August 22, 2000

Members Present: Larry Barker, Toni Kirschermann, Sandy Ervin, Tom Ball, Fred Thompson, Dave Yount, Carol Hurlburt, Judy Higgins, Sue Trujillo, Paul Wood, Bryan Wilder, Joanne Moore, Nancy Wilson, Bruce Eklund, Maureen Ronan, Karen Simmons, Dennis Hausmann, Rena Hollis, Ernie Veach-White, Mel Jewell, Rawleigh Irvin, Kevin Grandy, Susan Curtright, Allyson Erickson, Mike Curtis, Charlene Stevenson, Eric Kruger, Tom Clarke and Lyman Legters.

1.  Review/Approve June Advisory Meeting Minutes - Mel Jewell

The minutes were approved as submitted.

2. PowerPoint Presentation

Overview of OAC Development Strategy - Tom Clarke

Tom Clarke, Deputy Director of the Information Systems Division of OAC presented OAC's strategy for future development. It included:

·  Commercial release schedules

·  Incremental and iterative development

·  Ongoing development - not maintenance

·  Early prototypes

·  Modern development processes

·  Deliverables contracting

Tom stressed that by breaking up the project into smaller modules we are greatly reducing the project risk for success.

A question was asked as to why must JCI referral and detention be written in the old architecture? Tom answered the question for the group but later that day sent this written response after the advisory meeting was adjourned. It was reviewed with the workgroup so I've included his response below for the advisory committee.

1.  Lack of Skills

The new architecture requires a totally different and conflicting set of skills from the old architecture. It takes a tremendous amount of training for legacy programmers to become proficient in the new architecture. This process will take years to occur. Until then, OAC must rely heavily on contractors.

2.  Lack of Money

Contractors skilled in the new architecture are expensive. I inherited a project budget that will pay for inhouse development, but not for contractor development. We will be able to pay contractors to develop the Probation module in the new architecture only if and when project money is approved in the new biennial budget.

3.  Lack of Experience

Many things can make a project highly likely to fail. In addition to sheer size and complexity, use of a new language, architecture, development process or platform can create significant project risk. When we adopted a new architecture, we essentially incurred all of these risks at once--something organizations are advised never to do. The risk would be too great for JCI.

4.  Lack of Mature Platform

The mainframe is not yet ready to support the new application. IBM estimates that adequate support for the new architecture will reach the mainframe in 12 to 18 months. In the meantime, ACORDS is being run on a Windows NT PC. That hardware is not powerful enough to support the JCI application. A mission-critical application should never be dependent on a product that is unproven or unreleased.

5.  Lack of Time

The constraints listed above would further delay the referral and detention modules for months, if not years. This project needs to deliver that functionality sooner to succeed. The OAC developers will try to design JCI in a way that will minimize the difficulty of converting to the new architecture when it becomes feasible.

Proposed Release Schedule - Charlene Stevenson

Charlene proposed the following release schedule:

Release 1.0 Name Consolidation August 28, 2000

Release 1.1 Warranty Clean-up items Oct 2000

Release 2.0 Productivity Enhancements Jan 2001

Release 2.5 Person Information Download March 2001

Release 3.0 Other Master Data Conversion June 2001

Release 4.X Training Plan

Release 4.0 Pilot Implementation April 2002

Release 4.1 Pilot Feedback June 2002

Release 4.2 Training Round 1 July 2002

Release 4.3-5 Training Rounds 2-4 3rd-4th Qtr 2002

Release 5.0 Data Transfer Late 4th Qtr 2002

Release 6.0 Enhancements 1st Qtr 2003

Release 7.0 Reporting 2nd Qtr 2003

King County Release To be determined

Probation Release To be determined

Training Plan for referral and detention - Allyson Erickson

The training plan includes prerequisites of completion of the JIS Person Business Rules Tutorial, knowledge of JIS navigation and hardware support at home court for educational session.

Eight hours hands-on training is planned for referral OR detention data entry and will be enhanced with a workbook for exercise training at the home court.

Superior courts will be implemented at the same time as their juvenile department. Training for superior courts will be via PowerPoint.

Yakima and Benton/Franklin were suggested and approved as pilot courts. The following shows how the other courts will be implemented by round.

Round / Olympia / Eastern Washington
(7/2002) / Clallam, Kitsap, Lewis and Skagit / Okanogan, Spokane and Stevensons/Ferry/Pend Oreille
(9/2002) / Clark, Grays Harbor, Mason and Snohomish / Adams, Asotin/Garfield, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Walla Walla/Columbia and Whitman
(10/2002) / Cowlitz, Island, Jefferson, Pacific/Wahkiakum, San Juan, Skamania, Thurston and Whatcom / N/A
(11/2002) / Pierce / N/A

The site for eastern Washington has not been determined.

3. JISAC Request Review

All four JCI requests have been approved by the JIS Committee. They included:

Ø  Phonetic SND name search

Ø  JUV # on the AKA screen

Ø  The RAPC screen

Ø  Main Menu navigation keys

Mike Curtis updated issue 191 regarding the JIS access to information on parental rights that have been terminated. His recommendation included amending applicable statutes authorizing notification of the change of status of the parent-child relationship; and creating a new relationship code indicating that the parent-child relationship has been terminated.

It was decided that the issue was broader than the JCI Committee and should go to JISAC. Bruce, Rena and Mike will rework the recommendations and develop the JIS User Client Request form.

191 / Best Business Practice for JIS Family Relationship Status in Termination of Parental Rights Cases
There is currently no standard business practice for updating family relationship records in JIS when parental rights are terminated by court order. Shall family relationship values for terminated parents be broken when the court terminates those rights in a parental rights termination case? [Superior Court Subcommittee.]
How shall terminated parents be shown in the system?
05/24/00: Rena assigned to research options for termination
07/27/00: Rena did some research on this issue and could not find an easy method for communication the termination to other court levels because this is open a liability question.
a)  Should relinquishments be considered with this task?
b)  How should relationships be changed on FRH when the parent’s rights have been terminated or relinquished. What process should be used to terminate or relinquish a relationship
Discussion: The possible use of FRC to terminate/relinquish relationships when an order of termination/relinquish is filed is a possible alternative. This option introduces an issue because if FRH were accessed, restricted case information would be shown. This alternative would also need a supporting comment that the biological parents were terminated/relinquished and that someone else (i.e. new parent or DSHS) should be replaced. Another alternative would be to create an ALERT that says parents are blank on purpose please check comments.
Rena suggested that this issue go to the Data Dissemination Committee because this issue is bigger than the JCI workgroup.
08/22/00: Bruce, Rena and Mike will rework the recommendation which includes amending applicable statutes authorizing notification of the change of status of the parent-child relationship; and creating a new relationship code indicating that the parent-child relationship has been terminated and develop the JIS User Client Request form.

JCI project issues 65 and 66 were resolved and closed.

65 / Can the organization subtype codes table (ORGSUBTP) be used by JCI?
This table is used to define an organization as a city, state, or county organization. Is there a need to add juvenile department as an additional subtype?
OAC resolution 08/09/2000 City, state and county where all given unique person types in JCI Phase 1A. Organization subtypes are not needed because we are using unit codes and there are no officials that need to be identified with a subtype. This means if someone is a judge, we will not further define them as a Chief Judge
66 / Can the organization association table be used by JCI for automatic filing instead of adding court identifier to the court (CRT) table?
When creating a detention episode, the need to create a juvenile referral is automatically required. In order to do this, the target juvenile department must be identified. For departments with their own detention centers, the referral will always be filed in the same juvenile department. For juvenile departments that contract with other departments for detention services, the default referral-filing department may be different than the department in which the child is being detained. This model can also be used for juvenile referrals sent to detention and probation.
JCI Team Feedback 04/23/2000 The detention add process requires a referral jurisdiction to be entered when creating an automatic detention referral. The referral jurisdiction determines the court based on entries made in the Organization Association (ORA) screen.
  1. Is it acceptable for a detention facility to have the capability to create referrals in other jurisdictions?
Work Group Response 04/26/2000: Yes.
  1. Will a juvenile held in detention for another jurisdiction have a hearing?
Work Group Response 04/26/2000: Yes.
  1. If so, will there be a Legal case filed for the hearing?
Work Group Response 04/26/2000: Not always legal case, but there would be a referral.
RESOLUTION: 08/09/2000 The organization association table will be used to determine the jurisdiction a referral will be created.

4. Action on Release Schedule

A proposed priority list for the referral and detention release was distributed. The list was sorted by requirement and would be implemented using the person, referral, detention, and tracking requirements followed by reports. The reports must be prioritized so OAC can begin working the higher priority reports before the lesser priority reports. All of these reports are high priority but within that category, some are more important than others. Before approving, the Committee asked if they could take some time to review the proposal and come back with comments at the next meeting.

Charlene stated that with this delay, the release schedule could not be finalized and presented to stakeholder. The committee stated that OAC could move forward and assume the priority will remain as purposed.

The Committee gave the workgroup direction to use the priority list until they can come back and revisit it if necessary. Carol asked to see more clearly what is included in each release. Charlene stated that she would rework the document so they can see this more clearly. Attachment 1 is the reworked priority list.

Charlene asked if the committee wanted to have an external design phase or go with the prototype as the method of satisfying the external design. Both the Committee and workgroup agreed that an external design phase was not necessary.

A handout showing referral and detention release schedule based on priorities was distributed. Charlene asked if the dates contained in this handout were acceptable. The Committee decided to wait to approve until priorities are approved.

Release / Description / Contents of Release
(8/28/00) / Name Consolidation / ·  On-line consolidation with 2 exception reports
·  Batch person delete
(10/00) / Warranty Clean-up / ·  Miscellaneous data clean-up effort
·  JIS/JUVIS reconciliation
(1/2001) / Productivity Enhancements / ·  SND phonetic search
·  Related Address and Phone Change (RAPC) screen
·  JUVIS Number on the AKA Screen
·  Main Menu (MAM) screen changes to clear contents in navigation
·  Monthly exception report for alias names
(3/2001) / Person Info
In BRIO Query / ·  JIS Person database available in BRIO
·  Download capability to eliminate duplicate data entry
(6/2001) / Other Person Data Implementation / ·  Conversions of other data in JUVIS (social #, PO, etc)
·  Bridge information to JUVIS for reporting
·  Entry of other person and school information in JIS
·  Entry of responsible official and social # in JIS
(4/2002) / Pilot Implementation
(Benton/Franklin & Yakima) / ·  Pilot training
·  Conversions of detention and referral for Pilot
·  Pilot implementation for referral and detention
·  High-priority reports
·  Brio Query
(6/2002) / Pilot Feedback / ·  Required enhancements and warranty
·  Download of referral and detention
·  Brio Query with download capability
(7/2002) / Round 1 Conversions
(05,18,21,29,24,32 & 33/10/26) / ·  Round 1 training
·  Conversion of detention and referral
·  Brio Query with download capability
·  High-priority warranty fixes
(3rd –4th Qtr 2002) / Round 2-4 Conversions
(all remaining courts) / ·  Round 2 – 4 training
·  Conversion of detention and referral
·  Brio Query with download capability
·  High-priority warranty fixes
(Late 4th Qtr 2002) / JCI Warrantee Completion / ·  Data transfer (upload) internal clients to OAC
·  Data transfer (download to external clients)
·  High-priority warranty fixes
·  Removal of the JUVIS Bridge
(1st Qtr 2003) / JCI Enhancements / ·  Warranty for prior releases
·  Enhancements
·  Medium-priority reports
(2nd Qtr 03) / Reporting / ·  Warrantee for prior releases
·  Low-priority reports
(TBD) / King County / ·  Conversion
·  Batch referral and detention screens
·  Training and implementation
·  Required reports
·  Brio Query
(TBD) / CLJ and Juv. Probation / ·  Risk assessment
·  Chrononotes
·  High-priority reports

The September 28th advisory meeting was cancelled. The next meeting will be October 31st.

See attachment 2 for Crispix Mix receipt and enjoy!



The following represents all the sections in the requirements document and is used as a legend on the following pages. For details of any section, please refer to the requirements document and appendixes. It is used here to communicate how the priority of all functions delivered in the requirements document.

These numbers are used in the requirement number column on the following pages.

1.0 Manage Cases 3.0 Manage Detention of Youth