UMSC Meeting Agenda
Saturday, September 16th, 2017
Host Site: Chicago
Room: COMW 367
Start Time: 10:00 CDT
- Welcome
- Invited Speaker: Dean Ray Curry on UICOM and the LCME
- Approval of Minutes
- Executive Board Report
- President (Jonathan Jou)
- Vice President (Matthew Durst)
- Secretary (Alex Matelski)
- Treasurer (Stephanie Grach)
- Historian/Webmaster (Petra Majdak)
- OSR Representative (Mason Marcus)
- Advisor (Dean Kashima)
- Site Reports from Regional Student Council Presidents
- Urbana
- Rockford
- Chicago
- Peoria
- MSP- Urbana
- Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Constitution Amendments
- Future of Medicine Summit
- Closing
WEBEX Information:
Quorum: 16 representatives present (2 online) / 13 (quorum)
Opening Remarks, Jonathan Jou:
- Introduction of the standards of medical education; nationally recognized core competencies
- How can students best help UICOM meet these standards? What do they need to know about these standards
- Welcome to Dean Curry
Dean Ray Curry will be updating UMSC on the LCME visit later this year. These updates include:
- A reminder for the date and time of the visit
- Which student organizations and voices might be useful for the LCME committee to hear
- What the LCME is looking for from students when it comes to the accreditation process
- How might we best help the College of Medicine administration as student representatives
As part of his introduction, we will briefly recap the importance of the LCME and the Independent Self-Assessment carried out by students last academic year. In brief, the LCME requires 12 standards allopathic medical schools in the United States and Canada must meet:
- Mission, Planning, Organization, and Integrity
- Including: Strategic Planning, Continuous Quality Improvement, Conflict of Interest Policies, Mechanisms for Faculty Participation, Affiliation Agreements, Bylaws, and Degree Eligibility Requirements
- Leadership and Administration
- Including: Administrative Officer and Faculty Appointments, Dean’s Qualifications, Access and Authority of the Dean, Sufficiency of Administrative Staff, Responsibility of and to the Dean, and Functional Integration of the Faculty
- Academic and Learning Environments
- Including: Resident Participation in Medical Student Education, Community of Scholars/Research Opportunities, Diversity/Pipeline Programs and Partnerships, Anti-Discrimination Policy, Learning Environment/Professionalism, and Student Mistreatment
- Faculty Preparation, Productivity, Participation, and Policies
- Including: Sufficiency of Faculty, Scholarly Productivity, Faculty Appointment Policies, Feedback to Faculty, Faculty Professional Development, and Responsibility for Educational Program Policies
- Educational Resources and Infrastructure
- Including: Adequacy of Financial Resources, Dean’s Authority/Resources, Pressures for Self-Financing, Sufficiency of Buildings and Equipment, Resources for Clinical Instruction, Clinical Instructional Facilities/Information Resources, Security, Student Safety, and Disaster Preparedness, Library Resources/Staff, Information Technology Resources/Staff, Resources Used by Transfer/Visiting Students, Study/Lounge/Storage Space/Call Rooms, and Required Notifications to the LCME
- Competencies, Curricular Objectives, and Curricular Design
- Including: Program and Learning Objectives, Required Clinical Experiences, Self-Directed and Life-Long Learning, Inpatient/Outpatient Experiences, Elective Opportunities, Service-Learning, Academic Environments, and Education Program Duration
- Curricular Content
- Including: Biomedical, Behavioral, Social Sciences, Organ Systems/Life Cycle/Primary Care/Prevention/Wellness/Symptoms/Signs/Differential Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Impact of Behavioral and Social Factors, Scientific Method/Clinical/Translational Research, Critical Judgment/Problem-Solving Skills, Societal Problems, Cultural Competence and Health Care Disparities, Medical Ethics, Communication Skills, and Interprofessional Collaborative Skills
- Curricular Management, Evaluation, and Enhancement
- Including: Curricular Management, Use of Medical Educational Program Objectives, Curricular Design, Review, Revision/Content Monitoring, Program Evaluation, Medical Student Feedback, Monitoring the Completion of Required Clinical Experiences, Comparability of Education/Assessment, and Monitoring Student Time
- Teaching, Supervision, Assessment, and Student and Patient Safety
- Including: Preparation of Resident and non-Faculty Instructors, Faculty Appointments, Clinical Supervision of Medical Students, Assessment System, Narrative Assessment, Setting Standards of Achievement, Formative Assessment and Feedback, Fair and Timely Summative Assessment, and Student Advancement and Appeal Process
- Medical Student Selection, Assignment, and Progress
- Including: Premedical Education/Required Coursework, Final Authority of Admission Committee, Policies Regarding Student Selection/Progress and Their Dissemination, Characteristics of Accepted Applicants, Technical Standards, Content of Informational Materials, Transfer Students, Visiting Students, and Student Assignment
- Medical Student Academic Support, Career Advising, and Educational Records
- Including: Academic Advising, Career Advising, Oversight of Extramural Electives, Provision of MSPE, Confidentiality of Student Educational Records, and Student Access to Educational Records
- Medical Student Health Services, Personal Counseling, and Financial Aid Services
- Including: Financial Aid/Debt Management Counseling/Student Educational Debt, Tuition Refund Policy, Personal Counseling/Well-Being Programs, Student Access to Health Care Services, Non-Involvement of Providers of Student Health Services in Student Assessment/Location of Student Health Records, Student Health and Disability Insurance, Immunization Requirements and Monitoring, and Student Exposure Policies/Procedures
LCME Update, Dean Ray Curry: [Link Dean Curry’s presentation s/p]
- Comment from Dean Kashima: request for Dean Curry’s background and qualifications
- Has been on survey teams previously, has participated in 20 (UC-Davis, Tufts, etc.)
- Liaison Committee on Medical Education
- Liaison = AMA/AAMC double accreditation of medical schools in 40s, wanted to ensure quality of education
- Recognized by national bodies (DOE, licensing boards); international bodies (WFME)
- Review must be conducted every 8 years
- LCME Accreditation is required for:
- Federal Funds, board registration, etc.
- Process:
- Self study begins 18 months before visit (AMQuIC here at UICOM)
- April 15th - 19th the visiting team arrives
- M, Tu, W, Th campus visits
- C on Monday/Tuesday
- U, P, R on Wednesday
- Including lunch with students, representative group
- Report from visiting team is just a “recommendation” for the LCME
- LCME will provide a decision in October 2018
- Anything out of compliance will be assigned ‘monitoring’ status, where repair will be overseen and status reports are required
- Any citation that persists >2 years, the institution must be disaccredited (per DOE)
- Average status report time period must continue for 4 or so years
- 12 standards are the criteria for citation
- Have issued adverse action:
- SLU on probation; Louisville, Baylor have been on probation in past 5 years
- Institutional self-study
- Data Collection Instrument (12 mo), Independent Study Analysis (student conducted), AAMC Grad Questionnaire, Summary
- Self-study committees will conduct Town Halls and refine existing commentary
- Remainder of 2017
- Self-Study Summary should be complete in November 2017, circulated for commentary
- Currently processing data from previous ISA; repeat administration of ISA in early 2018
- Will help us also determine if we’ve made progress
- Must give a probationary period before disaccreditation
- A cautionary tale, Oral Roberts:
- In previous years, the Grad Questionnaire (GQ) has been below the national mean
- Ex. “Satisfied with the overall quality of my education” - numbers are in the low 80th percentile, usually
- Surveyors may bird-dog these data points - look fo unhappy students
- Areas of Noncompliance (2010)
- Administrative
- Strategic planning, affiliations, faculty appointments
- Firewall between student health and evaluation*
- Meant to be completely separate from evaluating preceptors, tough on Chicago campus because of CampusCare; need student perspective on this as well
- [Note: CMSC major concern is mental health/counseling specific. Non-stigmatized illnesses tend not to pose a conflict of interest for preceptor reviews. Being seen as having a mental health “issue” becomes sticky.]
- Financial Guidance/Literacy for students
- Advisor in Chicago (Marcello Johnson), two new advisors in Peoria (Kristina Peckmann and Dr. Daniel McCloud), working on an advisor in Rockford
- Cross-campus comparability
- Coordinated and equal education across sites
- Has been drastically improved in the process of 3 campus curriculum update
- Education
- Active learning and narrative evaluation (M1/M2)
- Final clerkship evaluations are timely
- Standard is 6 weeks; we have not yet met this standard and are having trouble achieving compliance
- Comment from J. Jou: possibility that some clerkship evaluations are done “too quickly,” with possible correlation with pressure to complete and artificially lower scores
- Best practices: Potentially electronic record that is accumulated slowly, over time, as opposed to a massive, end result evaluation
- Avoid a last-minute rush to judgment/imperfection of memory
- for more information on the process
- Next steps for UMSC representatives at the campuses
- Get everyone familiar with the process and help them understand the LCME standards
- Make sure people are aware of the visit dates (April 15th - 19th)
- Provide context for surveys, understand the implications for the accreditation
- Important for older students to recognize that many problems are likely to have been fixed or changed
II. Approval of Minutes
1.Renee McCarthy - Director of Medical Student Learning Environment
1.Previously she delivered her planned policy for students (March 4 Meeting in Urbana)
- Approved with unanimous consent
III. Executive Board Report
a.President (Jonathan Jou)
- Future of Medicine Summit (FoMS)
- Crash Course in Innovation feat. Stanford University
- Emphasis on design principles for patient-centered care
- Experiential learning about the patient experience - be a patient
- UIC Neurology/Neurosurgery Cross-Campus Research Platform
- Collaborators: Dr. Jeffrey Loeb (Chicago), Noah Huh (Peoria), Clay Mcgeehan (Rockford)
- Integrate campuses to improve residency competitiveness
- Upload research opportunities, grand rounds - make them accessible to all students
- UICOM + NIH MRSP (Medical Research Scholars Program)
- M2 and M3 students conduct funded research at NIH for 1 gap year
- Three Successful Applicants: Oyetewa Oyerinde, Tess Woodring, Jacqueline Boyle
- Conversation with previous successful applicants:
- Tips for Success in Applying
- Tips for Success in NIH Labs
- J. Jou will transcribe conversation notes and distribute them for review
- Application will open on October 1st
- Comment from Dean Kashima: host the files and application help on Blackboard
- HPSC Monetary Awards
- Health Professions Student Council
- Student fees go to this organization
- Matt Schaeffer (P) and Blair Wright (R) are the two HPSC representatives for UICOM - direct questions to them
- Small, ad hoc monetary awards - away rotations, conferences, pet projects, etc.
- Research Posters: $100, $150, or $300; Away Rotations: $200
- Document to disseminate to student body in preparation
- Campus governments will send an email blast informing students of the HPSC funding
- International Rotation Site Proposal: Havana, Cuba
- US/Cuban Embassy Letter
- Currently drafted on advice from US Embassy in Cuba
- Conjunction with GMED and IRGmed
- [Note: IRGmed is a Peoria pilot; “Innovation in Rural and Global Medicine”; chaired by Dr. Sarah de Ramirez]
- New director of Center for Global Medicine: Dr. Steve Weine
- Jonathan to communicate with Dr. Weine
- How best to ensure access by students of all campuses?
- International experiences should be completely available to students at all campuses
- International groups should be campus-diversified
- The core question: Is there something to be learned from a system that focuses differently on preventive and primary care?
- UICOM Universal Business Cards
- Peoria pilot experience
- Rockford first branch site
- (in case I have to run and get the food delivery during this :) ) Full administrative support, willing to cover any costs not covered by UMSC, ready to print
- Chicago interest?
- UMSC Funding (requires total college buy-in)
- 20 cards per student
- Get feedback after residency interviews
- Comment from Ari Pence (U): What was the origin of this discussion and reasoning for this being a good use of resources
- Response from J. Jou: Discussion from M1 year (championed by Ian Magruder), M3s then agreed that they wanted it after seeing the proposal
- Ari: I have never previously seen medical student business cards
- Matt Durst: great for poster presentation where you may not be near your poster; advantages to physical paper
- Pricing: $150 for M3 and M4 students (who requested) in Peoria
- Pricing will further decline with bulk orders after pilots
- Dean Ray Meeting Agenda
- What can UMSC do for the College of Medicine?
- What do students see the College of Medicine doing for UIC?
- Need to ensure that we are communicating the value of the COM
- Agenda with collaborative editing and commentary to be used at a meeting with Dean Ray
- Fall 2017 targeted timeline, meeting in Chicago
- Update pending from J. Jou
- Mistreatment Reporting: Review of Process (to be submitted to CCIA)
Reporting Medical Student Mistreatment Draft
DMSLE Report Flowchart
- Is the process for reporting clear and understandable?
- Does the report follow-up section establish clear expectations for those who report mistreatment or other learning environment concerns? Or, is there more that could be added or addressed in this section?
- In the report outcome section, do the examples help or are they too limiting?
- Is the information about privacy of information shared with the Director of Medical Student Learning Environment (DMSLE) office helpful? Is it too detailed?
- Overall, does the process document provide sufficient information for students and others to understand the process?
- With regard to the flowchart:
- Does this help simplify the information in the process document?
- Do you think the questions along the side are the most relevant, or is there some other topic the DMSLE should be considering?
- Goals: making this as user-friendly and accessible as possible, especially for M3s and M4s
- Communicate as: 1. a resource that is there if you need it; 2. it is not a “thinness of skin” or “frailty of ego” problem; 3. that it happens to everyone; 4. if something feels wrong, it is worth talking about
- Action Items:
- Representatives should distribute the two documents and questions to M3s and M4s (with context on DSMLE)
- Request responses to above questions from student body, specifically student representatives at campus government meetings
b.Vice President (Matthew Durst)
- Open UMSC positions on each campus:
- Now 2 Reps for Chicago/Peoria/Rockford in college committees; Will be reaching out to sites to help recruit and fill positions.
- The New UMSC Constitution
- Comments from Dean Curry: Faculty Bylaws
- There was a lot of ambiguity around student roles - uncertainty around number, votes, campus irregularities
- COM bylaws + campus-specific bylaws now specify that UMSC has responsibility to guarantee student representation
- See COM Bylaws for committee student representative makeup
c.Secretary (Alex Matelski)
- A quick primer on Robert’s Rules of Order that you should share with your respective governing bodies (oddly from NOAA):
- UMSC Contact Sheet
- Best approaches to ensure transparency and student body accountability
- Newsletter
- Chicago has a quarterly newsletter that goes out; distributed in August, November, February, April
- Feedback has been excellent; paper copies are helpful
- J. Jou Comment: what student group writes this/organizes it?
- CMSC board decides on topics/inclusions; VP of Communications (Olivia Lanser) creates the Newsletter
- UMSC Twitter account
- Matt Durst
- What would this include?
- Showcasing student achievements
- Highlight resources on campus
- UMSC event promotion
- Exec board to decide who the account owners should be
- CMSC has a Twitter account now
- Listserv point people?
- Olivia Lanser [C], Dhairya (DJ) Jarsania [R], Victoria Lu [P], Ari Pence [U]
- Summary of meeting minutes to be provided quarterly for distribution at each campus (in their respective newsletters)
- Other suggestions for meeting productivity improvement
- Accountability:
- Assign tasks via Google docs (unless someone prefers something else, like Slack)
- Secretary/VP responsibility to track progress and measure outcomes
- Continuous monitoring and quality improvement
d.Treasurer (Stephanie Grach)
- Funds for all councils open September 18th or later
- Please contact Crystal Jaimes () if you have questions about your council’s budget
- Generally reimbursement comes 6-10 weeks after submission
- UMSC Budget! Please go to the following link to access it:
- Approve pls
- Will discuss funding for future Leadership Retreats
- Possibility of using local site resources
- Comment from Mason Marcus, OSR Rep
- May see reduction in overall budget for both Boston and Orlando trips
- Will keep the overestimate
- FMS Budget
- Worst case scenario
- Music in Medicine
- Uncertain if it will continue in 2017/18, given that is project champion will be on hiatus
- Need an M1/M2 champion to take it on if it will continue
- Also seeking a grant from the Grammy Foundation for the event
- Budget is uncertain for the above listed reasons
- New group in Rockford forming
- Comment from Dean Curry: ways to connect this with other funding possibilities; growing health humanities focus within department of health education
- Mrs. Curry (?) organizing
- Need inter-campus connections with local music groups to seek endowment funding money
- Contact People: THRIVE committee on wellness in Urbana (Ari Urbana M4); wellness in Peoria (AJ Heaps Peoria M2); Aisha (Rockford M1) - to connect the musical and wellness elements at the campuses, perhaps get wellness funding for a Music in Medicine spinoff
- UMSC Exec to review budget (and redistribute numbers) and re-distribute out to Representatives for final approval
------UMSC takes recess for lunch------