Big Mesa (MDWCA)
P.O.Box 40
Conchas Dam NM 88416
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting
April 9, 2016
Call to Order by Gayle: 9:00 am
Directors present: Dave Artery, Gayle Donathan, Tim Isengard, Steve Morgan, Jeff Strom phone
Public Comments : none
Steve moved to waive reading of the minutes as they are available in written form. All approved. Motion Passed.
Treasurer’s Report read by Jeff:: approved as read :Steve/Tim
Water Report read by Andrew: approved as read :Jeff/Dave
Item / Owner / Open Date / Action / O/C / Suspense Date / Close Date / Status/NotesBoard / Board / 3/1/2016 / Member Communications / C / 4/9/2016 / 4/9/2016 / Jeff said to close
Joe Martinez / Board / 3/5/2016 / Joe Martinez (Corp) / C / 4/9/2016 / 4/9/2016 / the situation is being correct ed
Board / Board / 12/14/2015 / Installation Charges / O / 4/9/2016 / In our By-laws the installation charge is $35.00. On the New Member form it was listed as $100.00, and in the Rules and Regs it is also listed at $100.00. This was changed before Bob Gibbons and Jim Legion, but the By-laws were not changed. We will have to vote on this change and have corrections and changes by June’s meeting. We will review in April
Don Hughes / Board / 2/29/2016 / Regarding entirety of Policies and Procedures being correct or not / C / 3/12/2016 / 4/9/2016 / Policies and Procedures: All agree that they are correct as written. Item closed.
Board / Board / 3/21/2016 / Rules and Regulations review / O / 4/9/2016 / committee to work this issue will be Gayle, Jeff, Dave, George, and Tara will address this at the next meeting.
Board / Board / 3/21/2016 / NM DOT utilizing the Transfer station / C / 4/9/2016 / 4/9/2016 / It has come to our attention that the NM DOT is utilizing the Big Mesa Transfer Station to dump NM DOT related items, including tires, used oils and lubricants, and facility trash, and they have never been charged to do so. Jeff made a motion that Big Mesa MDWCA draft a letter to NMDOT that we will no longer accept items from them. Tara will draft this letter
Board / Board / 3/21/2016 / Commercial Rates / C / 4/9/2016 / 4/9/2016 / Part of rules and regs review
Board / Board / 3/28/2016 / Office Petty Cash Account / C / 4/9/2016 / 4/9/2016 / Approved. Would like to be able to reconcile it to $100.00 each month
20160409A / Board / 3/28/2016 / eBilling and ePaying / C / 4/9/2016 / 4/9/2016 / Dave Artery made motion to move forward to implement the eBill and ePay, Tim Isengard seconded. All approved, motion passed.
Andrew / Board / 3/28/2016 / MDWCA Yard beautification / fencing project. / C / 4/9/2016 / 4/9/2016 / implemented
20160409B / Board / 3/23/2016 / MDWCA Water Meters / C / 4/9/2016 / Jeff stated that we may not need to vote on every cost as a single item, but Dave explained that he would like his overseeing blessing on the expenses each month. He agreed that he would. DA made motion to move forward with the next aspect of our maintenance. Jeff seconded this. All approved, motion passed.
New Business:
Steve Morgan asked to bring the item of CPA firm change to the Board for approval. He proposed that we ask the Office Manager to review the cost of this CPA firm and bring this information to the Board for discussion at the next meeting. Dave Artery asked to make this an agenda item for next month.
Steve inquired about the Agreed Upon Procedures Audit. We are working on this process.
Public Meeting Adjourned 10:50am