Linguistica inglese (profilo in Esperto linguistico per il management e il turismo)
Prof. Maria Luisa Maggioni
The course aims to provide the theoretical and methodological tools needed to describe the textual, lexico-grammatical and phonological features of contemporary English by illustrating their use in written and spoken communication. Special attention will be dedicated to textual and discourse practices (discourse analysis) with emphasis on those used in management and the tourism industry.
The course will illustrate concepts such as:
–discourse, text, context and culture;
–variation, dialect, register and genre;
–cohesion and coherence; theme-rheme;
–English grammar and the lexicon: paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations;
–semantic and pragmatic features of lexico-grammar;
–aspects of phonology, with special attention to variation.
V. Pulcini,A Handbook of Present-Day English,CarocciEditore, Rome, 2009.
M. Ulrych,Aspects of Discourse and Genre, EDUCatt, Milan, 2007.
M. Ulrych(ed), Readings in English Lexicogrammar, EDUCatt, Milan, 2009.
The content and materials obtainable from Blackboard (texts, webpages, videos).
Additional information about the reading list will be given in class and posted on Blackboard.
B.S. Collins-I.M. Mees,Practical Phonetics and Phonology: A Resource Book for Students, Routledge, London, 2nd ed., 2008.
A. Cowie,English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners. A History, O.U.P., Oxford, 1999.
R. Jones,Discourse Analysis: A Resource Book for Students, Routledge, London, 2012.
F. Katamba,English Words, Routledge, London, 2nd ed., 2005.
C. Mcintosh(ed), The Oxford Dictionary of Collocations, O.U.P, Oxford and New York, 2009.
M. Rundell(ed), The Macmillian Collocations Dictionary, Macmillan, London, 2010.
J.Seely,Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking, O.U.P.,Oxford, 3rd ed., 2013.
Lectures and practical classes.
Continuous assessment and final oral exam.
Students will take a written test at the end of each semester assessing the content of the semester classes and a final oral exam during the official exam sessions.
The written test consists of a multiple choice and true/false set of 30 questions and is taken through Blackboard.
At the oral exam, students must be prepared to discuss works from a given reading list.
The final mark consists of an average between:
1.the first and second Blackboard tests;
2.the oral exam.
The course is taught in English and students should register for the course on Blackboard.
Place and time of consultation hours
During the semester office hours take place on a weekly basis, according to the notices in the Dept of Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere (Via Necchi 9, III and IV floor).