Record Format Document


Copyright Xoserve 2014©, all rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of Xoserve except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.

Author: / Xoserve
Owner: / Xoserve
Version: / 1A
Status: / Approved
Date: / 12-Dec-2014

Version Control

Version / COR / Issue Date / Implementation Date / Summary of Change
1FA / 1154 / 30-Sep-2014 / 1-Oct-2015 / File issued for representation
1A / 1154 / 12-Dec-2014 / Project Nexus Implementation Date / Approved


Note 1
OPT - Optional/Mandatory (O - Optional, M - Mandatory)
DOM - Domain (T - text, N - Numeric, D - Date (YYYYMMDD), M - Timestamp)
LNG - Number of characters
DEC - Number of decimal places
Note 2
All text fields will be enclosed in double quotes ("")

Record Type Definition

RECORDTRANSACTION_TYPE / M / T / 3 / 0 / A code identifying the type of information that this record contains. VALUE: O20
OUTCOME_CODE / M / T / 2 / 0 / "Details whether the request has been accepted or rejected by Xoserve. VALUES: AC - Accepted, RJ - Rejected and WN- Warning Note: A warning code indicates that this is a Prime Supply Meter Point awaiting co-terminus details to process"
MPO_REFERENCESUPPLY_METER_POINT_REFERENCE / M / N / 10 / 0 / An unique identifier for the point at which a meter is, has been or will be connected to the gas network.These references are less volatile than meter or service identifiers and do not change if the meter is replaced or the service is relayed to the same position. New Supply Meter Point References will only be created for new services or when a service is relayed to a different position.
RESYNCSITE_VISIT_DATE / M / D / 8 / 0 / Site Visit Date. The f
Format: is YYYYMMDD
METER_READING_BEFORE / M / N / 12 / 0 / Meter reading Before Resynchronization
UNCORRECTED_READING_BEFORE / O / N / 12 / 0 / Uncorrected Reading Before Resynchronization
CORRECTED_READING_BEFORE / O / N / 12 / 0 / Corrected Reading Before Resynchronization
DATALOGGED_METER_READING_BEFORE / M / N / 12 / 0 / Datalogged reading before Resynchronization provided in the input request
DATALOGGED_CORRECTED_READING_BEFORE / O / N / 12 / 0 / Datalogged corrector reading before resynchronization provided in the input request
DATALOGGED_METER_READING_AFTER / M / TN / 12 / 0 / Meter reading after resynchronization provided in the input request
UNCORRECTED_READING_AFTER / O / TN / 12 / 0 / Uncorrected Reading After Resynchronization
CORRECTED_READING_AFTER / O / TN / 12 / 0 / Corrected Reading After Resynchronization
METER_SERIAL NUMBER / M / T / 14 / 0 / The manufacturers meter serial number. CONTEXT: The serial number of the meter from which the meter read was taken
CORRECTORCONVERTOR_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / The manufacturers corrector serial number CONTEXT: The serial number of the Corrector convertor from which the read was taken
METER_TTZROUND_THE_CLOCK_SINCE_LAST_CHECK_READ / M / T / 2 / 0 / Number of times the meter has gone round the clock i.e. through the zeros since the last check read. VALUES: -9 through to 99
CONVERTOR_TTZROUND_THE_CLOCK_SINCE_LAST_CHECK_READ / O / T / 2 / 0 / This is the number of times a convertor has gone through the zeros since the last check read. This field is mandatory in case a Convertor is recorded for the Supply Meter Point.
DRE_FAULTY / O / T / 1 / 0 / This indicates if the reason for the Resynch. is that the Daily Read Equipment is Faulty VALUES: Blank, Y or N
DRE_FAULT_CORRECTED / O / T / 1 / 0 / This indicates if the Daily Read Equipment was highlighted as Faulty in the previous field has this now been corrected. VALUES: Blank, Y or N
TOLERANCE_OVERRIDE_FLAG / O / T / 1 / 0 / Energy tolerance check override flag VALUE: Blank or Y – Confirmed by the User that the read is correct and should be accepted
Total / 94

RT_O20_SITE_VISIT_READ_RESPONSEPage 1 of 4Issue Date: 12/12/2014

Version: 1 AImplementationDate: Project Nexus Implementation Date