RREHOABOD Minutes of Meeting 3-10-18 addendum

P.O. Box 18716 Boulder,CO80301JeremyParmenter

720.234.7133 email: ISACertifiedArboristRM-­‐7480A

Name: Rainbow RidgeEstatesHOADate:3/1/18

Address: 1234 Onyx Cir. Longmont, CO

Jobsite: Rainbow Ridge Estates


# / Species/Plant / Qty / Location / Description of Work / Price
1 / Grounds / All / Throughout / Springclean-­‐upw/shrubtrim(toincludeentranceislands). / $220
2 / Turf / All / Throughout / Fertilize and weed control. 3 applications (weed control includes beds). / $1,173
4 / Turf / All / Throughout / Weekly mow, trim, blow. Patrol for trash and weeds. Empty trash containers. 26 visits / $3,380
5 / Turf / All / Throughout / Spring and Fall aeration / $576
6 / Shrubs / All / Throughout / Mid-­‐Seasontrim / $175
7 / Grounds / All / Throughout / Irrigation start-­‐up, blow-­‐out, and 3 seasonal adjustments and walk throughs (repairs at T&M). / $488
8 / Grounds / All / Throughout / Fall clean-­‐up(To includeentrance islands). / $410
TOTAL / $6,422
Hourly Labor Rates;
Equipment operator/General; $45 Tree and Shrub care; $70 Irrigation; $70 (plus parts)
Weekly mowing includes blowing of hard surfaces, removal of trash containers, and weed patrol in entrance islands and beds. Grass clippings are mulched or raked to maintain a tidy appearance.
Sidewalks where they meet turf are edged with a steel blade edger monthly (7 occurrences).

ThisLandscapingServicesContract(the“Agreement”)statesthetermsandconditionsthatgovernthecontractualagreementbetweenCutGrowTurfandTreeLLChavingitsprincipalplaceofbusiness at716TundraPl.Longmont,CO(the“Contractor"),andRainbowRidgeEstatesHOA(the“Client”) whoagreestobeboundbythisAgreement.


WHEREAS,theClientdesirestoretaintheservicesoftheContractortorenderlandscapingservicesconformingtotheClient’s designanddirectionaccordingtotheterms andconditions herein.



ThelocationatwhichtheContractorshallperformsuchservices is RainbowRidgeEstatesHOAlocated

atOnyxLn.Longmont, CO(the“Property”).TheClientwarrantsandrepresentsthattheClienteither ownsthePropertyorholdstheauthoritytoengagetheContractorfortheLandscapingServicesrequestedontheProperty.


TheContractorshallperformtheLandscapingServices describedMarch-­November.



The Contractor agrees that it shall perform the landscaping services described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Landscaping Services”). In the event the Client changes the scope of the Landscaping Services after executing this Agreement, the cost of services and/or materials may increase or will be charged on T&M basis.

  1. Contractor may at its discretion engage subcontractors to perform work hereunder, provided Contractor shall fully pay said subcontractor and in all instances remain responsible for the proper completion of this Contract.


TheContractorshallinvoicetheClientonthefirstdayofeverymonthApril-­‐Novemberfor$802.75andsuchinvoices shall be due and payable within 30 days of the Client’s receipt of the invoice. Invoices unpaid past 60 days will incur an interest penalty of 5% monthly.


The Client shall be responsible for the following to ensure the Landscape Services are sufficiently performed:

a. Accurately apprise the Landscaper as to the property lines of the Property to ensure the Landscaper does not encroach on any third party's property.


In performing the Landscaping Services, the Contractor shall be responsible for the following:

  1. ObtaininganypermitsrequiredtoperformtheLandscapingServices.
  2. OversightofthematerialstobepurchasedtoperformtheLandscapingServices.
  3. Allworkshallbecompletedinworkman-­‐likemannerandincompliancewithallbuildingcodes,otherapplicablelaws, and industrystandards.
  4. CleanthePropertyandremovealldebrisafterperformingtheLandscapingServices.

  1. Obtaining commercial liability insurance in a minimum amount of $500,000 per occurrence $1,000,000aggregate.


The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and protect the Contractor from and against all lawsuits and costs of every kind pertaining to the Landscaping Services. Any false information delivered by the Client pertaining to the Property, or failure to deliver relevant information by the Client.


No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by both Parties.


This Consulting Agreement and the interpretation of its terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located

in Boulder, Colorado.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Work Agreement, both Parties by its duly authorized officer, as of the day and year set forth below.

The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and hereby accepted. Cut&Grow Turf and Tree LLC is authorized to do the work as specified.

Jeremy ParmenterCut&Grow Turf and Tree LLC





The Landscaping Services shall encompass the following:

Mowing, aeration, fertilization, weed control, irrigation, tree and shrub trimming, raking.