Julia M. Geschke


Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment Durham, NC
Master of Environmental Management, Ecosystem Science and Conservation / Expected May 2019
  • Relevant coursework: Fundamentals of Geospatial Analysis, Conservation Biology, Applied Data Analysis for Environmental Sciences, Big Cats Decline

University of Maryland College Park, MD
B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy: Wildlife Ecology and Management, GPA: 3.93 / May 2016
University Honors Program


Natural Resources Specialist 2, Cleveland Metroparks Cleveland, OH / March 2017 – August 2017
  • Led development of citizen science projects for a new smartphone app used by park visitors
  • Designed testing protocol and tested app with volunteers to assess science knowledge growth
  • Presented work at the Citizen Science Association National Conference to encourage collaboration and engage new partners
  • Assisted with analysis of camera trap study and management of Zooniverse classification interface to create best practices and strategies for improving image collecting, analysis, and classification
  • Performed other natural resources work (cover board surveys, snake health assessments, mist netting for bats)

Desert Tortoise Ecology Intern, Penn State/USGS Barstow, CA / July – October 2016
  • Tracked desert tortoises in the Mojave Desert using radio telemetry
  • Handled tortoises, changed GPS loggers, and conducted health assessments to assess impacts of population translocation and spread of respiratory disease
  • Navigated with GPS equipment, proofed and maintained large datasets in Excel and ArcGIS

USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Intern Beltsville, MD / June – August 2015
  • Studied common tern and least tern populations on Poplar Island through conducting nest checks, collecting and entering data, re-sighting chicks
  • Assisted with experimental use of unmanned aerial vehicles and infrared cameras as new non-invasive methods to monitor seabird populations

Research Intern, Bat Acoustic Traveling Study College Park, MD / November 2014 – May 2015
  • Worked with PhD student on project studying bat activity and species diversity in rural-urban gradient to see if activity and species composition are shifting due to the impact of White Nose Syndrome
  • Set up microphones to monitor bat calls, recorded and analyzed initial data
  • Interacted with public to gain permission to work on their property, educating them about bat conservation and the importance of urban wildlife

The School for Field Studies Tanzania, East Africa / June – August 2014
  • Studied African wildlife conservation and management, focused on human/wildlife conflict
  • Conducted distance sampling, transects, quadrats, behavioral research, and ethograms to study wildlife
  • Presented research to local community and interviewed locals about environmental issues to inform efforts for sustainable forest use and gather information on climate change impacts on local agriculture


Big Cats Initiative Project / Fall 2017 – present
  • Re-defining the range of the spotted hyena and providing accurate population estimates using all known occurrence records

Duke Conservation Society, First-Year Representative / Fall 2017 – present
  • Planning and organizing volunteer outings, networking trips, meetings, and social events to expand knowledge of current conservation science

The Wildlife Society at UMD / 2012-2016, Secretary 2015-2016
  • Expanded knowledge of wildlife management practices through educational speakers, field trips, and research projects including deer density transects, bat acoustic monitoring, and small mammal trapping

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, Naturalist Assistant Bay Village, OH / 2007-2012 / Bay Village, OH • 2007-2012
  • Helped wildlife staff with the care and rehabilitation of variety of animals (reptiles, birds, mammals)
  • Educated visitors through programs and animal presentations, trained new volunteers