2018FEI Eventing Officials Courses –
Course entry form for Judge /

Course Entry Form- Judge

Dear NF,

Please fill out this form with the reference to the course which your affiliates are about to participate. Your responses will be treated confidentially.

Venue:Click here to enter text.Date: Click here to enter text.

Name:Click here to enter text.Nationality:Click here to enter text.

NF: Click here to enter text.Email Address:Click here to enter text.

Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Age Group: / ☐ / 20-30 / ☐ / 31-40 / ☐ / 41-50 / ☐ / 51-60 / ☐ / 61-70
Current Status of Participant: / Purpose of attending course:
Please put a tick in the relevant boxes
Observer / ☐ / Maintain current Judge status / ☐ /
National Judge / ☐ / Promotion to Level 2 Judge / ☐ /
F.E.I. Level 2 Judge / ☐ / Promotion to Level 3Judge / ☐ /
F.E.I. Level 3Judge / ☐ /
If National status, please specify where and when you have attended a Level 1 (or equivalent) course:
Click here to enter text.
Other FEI Eventing Functions:
Please put a tick in the relevant boxes
Level 2 Technical Delegate / ☐ / Level 3Technical Delegate / ☐ /
Level 2 Course Designer / ☐ / Level 3Course Designer / ☐ /
FEI Steward level 1 / ☐ / FEI Steward level 2 / ☐ /
FEI Steward level 3 / ☐ /
Please put a tick in the relevant box / Yes / No
Previous competitor:
  • If yes, what standard:Click here to enter text.
/ ☐ / ☐
Any organizing experience:
  • If yes, to what level?Click here to enter text.
/ ☐ / ☐ /
Is the candidate fully aware of the responsibility associated with F.E.I Listing? / ☐ / ☐ /
Requirements for Promotion to FEI Level 2 Eventing Judge: / Yes / No
Is the candidate on the approved National list of Dressage judge
inown country? / ☐ / ☐ /
Has the candidate gained experiences course evaluation,
knowledge of Eventing Risk Management, dispute resolution and
disciplinary matters? / ☐ / ☐ /
Is the candidate familiar with the“Training Scale” and does s/he
fully understand it? / ☐ / ☐ /
Requirements for Promotion to FEI Level 3Eventing
Judge: / Yes / No
Is the candidate nationally certified at Advanced or equivalent
Level, and have gained experience in judging PSG Dressage,
including collection and extension in walk, trot and canter,
single changes, half-passes and shoulder-in? / ☐ / ☐ /
Is the candidate proficient and practised in course evaluation, with a working knowledge of Eventing Risk Management, dispute
resolution and disciplinary matters? / ☐ / ☐ /
NF: Please name the two top qualities of the candidate that makes her/him a suitable candidate for promotion
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.

Functions fulfilled during the current and preceding three years.


Year / Place / Event Type / Function (also Assistant) / Remarks
The NF of Click here to enter text.certifies that the information above regarding the above mentioned official is correct.
Signed: OR Click here to enter text.
NF Official Representative

Stamp of NF
