art 5- regarding the chains and down box (a-d)
Art 6- regarding the game clock
Art 7- regarding supplementary equipment
Section 4- Player designations
Art 1- each team designates a field captain
Art 2- players have designated positions, i.e. guard, tackle, QB, etc.
Art 3- 1-99 are only legal numbers
Section 5- Player equipment
Art 1- mandatory equipment (a-f)
Art 2- auxiliary equipment ruled on by umpire, i.e. gloves, pad, etc. (a-b)
Art 3- regarding illegal equipment (a-c)
Art 4- head coach verifies all players are legally equipped before game
Art 5- correction of illegal or broken equipment before participation
Art 6- while ball is live all players must wear mandatory equipment
Section 6- Coaches’ field equipment
Art 1- regarding what types of communication devices are illegal
Art 2- regarding headsets, phones, electronic devices, etc.
Section 7- State association adoptions
Each state may adopt certain specific coverage relative to certain rules
Rule 2- Definitions and playing terms
Section 1- Ball- live, dead, loose
Art 1- a dead ball is not in play
Art 2- live ball is in play
Art 3- a loose ball is a pass, fumble, or kick
(Rule # 2 cont)
Section 2- Batting- batting is intentionally striking the ball with hand or arm
Section 3- Blocking
Art 1- blocking is obstructing opponent with contact with body
Art 2- regarding legal blocking technique (a-b)
Art 3- regarding blocker’s hands and initiating contact with opponent
Art 4- regarding the use of hands by offensive players (a-c)
Art 5- use of hands by the defense (a-b)
Art 6- regarding defense using hands advance of the elbow
Art 7- blocking below the waist
Art 8- chop block
Art 9- interlocked blocking
Section 4- Catch
Art 1- catch is act of gaining player possession of live ball in flight
Art 2- catching is always preceded by first touching the ball
Art 3- definition of a simultaneous catch
Section 5- Clipping/block in the back
Art 1- regarding clipping
Art 2- regarding blocking in the back
Art 3- official must see initial contact to rule whether clipping/block in back
Section 6- Conferences
Art 1- regarding coach/referee conference
Art 2- 2 types of authorized team conferences (a-b)
Section 7- Down/loss of down
Art 1- down starts with legal snap
Art 2- loss of down is loss of right to replay down
Section 8- Encroachment- when player/s illegally in neutral zone
Section 9- Fair catch
Art 1- definition of a fair catch
Art 2- regarding an awarded fair catch
Art 3- definition of a fair catch signal
Art 4- definition of an invalid fair catch (a-c)
Art 5- definition of an illegal fair catch (a-c)
Section 10- Field areas
Art 1- the field is the area within the boundary lines and endlines
Art 2- the field of play is sidelines to the goal lines (not end zones)
Art 3- the side zones are bounded by: sidelines, hash marks, goal lines
Art 4- end zones are 10 yds. deep and teams defend their own end zones
Section 11- Fighting- attempting to or contacting an opponent in combative manner
Section 12- First touching
Art 1- free kick, first touching if touched in field of play by K before 10 yds
Art 2- scrimmage kick, first touching if touched by K beyond neutral zone
Section 13- Force
Art 1- definition of force
Art 2- regarding who is responsible for the force
Art 3- muff or bat of pass, kick, fumble in flight is not new force
Art 4- force not a factor of kicks into end zone or fumble or back pass (a-b)
Section 14- Formations
Art 1- scrimmage formation requires at least 7 on line of scrimmage
Art 2- regarding scrimmage kick formations (a-b)
Art 3- regarding free kick formations (a-b)
(Rule # 2 cont)
Section 15- Forward progress
Art 1- definition of forward progress
Art 2- regarding forward progress of airborne player making a catch
Section 16- Fouls and penalties
Art 1- a foul is a rule infraction for which a penalty is prescribed
Art 2- types of fouls: (a-i)
Art 3- no foul causes loss of ball
Art 4- no foul causes a live ball to become dead
Art 5- penalty is a result of foul committed by team or team member
Art 6- game situations similar to penalties but not classified as fouls
Section 17- Free blocking zone-legal block below waist, legal clipping/block in back
Art 1- definition of free blocking zone
Art 2- conditions to be met to legally block below waist in free blocking zone (a-b)
Art 3- conditions to be met to legally clip in free blocking zone (a-c)
Art 4- conditions to be met to legally block in the back in free blocking zone (a-c)
Art 5- free blocking zone disintegrates after ball leaves the zone
Section 18- Fumble- fumble is loss of player possession
Section 19- Handing
Art 1- handing is transferring player possession from one player to another
Art 2- definition of forward handing
Art 3- definition of backward handing
Section 20- Helmet contact/ illegal, targeting
Art 1- illegal helmet contact: butt blocking, face tackling, spearing (a-c)
Art 2- targeting defined
Section 21- Huddle- two or more players grouped together before a down
Section 22- Hurdling- jumping over an opponent who has foot/feet on ground
Section 23- Interception- the catch of an opponent’s fumble or pass
Section 24- Kicks
Art 1- kick is intentionally striking ball with knee, leg, or foot
Art 2- kick ends when player gains possession or when ball becomes dead
Art 3- definition of a free kick
Art 4- definition of a scrimmage kick
Art 5- definition of a kick off
Art 6- definition of a drop kick
Art 7- definition of a place kick
Art 8- definition of a punt
Art 9- definition of an illegal kick
Section 25- Line of scrimmage
Art 1- definition of the line of scrimmage
Art 2- offensive player on his line of scrimmage
Art 3- defensive player on his line of scrimmage
Section 26- Lines
Art 1- boundary lines are end lines and sidelines and are out of bounds
Art 2- end line is the outer limit of each end zone
Art 3- definition of goal line
Art 4- definition of hash marks
Art 5- regarding line to gain
Art 6- sidelines are the lateral limit of the field of play and end zones
Art 7- regarding the yard lines
Art 8- regarding the restraining lines (coaches’ box)
(Rule # 2 cont)
Section 27- Muff- touching of a loose ball in unsuccessful attempt to secure possession
Section 28- Neutral Zone
Art 1- definition of neutral zone
Art 2- definition of expanded neutral zone
Section 29- Out of bounds
Art 1- when a player is out of bounds
Art 2- when the ball is out of bounds
Art 3- when a loose ball is out of bounds
Section 30- Participation- participation is any act by a player/non that influences play
Section 31- Passing
Art 1- definition of a pass
Art 2- forward pass is initial direction toward opponent’s end zone
Art 3- forward pass is beyond neutral zone when entire ball is beyond zone
Art 4- forward pass ends when: caught, touches ground, or out of bounds
Art 5- definition of backward pass
Art 6- backward pass ends when caught, recovered or out of bounds
Section 32- Player designations
Art 1- a player is one of 22 players
Art 2- abbreviations are A1, (offense) B1, (defense) K1, (kick) R1, (receiver of kick)
Art 3- definition of an A back
Art 4- definition of an offensive blocker
Art 5- definition of team captain and his duties (a-c)
Art 6- definition of a disqualified player
Art 7- definition of place kick holder
Art 8- definition of a kicker
Art 9- definition of an A lineman
Art 10- definition of a nonplayer
Art 11- definition of a passer
Art 12- definition of a replaced player
Art 13- definition of a runner
Art 14- definition of a snapper
Art 15- definition of a substitute
Art 16- definition of a defenseless player
Section 33- Plays- for penalty enforcement
Art 1- definition of loose ball play (a-d)
Art 2- definition of a running play
Section 34- Possession
Art 1- ball in player possession
Art 2- ball in team possession
Art 3- change of possession
Section 35- Ready for play- ref has signaled the ball ready for play/25 second count
Section 36- Recovery
Art 1- definition of recovery/gaining possession
Art 2- definition of simultaneous possession
Section 37- Rule- group of regulations which govern the game
Section 38- Scrimmage- action of the 2 teams during the down that begins with snap
Section 39- Shift- off. Players who assume new position after initial position
Section 40- Snap
Art 1- definition of what a snap is
Art 2- when the snap begins
(Rule # 2 cont)
Art 3- when the snap ends
Section 41- Spots Art 1- definition of the basic spot
Art 2- definition of enforcement spot
Art 3- definition of dead ball spot
Art 4- definition of the in-bounds spot (a-c)
Art 5- definition of out-of-bounds spot
Art 6- definition of post-scrimmage kick spot
Art 7- definition of previous spot
Art 8- definition of spot of the foul
Art 9- definition of where a run ends (a-c)
Art 10- definition of succeeding spot
Section 42- Tackling- use of arms, legs, hands, body to bring down a runner
Section 43- Team designations
Art 1- offense has the ball, defense is opponent
Art 2- A is the team that puts the ball in play, B is the opponent
Art 3- K is the kicking team, R is the receiving team
Art 4- designations (A, B, K, and R) are retained until next ready for play
Section 44- Touching- contact with the ball by touching or being touched by it
Section 45- Tripping- use of foot or lower leg to trip opponent below knee other than runner
Rule 3- Periods, time factors and substitutes
Section 1- Length of periods
Art 1- four12 min.(48 min.) for high school w/ intermissions
Art 2- state may adopt a “blow out” rule, i.e. run clock or terminate game
Art 3- periods may be shortened by agreement of head coaches
Art 4- regarding interrupted games
Art 5- dangerous weather conditions may delay or suspend game
Section 2- Starting a period- half
Art 1- each half started by a kick off
Art 2- no more than 4 captains present at coin toss
Art 3- winner of coin toss and their options (a-b)
Art 4- changing goals between quarters
Section 3- Ending a period/half
Art 1- approx. 4 min. end of half, ref notifies coaches if clock is kept on field
Art 2- play continues if period ends during a down
Art 3- extending a period (a-d)
Art 4- when not to extend a period (a-b)
Art 5- ref indicates period has ended by holding ball over head after: (a-d)
Art 6- if dead ball foul occurs after time expires, succeeding spot mark-off
Section 4- Starting/stopping clock
Art 1- when to start clock for a period (a-b)
Art 2- when to start clock for a down (a-b)
Art 3- when to start clock with the snap (a-j)
Art 4- when to stop clock (a-j)
Art 5- clock will not start on first touching by K
Art 6- team can’t consume/conserve time, ref will start/stop clock
Art 7- ref has authority to correct obvious timing errors
Section 5- Charged/official’s timeouts-intermissions
Art 1- teams have 3 timeouts per half
Art 2- team time out can only occur after ball is dead (a-c)
(Rule # 3 cont)
Art 3- single time out not to exceed one minute
Art 4- successive timeouts may be granted
Art 5- after team has used all timeouts no timeouts granted unless for: (a-c)
Art 6- regarding timeout for repair of equipment
Art 7- regarding an official’s timeout (a-l)
Art 8- regarding authorized conference (a-c)
Art 9- clock stops with official’s timeout after change of possession
Art 10- regarding timeouts for injuries (a-d)
Art 11- request for timeout to review possible misapplication of a rule
Section 6- Ball ready for play and delay
Art 1- ref gives ready for play signal and 25-sec. clock begins
Art 2- definitions of delay of game (a-g)
Art 3- failure of a team to play within 2 min. after ordered to is forfeit
Art 4- game mgmt. responsible for clearing field to begin each half
Section 7- Substitutions
Art 1- between downs any number of subs may enter
Art 2- sub must leave field to his team box
Art 3- no sub can enter then withdraw or re-enter (definition)
Art 4- definition of illegal substitution
Art 5- sub has to be on his side of neutral zone at snap
Art 6- if player comes on field during down (no participates) ill. substitution
Rule 4- Ball in play, dead ball and out of bounds
Section 1- Putting the ball in play
Art 1- to start half or after score, ball put in play by a kickoff
Art 2- rules on when a free kick is used (a-c)
Art 3- snap used to put ball in play when free kick not used
Art 4- snap or free kick shall be made between hash marks
Art 5- after in play the ball remains live until down ends
Art 6- ball cannot become live till ball is marked ready for play
Section 2- Dead ball and end of down
Art 1- official sounds whistle to keep ball dead if foul occurs prior to snap
Art 2- the ball becomes dead and down ends when: (a-k)
Art 3- rules on dealing with inadvertent whistle (a-d)
Section 3- Out-of-bounds and inbounds spots
Art 1- when ball goes out of bounds
Art 2- regarding out of bounds behind goal line
Art 3- when runner goes out of bounds, where spot ball
Art 4- when ball is dead between inbounds lines ball in play there
Art 5- ball becomes dead in side zone, ball in play at inbounds line (a-d)
Art 6- when A may choose spot to put ball in play between hash marks (a-g)
Art 7- when team may designate spot along yard line
Rule 5- Series of downs, number of down, and team in possession after penalty
Section 1- Series of downs
Art 1- after free kick, touchback, or fair catch team awarded 4 downs (a-b)
Art 2- new series awarded after the following: (a-b)
Art 3- when down ends a new series awarded when: (a-g)
Art 4- K recovers scrimmage kick in/behind neutral zone down continues
Art 5- when free kick down ends new series awarded when: (a-e)
(Rule # 5 cont)
Art 6- regarding first touching by K if R fouls during down
Section 2- Down and possession after penalty
Art 1- when penalty declined, next down is as if foul did not occur
Art 2- when foul occurs during scrimmage down
Art 3- when foul occurs before snap/at snap and ball becomes/remains dead
Art 4- when foul occurs prior to or during free kick down
Art 5- following a foul, a series of downs ends when: (a-g)
Art 6- after series ends a new series (1st & 10) is awarded unless this happens:
Section 3- The line to gain and measurements
Art 1- line to gain is 10 yds.
Art 2- ref may call for line to gain equip. on field for measurement
Art 3- where chains are set to start new series (a-c)
Art 4- ball touching goal line plane is in the end zone
Rule 6- Kicking the ball and fair catch
Section 1- The kickoff and other free kicks
Art 1- free kick lines on free kicks are always 10 yds apart (a-d)
Art 2- free kick may be made between hash marks
Art 3- K must meet formation requirements (a-b)
Art 4- at time ball is kicked, at least 4 K players must be on each side of the kicker
Art 5- any R may catch or recover a free kick in field of play and may advance
Art 6- if any K player recovers or catches a free kick, the ball becomes dead
Art 7- regarding touching by K before ball crosses R’s free kick line
Art 8- a free kick is not repeated unless: (a-c)
Art 9- if free kick goes out of bounds untouched by R (a-c)
Art 10- if free kick goes out of bounds touched by R
Section 2- Scrimmage kicks
Art 1- K may punt, drop kick, or place kick from in or behind neutral zone
Art 2- R may advance scrimmage kick
Art 3- K may advance scrimmage kick if in or behind neutral zone
Art 4- K may catch/recover kick beyond neutral zone if:
Art 5- when K touches kick beyond neutral zone
Art 6- first touching ignored if low kick is touched by K/R in/behind zone
Art 7- when ball becomes dead in no player possession= R’s ball
Section 3- Touchback
Art 1- touchback if any free/scrimmage kick: (a-b)