Arnaud Mennonite Church

August 20, 2017

Vol. 21, No. 34

Prelude ………………………………………………….. Cyndee Holdnick


Welcome and Call to Worship …………………………… Margret Janzen

Songs: Holy, holy, holy ………………………………………….HWB #75

The Wiseman Built (overhead)

Bringing ourselves to God:


Sharing and Caring – Prayers of Intercession

OfferingPrayer of Blessing

Hearing God’s Word:

Song: I know not why God’s wondrous …. (verses 1 & 2) …. HWB #338

Scripture: Romans 10:5-15

Meditation …………The End of the Law …………………. Gloria Beck


Song: My hope is built on nothing less … (verses 1 – 2- 5) …. HWB #343


Last Sunday: Attendance: 44 Offering: $ 590.00

Next Sunday: Worship Leader – Cheryl Janzen Music: Cyndee Holdnick

Speaker: Gloria Beck


Pray for an end to the unrest and violence in the Congo where government and tribal leaders continue to fan flames of ethnic rivalries.

Those affected by the wildfires in BC

Those struggling with health issues: Bonnie Nayet-Gantefoer (Edith’s sister-in-law), Ewald Boschmann, Carmine Gelardi (Sandy), and Madeleine Hamonic (Joele).

Those in terms of service: Chad Enns, Matt & Cheryl Peters, and Dan & Lisa Friesen


Monday8:00 pm – Worship Planning in the boardroom

Wednesday 9:30am – 10:30 am Men’s Coffee time at the church


Aug. 27Congregational & Community Care meeting after the worship service to plan for September 10 Promotional Sunday lunch

Sept. 7, 8:00 pmChurch Council meeting in the boardroom

Sept. 10, 10:00 amSunday School Promotion Sunday

Sept. 24, 11:00 amCamp Sunday – MattPeters will be sharing; the children & youth will be sharing about their own camp and retreat experiences this summer.

Oct. 2, 7:00 pmChildren & Youth Committee meeting at church

October 8Arnaud’s Thanksgiving Celebration

Oct. 10, 8:00 pmDeacon’s meeting in the pastor’s office


The Children and Youth Committee is looking for willing and able volunteers to teach Sunday School this fall quarter. If you are interested in ministering to our youth or children please contact Janice Maynard at 347-5965.

Reminder as you enjoy your summer and special times together, to snap a few pictures to share with the congregation during our Thanksgiving Celebration video on October 8th. Cyndee Holdnick will be putting the presentation together again this year.

MC Manitoba:

Mennonite Church Manitoba is accepting applications for the position of Associate Program Director of Camping Ministries (APD). The APD oversees all aspects of our summer and winter programs and provides on-going support and training to all summer program staff and volunteers. This is a 1.0 fte position. The application deadline is September 21, 2017. For more infoplease visit our “News” page at

MC Canada:

CommonWord’s deal for your fall congregational planning! Borrow 12 different titles, free, for an extended 6-week loan. And we'll pay the shipping both ways! Choose from over 7500 items. Pick what you want or we can help tailor your choices to a theme. For more information about our “Cheaper by the Dozen” program, check

Celebrate the 10 Teams that have already registered for Ride for Refuge Team on Saturday, Sept. 30! Become a team captain and encourage the ministry of Witness workers who live far from home and families as they serve the church through International Ministry. Register at contact Jason Martin at (226) 747-1833.

MCC Manitoba:

Kanadiertreffen- August 20, 2017, 2:30 pm, Bethel Heritage Park, Winkler

Join us today for a gathering of Low German speaking Mennonites emigrating from Latin America. The event will include guest speaker Hein Rempel, music by Esteban Peters and children’s activities. Bring something to share for the potluck faspa, come and knack some zöt with us!

MCC Manitoba Student Awards - Apply by September 30 if you're interested in work that aligns with MCC’s areas of focus (like peace, restorative justice, human rights, servant leadership and sustainable development). For more information and to apply, visit

MDS: See bulletin board for an updated list of opportunities


ATTENTION STUDENTS: Make 2017/18 the best year of your high school career. MCI offers exceptional opportunities in athletics and the arts. Low staff-student ratios will help you excel academically. Daily chapels and faith infused community will help you grow spiritually. Live in Res or commute. Available bursaries will make MCI affordable for you. Want to hear more? Visit or call204-327-5891.


There is still time to apply to Canadian Mennonite University for 2017-2018 whether you want to take one course or start a degree. Applications accepted until September 1. Evening courses are available for audit or credit even for those not enrolled full time. Visit or for details. Your prayers are welcome as a new academic year approaches!

The CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre in CMU’s Marpeck Commons, serves the church and community in vital ways. CommonWord is presently seeking volunteers with interest in working in this dynamic retail environment. For details about this opportunity please contact Arlyn at 204-594-0527 ext. 333.

Register now for fall music lessons and classes beginning on September 11 at the Community School of Music & the Arts (a program of Canadian Mennonite University). You will want to check out the various options available for individual and group lessons! Visit or call 204-837-4870.


FULLTIME BUILDING MANAGER: The Bethania Group is seeking a full time Building Manager for Deaf Centre Manitoba located at 285 Pembina Hwy. in Winnipeg, MB. This salaried position plays an important role in supporting all of our tenants, residents and staff while maintaining the day-to-day operations of the building. Deadline for applications is Friday, August 25th, 2017. For more info view online in the Career section of The Bethania Group website at

Eden Health Care Services invites you to the 2017 Dr. Clarence H. Labun Lecture Series titled “Sustaining and Nurturing Safe Communities” on Tuesday, October 3, 2017. Presenters include: Devon Clunis, retired Winnipeg Police Chief, Dr. Marc Teillet, Psychiatrist at Eden, Jordan Friesen from the Canadian Mental Health Association and Paul Isaacs, retired Winnipeg Police chaplain. See for more information.

Arnaud Mennonite Church

Welcomes You

“For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.” Romans 10:10