Start recruiting new members now:
- Develop a membership strategy plan, and goal
- Invite! Invite! Invite!
- Have Interact information booth with videos & photos at FISH Camp and school registration
- Interact booth at PTA/PTO meeting, and during lunch period
- Use Social Media as a membership tool
- Produce a video of club projects, and put it on your club's website.
Selling points:
- Explain personal value and life changing benefits of “Service Above Self”
- Make a "Why We Joined Interact" video of your members...put it on your club's website.
- Friendship, fellowship, pride, performance, and service to others
- Tight knit, family group
Be proud of your service projects and tells others about your club’s accomplishments!
- School projects
- Community projects
- International projects
Start school year off with a major project and invite all students to participate
- Water well or bio-sand filter project
- PolioPlus project (Purple Pinkie Project)
- Collecting books for Rotary Books for the World, & volunteer to sort books
- Invite International students to tell about projects in their countries
- School newspaper – Submit your own articles or invite one of the reporters to attend your meeting.
- Community newspapers and websites – Have your Publicity Chair submit articles/photos weekly
Create awareness
- Interact T-shirts – Have your members wear their shirts to school the day of your meeting
- Develop a list of all your service projects of the last several years to show your club’s “humanitarian footprint”
- Your Interact club website…If you don’t have one, develop one
- Create invitations to join that members can handout to potential members
- Ask each member to sign a pledge card that they will find one new member to join the club
- Partner with another school organization on a project
- Is the club meeting time/day convenient?
- Induct club officers and make it an important, and fun event
- Have great speakers at your club meeting, or schedule a special speaker for your entire school and serve as the host for the event
- Survey the club members for their personal ideas for future projects, and fundraisers
- Have your sponsoring Rotary club order Interact membership certificates and membership cards
- Have experienced Interactors serve as mentors to new members
- Invite former members to rejoin
- Plan some social events for the members and invite others to attend
Invite your parents to attend Rotary meetings…They would make great Rotarians!
Rotary offers an exciting future for Interactors to stay in the Family of Rotary: Rotary Youth Exchange Program...Rotaract Clubs at colleges, universities& young professionals...$30,000 Rotary Scholarships to study abroad!