GRADING RUBRIC / Beginning1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
Content and Research / Little or no accurate information is provided. Did not use the suggested websites and did not use the steps/links of the ConLaw Case Analysis. / Information is somewhat accurate and comprehensive. Contains extraneous detail. Used a few of the suggested websites and a only few steps/links of the ConLaw Case Analysis. / Information is mostly accurate and comprehensive and contains few extraneous details. Used most of the suggested websites and some steps/links of the ConLaw Case Analysis / Information is completely accurate, comprehensive, and carefully selected to meet the needs of the project. Used ConLaw Case Analysis as well as suggested websites
Language Usage for Written and Oral Arguments / Major errors that interfere with communication. / Frequent repetitive errors. / Minimal errors in grammar, spelling and word usage. / Grammar, spelling and word usage are correct and contribute to clarity and style.
Organization of Written and Oral arguments / Choppy and confusing; format was difficult to follow; transitions of ideas were abrupt and seriously distracted the audience / Somewhat organized; ideas were not presented coherently and transitions were not always smooth, which at times distracted the audience / Presented in a thoughtful manner; there were signs of organization and most transitions were easy to follow, but at times ideas were unclear / Extremely well organized; logical format that was easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to another and cleverly conveyed; the organization enhanced the effectiveness of the research
Teamwork / The group required teacher assistance with dividing tasks and resolving differences.
Few people contributed their fair share of work. / The group occasionally helped one another but required teacher assistance to resolve differences.
One person documents that he/she did most of the work and/or problems were not managed in a way that advanced the group goal. / The group documents how members divided tasks, shared the workload and managed problems in a way that advanced the group goal. / The group documents how members brainstormed, discussed, assumed roles and solved problems.
Provides evidence that group members helped one another, shared ideas, developed and evaluated their finished product(s).
The project is clearly a group effort.
Two-page Paper / Shows little understanding of the topic. Report lacks proper grammar usage. Poor organizational skills. Sentences lack structure. Presents no legal knowledge of the case or cases. / Presents satisfactory understanding of the topic. Misspells words, poor grammar. Some sentences and paragraphs are not well structured. Does not cite any other case or example to support the argument. / Shows a good understanding of the topic. Uses correct grammar and spelling most of the time. Writes well organized sentences. Cites only one case or example to support the argument. / Shows understanding of the topic. Uses correct grammar and spelling. Writes in complete sentences. Also sites two other similar court cases or examples to support the argument.