CTJRA Meeting
December 18, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:30pm by RoneeBuchert.
In attendance: Brooke, Presley, JD, Kaydee, Sam, Ronee, Naomie. Call-in, Lacey and Haley.
Queens Report:
- Best Theme award at the Omak Christmas Parade
- Need a new blanket for the back of the horse during upcoming parades. Unable to locate the last one. Abbi doesn’t have it and Becca never received it. Ronee said that her mom might be able to make a new one. Black and white basic colors.
- Kaydee is going to make flowers for parades as well.
Treasurer Report-
-No report to give. Lacey is still unable to connect with Steph. Ronee will get in contact with Steph this week.
Secretary Report:
-Naomie read minutes. Approved by Jd. 2nd Brooke.
Old Business:
-AAU Tourney- 5 teams entries so far.
-Facility usage forms were given to Ronee to review and follow-up with. May be able to waive fee for usage of Omak School gyms.
-Naomie still needs to follow up with the Omak Community Center and make sure that we are on the schedule.
-May change dates to Sat and Sun only. Many people still have to work on Monday and it would limit our volunteers. Tabled until the next meeting to see where entries are.
-Haley has 4 families confirmed to work door. Brotherstons, Rainey, McGuire, McFaddens.
-Jd has all the info he needs for food and list of items from Steph. Will need $2000 for change for the concessions and for the door. Lacey will have money.
-Naomie will ask Tracey if we can use coffee pots for concession stand.
-Naomie has 20 confirmed refs for tourney. 4 maybes. Need schedule.
-Ronee will make schedule for concession and door volunteers so that Haley and JD can get people signed up.
-Different color for championship shirts. Medals for 2nd place. Jd motioned to approve awards. Brooke 2nd.
-Pre-order forms for shirts will be available sometime this week to put on website.
-Roneehas to email teams schedules by January 8th.
New Business-
- Membership forms are up on website. Need to make a form for what prizes kids are interested in and attach to membership forms to help with awards selection.
- Heather will have 8x10’s printed on 12/19 so Kaydee can get to the saddle sponsors.
- Chelan good to go for 2018.
- 2nd key being made for Post Office. Will give to Ronee for when Naomie is unable to get mail.
- Team discounts for hotels for tournaments at Omak Inn and Best Western.
- Brooke will contact 2018 rodeos to find out when they will have dates ready for 2018.
Next meeting 5:30pm on January 4th.
Meeting Ajourned. Jd motioned. Brooke 2nd.