1. Stanno parlando da un’ora.
a. They talked for the last hour.
b. They have been talking for the last hour.
c. They were talking for the last hour.
d. They have been talking since the last hour.
2. Lavora per questa compagnia da tre anni
a. She worked at that company for three years.
b. She worked at that company since three years.
c. She has been working at that company since three years.
d. She has been working at that company for three years.
e. She was working at that company for three years.
f. She was working at that company since three years.
3. Cosa hanno fatto negli ultimi 30 minuti
a. What did you do for the last 30 minutes?
b. What have you doing for the last 30 minutes?
c. What was you doing for the last 30 minutes?
d. What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?
4. Insegno in questa università da Settembre
a. I have been teaching at the university since September.
b. I have been teaching at the university for September.
c. I was teaching at the university since September.
d. I was teaching at the university for September.
5. Stiamo aspettando da oltre 2 ore
a. We were waiting here for over two hours!
b. We have been waiting here for over two hours!
c. We waited here for over two hours!
6. Ti stai esercitando ultimamente?
a. Did you been exercise lately?
b. Do you exercise lately?
c. Have you been exercising lately?
7. Ha lavorato da McDonald’s, ma ora fa l’avvocato
a. He worked at McDonald’s since July, but now he is a lawyer
b. He has worked at McDonald’s since July, but now he is a lawyer
c. He had worked at McDonald’s since July, but now he is a lawyer
8. Erano le otto. Stavo scrivendo una lettera
a. It was eight o’clock. I was writing a letter.
b. It was eight o’clock. I have been writing a letter.
c. It was eight o’clock. I wrote a letter.
9. I miei capelli stavano diventando grigi
a. My hair was going grey.
b. My hair were going grey.
c. My hair is going grey.
d. My hair has been going grey.
10. Noi viviamo lì da quando ero ragazzo
a. We lived here since I was a boy.
b. We live here since I was a boy.
c. We’ve lived here since I was a boy.
11. Questo mese è stata tre volte al cinema.
a. She was to the cinema three times this month
b. She’s been to the cinema three times this month
c. She goes to the cinema three times this month
12. Ho perso le chiavi (non posso entrare a casa)
a. I’ve lost my keys
b. I lost my keys
c. I loose my keys
13. Lei non poteva entrare a casa, perché aveva perso le chiavi
a. She couldn’t get into the house, because I lost her keys.
b. She couldn’t get into the house, because I has lost her keys.
c. She couldn’t get into the house, because I had lost her keys.
14. Lo conosco da quando aveva 11 anni.
a. I knew him since I was 11.
b. I’ve known him since I was 11.
c. I know him since I was 11.
15. La maggior parte delle sere rimanevamo di solito a casa a guardare DVD
a. Most evenings we stayed at home and watched DVDs.
b. Most evenings we was used to stay at home and watched DVDs
c. Most evenings we used to stay at home and watched DVDs
16. Si ruppe la gamba mentre giocava a rugby
a. He broke his leg when he has been playing rugby.
b. He broke his leg when he played rugby.
c. He broke his leg when he was playing rugby.
17. Ha trovato un nuovo lavoro. Ora lavora in un supermercato
a. She found a new job. She works in a supermarket now.
b. She has found a new job. She works in a supermarket now.
c. She had found a new job. She works in a supermarket now.
18. Giocava a tennis quando era giovane?
a. Did he use to play tennis when he was younger?
b. Did he used to play tennis when he was younger?
c. Did he use play tennis when he was younger?
19. Chi scrisse la Divina Commedia
a. Who has Divina Commedia written?
b. Who wrote Divina Commedia?
c. Who did Divina Commedia write?
d. Who does Divina Commedia write?
20. Siamo tornati a casa tardi la scorsa notte.
a. We didn’t get home until very late last night.
b. We didn’t got home until very late last night.
c. We hadn’t got home until very late last night.
21. Fumavo, ma pochi anni fa ho smesso.
a. I smoked but I gave up a few years ago.
b. I used to smoke but I gave up a few years ago
c. I was used to smoke but I gave up a few years ago
22. Lei non voleva traslocare, perché aveva vissuto qui tutta la vita
a. She didn’t want to move, because she had lived in Liverpool all her life.
b. She didn’t want to move, because she lived in Liverpool all her life
c. She didn’t want to move, because she was living in Liverpool all her life
23. Il mio 18° completammo fu il peggiore che avessi vissuto.
a. My eighteenth birthday was the worst day I had ever had.
b. My eighteenth birthday was the worst day I have ever had.
c. My eighteenth birthday was worse day I had ever had.
d. My eighteenth birthday was worse day I have ever had.
24. Non c’è più latte nel frigo. Lo andrò a comprare
a. There’s no milk in the fridge. I’m buying some when I go to the shops
b. There’s no milk in the fridge. I’ll buy some when I go to the shops
c. There’s no milk in the fridge. I’m going to buy some when I go to the shops
25. Indosserò il mio vestito nero stanotte
a. I’m going to wear my black dress tonight
b. I’ll go to wear my black dress tonight
c. I wear my black dress tonight
26. Incontrerà Jane alle 8 di sabato
a. I’m going to meet Jane at 8 o’clock on Saturday.
b. I’ll meet Jane at 8 o’clock on Saturday.
c. I’m meeting Jane at 8 o’clock on Saturday.
27. Sono sicura che il film ti piacerà.
a. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy the film.
b. I’m sure you will enjoy the film.
c. I’m sure you are enjoying the film.
28. Com’è lei? Una persona intelligente
a. What does she look like? She is a interesting person
b. What does she like? She is a interesting person
c. What is she like? She is a interesting person
29. Voglio che tutti i miei amici vengano alla mia festa.
a. I wanted all my friends to come to my party.
b. I wanted all my friends come to my party.
c. I wanted to come all my friends to my party.
30. Ci piace studiare l’inglese
a. We enjoy to learn English.
b. We enjoy learn English.
c. We enjoy learning English