Rhonda Rhodes

Room 154


Biology is the study of living things. The workings of the cell, Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology are the primary themes that we will focus on. Students are required to pass biology in order to graduate and must take the North Carolina End-of Course Test in biology at the end of the semester. The EOC counts 25% toward the final grade in the course.


Grades will be used to evaluate and to provide feedback to students. Your grade will determined according to the following percentages.



Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)30%

Knowledge Based Learning (KBL)10%

The following grade scale will be used in this class.

A (100 – 90)B (89 – 80)C (79 – 70)D (69 -60)F (59 – 0)


Notebook/binder with paper and pockets for handouts

Journal…single subject notebook (this will be left in the classroom and used daily)


Colored pencils

Index cards

Graphing paper

Ear plugs/headphones


I use a variety of assessment methods to determine your grade in this class both formative & summative. Along with chapter tests (which will be primarily multiple choice and aligned with the format of the EOC), you also will be assessed by some of the following methods

Bellringersprojects (group & individual)Quizzes

Exit ticketsLab experimentsWebquests Inquiry investigations case studies


Any student who engages in or attempts to engage in plagiarism, falsification, violation of software copyright laws, or violations of computer access may be subject to disciplinary action and will receive zero on the assignment. Cheating includes giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance of academic work. Plagiarism includes copying the language, structure, or idea of another and representing it as one’s own work.


If you need extra assistance, I will be available at least one afternoon each week after school.

East Wake High School Retest Policy supports the premise that all students can experience success. Students will be allowed to retake up to two test per quarter. The purpose of retesting is to allow you the opportunity to LEARN the material and receive a grade that reflects success. The purpose is NOT simply to try to bring a B grade to an A grade. If you score a B on a test, then you have mastered the material. Therefore the maximum grade received on a retest will be an average of the two test grades.Remediation prior to taking the retest will be required.

WAR(Warrior Acceleration & Remediation) time will be provided each week during class time. Struggling students can get remediation at that time on the previous week’s topic. Students who mastered the topic will be allowed to engage in enrichment opportunities.


Students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and School Board policies governing student behavior and conduct. AllCode of StudentConductpolicies are contained in the WCPSS Student Handbook and the East Wake High School Handbook, which is distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this syllabus, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence. Any violation in the code of student conduct will result in disciplinary actions outlined in your student agenda.

My classroom expectations are:

1.Attend class regularly and be on time

2.Come prepared to participate in class daily. Have needed materials.

3.Complete assignments on time.

4.Study & prepare for tests & quizzes. Study nightly!

5.Respect others’ time & property. Refrain from creating class disruptions

7.Take responsibility for one’s own learning

8.Take care of personal matters outside of class time.


Good attendance is essential for student achievement and success. Students must attend a 45 minute extra help session for each absence over 5 in a class period in a nine weeks period. For students who have 5 or more absences in a class period in a nine week period, students must validate the absence to avoid receiving a FF for the class due to attendance (No more than 10 days in a given semester).

It is the responsibility of the student on the first day of his/her return to school following an absence to arrange for make-up time and/or work. All assigned make-up work will be completed outside of regular class time within 3 school days (except in the case of consecutive multiple absences).

Students are expected to arrive to class on time. Arriving to class late may result in disciplinary actions. Excessive tardiness will result in an administrative referral.