Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) and Dedicated Schools Grant(DSG) for Children in Care (CiC) and other non-economic eligibility criteria:
Frequently Asked Questionsfor Early Years Education providers
This document has been produced by the Hampshire Virtual School for children in care (CiC) and Services for Young Children in collaboration with our Education Funding Team. It draws on the current DfE Pupil Premium Conditions of Grant 2015-16 and Pupil Premium and the role of the Virtual School Head 2014-15 frequently asked questions (FAQs).
This is a developing process and may be subject to change
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) will be updated through the Blog and the Service for Young Children (SfYC) and the Virtual School websites.
Please note: Although interim cross border funding arrangement are in place, these are likely to be revised following further discussions with other Local Authorities. The information below is correct as of June 2015.
Who is eligible for EYPP?
3 and 4 years olds in receipt of Early Years Education (EYE) funding are also entitled to EYPP if they have:
- spent 1 day in care during the funding period;
- have been adopted;
- left care under a Special Guardianship Order or Residency Order.
When are children eligible for EYPP
Below is a useful table which outlines the earliest dates that children will be eligible for EYPP.
Child’s birthday / When you can claim EYE funding and EYPP.1 January to 31 March / On or after 1 April
1 April to 31 August / On or after 1 September
1 September to 31 December / On or after 1 January
Is EYPP only for CiC who are looked after by Hampshire and who attend a setting in Hampshire?
No. EYPP is for:
- CiC who are looked after by Hampshire and attend a setting in Hampshire;
- CiC who are looked after by Hampshire and attend a setting in another Local Authority;
- CiC who are looked after by another authority and attend a setting in Hampshire*
How do settings make a claim?
- If the CiC is looked after by Hampshire you do not need to do anything. Hampshire will ensure that the EYPP funding is paid for any CiC looked after by Hampshire (if they attend a setting in Hampshire).
- *If the CiC is looked after by another Local Authority and attends a setting in Hampshire the setting will need to contact the other local authority directly to confirm how the EYPP payment will be made, as the payment will be made by the local authority that the child lives in.
- Forms and further guidance can be found on the SfYC and Virtual School websites.
How do settings make a claim for a 3 and 4 year old that has been adopted or has left care under a Special Guardianship or Residency Order in England or Wales?
- Setting will need to promote the early years pupil premium voluntary registration form and EYE/EYPP eligibility criteria to parents. The template letter for parents and voluntary registration form can be found by follwing this link:
- Parents will need to use the EYPP voluntary registration form to confirm the status of the child.
- Settings will check the appropriate documentation and make a claim through the EYE process.
How much is the CiC element of the EYPP?
EYPP for CiC is paid at the same hourly rate as other EYPP. This is currently 53p an hour.
What happens if the CiC moves settings during the term?
If a child move setting during the term, the EYPP funding follows the child in the same way that EYE does according to the Hampshire Early Years Education Funding Payment terms and conditions (Early Years Education Funding Payment Terms and Conditions V1 January 2015)
Will the full amount of EYPP for CiC be paid to the settings?
Payment will be made at 53p per hour for each Early Years Education grant funding claimed up to a maximum of 570 hours for each eligible birthday year. The full 53p per hour will paid to the setting this term. The use of the funding for children in care will be reviewed and may be revised to ensure the most efficient and effective use of the funding for these children. This is a decision for the Virtual Scholl Head teacher to make as part of the role’s statutory responsibilities.
How often will a child’s eligibility be checked, with regards to EYPPP for CiC?
A child’s eligibility for EYPP for CiC will be checked termly by SfYC. All other EYPP will be checked annually.
What can EYPP funding be used for?
The SfYC website has details of what the funding can be used for. The CiC’s social worker should approve how the funding is to be used wherever possible and it must be closely linked the goals contained within the child’s Personal Education Plan
Will the OFSTED inspection consider what the EYPP CiC funding is used for?
Yes. Ofsted inspection framework will include a requirement for providers to demonstrate they are spending the EYPP effectively in order to improve children’s outcomes.
The Virtual School will also be required to monitor the impact of EYPP on the outcomes for CiC.
How can settings evidence how they use EYPP during my OFSTED inspection?
It is important to plan ahead and have systems in place for the recording of the uses of EYPP for CiC, including the recording of the impact this has on the outcomes for CiC. The Area Inclusion Coordinator (Area InCo) who is linked to your setting will work with you support CiC’s development through a graduated approach (identify, plan, do, review). Further to this, although providers will have a range of planning and tracking progress tools in place, SfYC have developed a basic tool to support the recording of uses of EYPP, which is linked to the progress tracking for the child. It is hoped that this document will complement the Personal Education Plan.
Is EYPP the same as the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) CiC payment?
No. The claim process is also slightly different.
Who is eligible for DSG CiC payments?
3 and 4 years olds who are eligible for Early Years Education (EYE) funding are also entitled to the DSG CiC payment if they have spent 1 day in care during the term if:
- The CiC is looked after by Hampshire and attends a setting in Hampshire;
- The CiC is looked after by another Local Authority and attends a setting in Hampshire.
Are CiC who are looked after by Hampshire and attend a setting outside of Hampshire eligible for DSG CiC?
No. However they are eligible for EYPP.
How do I make a claim for a DSG CiC payment?
- If the CiC is looked after by Hampshire you do not need to do anything. Hampshire will ensure that the DSG CiC funding is paid for any CiC looked after by Hampshire (if they attend a setting in Hampshire);
- If the CiC is looked after by another Local Authority and attends a setting in Hampshire you will need to submit a form to SfYC. This will alert Hampshire that there is a CiC, who is looked after by another Local Authority, attending your setting;
Forms and further guidance can be found on the SfYC and Virtual School websites.
How much is the DSG CiC payment of the EYPP?
DSG is £537.00 a term and is paid in arrears.
What can DSG CiC payment be used for?
The SfYC website has details of what the funding can be used for. The CiC’s social worker should approve how the funding is to be used wherever possible.
Will the full amount of the DSG CiC be paid to the settings?
The full amount of funding will paid to the setting this term. The use of the funding for children in care will be reviewed and may be revised to ensure the most efficient and effective use of the funding for these children. This is a decision for the Virtual Scholl Head teacher to make as part of the role’s statutory responsibilities.
Can settings claim EYPP and DSG CiC Payments at the same time?
Yes. Currently, settings can claim the EYPP and the DSG CiC funding at the same time.
Acronyms used in this document
DSGDedicated Schools Grant
EFAEducation Funding Agency
EYPPEarly Years Pupil Premium
FSMFree School Meals
LALocal Authority
LACLooked After Child
PEPPersonal Education Plan
PPPPupil Premium Plus
VSHVirtual School Head
DfEDepartment for Education
CIC Children in Care
SfYC Services for Young Children
EYE Early Years Education (funding)
EY Early Years
Useful links and references
DfE Pupil Premium Conditions of Grant 2015-16Pupil Premium and the role of the Virtual School Head 2014-15
Frequently asked questions
The Pupil Premium: How schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement (Ofsted 2013)
John Dunford’s Pupil Premium Reviews
Statutory guidance: Designated teacher for looked-after children
Hampshire Local Offer website
Early years pupil premium: guide for local authorities
Early Years pupil premium guide for providers
Early Years pupil premium Virtual School Head’s responsibilities document:
Useful links and references continued
Education Endowment Foundation Toolkit1