RTP Progress Report #3

Barbara Bloemers

The progress report is a summary of the progress you have made on your project since your last report. It should be at least 1 page long, although it might be longer, if you choose to use the report as opportunity to write up your current thinking in preparation for subsequent analysis and reporting.
At minimum, your progress reports should address these questions:
How is it going? What has happened since your last report?
Since my last report I have reread and “re-noted” all my research articles in an attempt to better document and improve my research paper. Have not had much experience writing a research paper and apparently I needed to provide more citations in my research paper.
Website has been completed for staff to access tutorials and other information at: http://www.msu.edu/~bloemer3/KeepingUpwithTechnologyatWork.htm
How you are progressing towards the next phase of your project work?
PowerPoint Training session is scheduled for 9:30-12:00 Monday, January 29, 2007. Will attempt to cover several topics at this session. Follow-up exercise will aide in team-building as the staff will be asked to make a PowerPoint presentation of one of the staff from information received in a previously completed Questionnaire.
Are there any issues or problems that have been temporary roadblocks?
The problems mentioned earlier were difficulties scheduling time with a busy workgroup and the staff transfers to/from other departments.
Not sure how to document my interpretation of the data from Survey 1.
(CEP 817 Technology by Design) taken F06 was extremely time-consuming.
How have your addressed these issues or problems? Is there anything you would do differently next time?
Will write everything all out unless I hear some other direction.
Your data collection thus far
Pre-intervention SurveyMonkey.com survey with staff of (10). Intend to conduct a post-intervention survey for comparison.
How is it going?
Responses to the survey will be addressed during the tutorial sessions.
What does the data you are collecting tell you about the impact of your intervention (what is it capturing)?
Not sure how to answer this question. I would hope that the survey answers would be able to direct me to the specific intervention needed.
What (if anything) is it missing?
Nothing that I know of is missing.
Are there any adjustments you need to make?
There are no adjustments needed at this time.
Top of Form
Skype Call ~ Jan 7, 2007
Barbara Bloemers () at 1/10/2007 1:25 PM
Patty and I were able to connect this Sunday although Patty had just gotten in having experience a 29 hours of travelling.School in Germany begins tomorrow so she will be able to address her research after the Christmas holiday.She gave me her suggestions regarding the use of Swishzone.com, Captivate and Camptasia in my website.