RDGED 702 Reading in the Content Areas
Module Four Vocabulary Lesson Rubric
Rev 1-2-2017
A master reading teacher demonstrates knowledge and skills consistent with the characteristics of highly effective educators.
Element / Unsatisfactory/
Emerging /
Basic / Proficient / Distinguished / Points
I. Instructional Strategy/Description of the Lesson
ILA Standard 2.2
Candidates use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading/writing connections.
Wisconsin Teaching Standard 4
NBPTS Standard 2 / No evidence provided.
0 points / The vocabulary lesson plan teaches words from textbooks because they are highlighted in some way (bold face or italicized).
There is no evidence of explicit instruction.
There is a brief description of a vocabulary overview using 1of the 4 graphic organizers. No scan of the student’s work is included.
There is no evidence or example of implementation of independent activities with the new vocabulary words, as mentioned in the PowerPoint.
There is no structural analysis example.
No assessment isincluded.
No reflection is included.
1 Point / The vocabulary lesson plan teaches words from the content area not found in the textbooks.
The vocabulary lesson identifies the appropriate (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3) vocabulary word(s) the lesson focuses on.
There is some evidence of explicit instruction.
There isa written description ofvocabulary overview using one of the 4 graphic organizers. One scan or photograph of the student’s work is included.
There is one example of implementation of independent activities with the new vocabulary words, as mentioned in the Power Point.
There is an explicit example using structural analysis.
There is evidence of some type of informal assessment given to the student(s).
Reflection: Describes what ways the lesson was effective or not effective and how teaching vocabulary will improve in future lessons.
2 Points / The vocabulary lesson plan includes your name, identifies the appropriate tier (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3)vocabulary words the lesson focuses on, and the grade level in which this lesson will be taught.
There is a detailed explanation/descriptionof the explicit teaching activity, definition of the word(s) selected, and student-friendly explanations of the vocabulary words shown in the vocabulary overview.
There is a detailed written description explaining how 4 graphic organizers were used in teaching vocabulary overview. Twoor more scans or photographs of the student’s work are included.
There are two or more examples of implementation of independent activitieswith the new vocabulary wordsas mentioned in the PowerPoint.
Evidence is provided of one explicit example using structural analysis.
There is evidence of an informal and formal assessment (quiz or test) given to the student (s).
Reflection: Describes how the lesson was effective or not and what steps will be taken to improve teaching methods when addressing the three tiers of vocabulary review.
Describes examples of how transfer will be assessed to determine if the vocabulary taught is being retained.
3 points / __/3 points
ILA Standard2.3 Candidates demonstrate knowledge of and a critical stance toward a wide variety of quality traditional print, digital, and online resources.
/ No evidence provided.0 points / Includes a reference list of one resource. The citation does not use APA format.
.5 point / Includes a reference to one resource. The citation uses APA format.
.8 point / Includes a reference list of two or more resources.Citations use APA format.
1 point / __/1 point
VI. Written Communication
NCTE Standard (Related to writing and conventions) – 4,5, and 6
Wisconsin Writing Standards -
B.8.1, B.8.2, and B.8.3 / Organization and presentation of ideas is limited.
The text has more than 6 spelling, grammar, and/or mechanical errors.
0 points / Organization and presentation of ideas is somewhat effective.
The text has 6 or fewer spelling, grammar, and/or mechanical errors.
.5 point / Organization and presentation of ideas is effective; professional presentation.
Few spelling, grammar, and/or mechanical errors.
.8 point / Organization and presentation of ideas is exemplary with clarity, cohesiveness, and professional presentation.
No spelling, grammar, and/or mechanical errors.
1 point / __/1 point
TOTAL POINTS / _ /5 points